Accountability for All

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by corylife, Dec 22, 2019.

  1. blahblahblah100

    blahblahblah100 Fapstronaut

    Unfortunately back again. Wasn't going to post but needed you guys. I need help. I really want to make it at least 30 days before the end of the year. Please help me brothers and sisters.
    corylife, Ngo27 and Prison Mike like this.
  2. matt2k12

    matt2k12 Fapstronaut

    I'm doing great, day 9 today. I haven't been further since august. Pretty confident I can do this. Yet I know I can fail at any second.
    corylife and yrjyrj like this.
  3. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    keep goin, you got this!!!
    corylife likes this.
  4. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    hey, sorry didnt see this before, im doing good!!
    corylife and Prison Mike like this.
  5. Ngo27

    Ngo27 Fapstronaut

    Hello, I'm new and on day 1 again. This month of No Nut November will be a tough one. I want to make it past 2 weeks at least this month. My goal is to make 30 days before 2021. Hope we all stay strong and overcome.
    corylife and yrjyrj like this.
  6. blahblahblah100

    blahblahblah100 Fapstronaut

    Failed again. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m tired of this. This feeling of defeat. This feeling of misery. I’m so unmotivated to do anything and all I want is to have someone to talk to. I don’t know what’s wrong but I just don’t want this anymore. I can’t handle a little basic urge anymore. It’s messed up. I’m so desperate to comment on reddit to talk to them it’s pathetic. I’m just miserable all the time and it sucks. Please don’t feel like this. Please avoid this perpetual destruction. I beg you all. Be better than me.
    corylife and yrjyrj like this.
  7. blahblahblah100

    blahblahblah100 Fapstronaut

    Failed again already. Pathetic. But I did go ahead and delete all of my accounts which is what I should have done before. Hopefully tomorrow is better than today.
    corylife and Prison Mike like this.
  8. Ngo27

    Ngo27 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your failed attempts. I'm on day 2 and urges seems to have changed over the past several months. My urges don't feel like cravings anymore...more like a lingering attachment to comfort of PMO. It seems easy to resist when my urges are like this, but I need to be aware of how I can easily be deceived into relapse.
    corylife and yrjyrj like this.
  9. Manhoodman

    Manhoodman Fapstronaut

    Hey Prison Mike, thanks for the check and am glad your doing well too. As for me today marks my 11th day without faping. Ever since I took this challenge seriously in February this is the longest I have gone. I might have cheated seeing as I have a girlfriend and that helped me pass the first week but I had her even before and still managed to come this far. I hope this is encouraging to someone to fight on and take control.
    corylife, Prison Mike and yrjyrj like this.
  10. blahblahblah100

    blahblahblah100 Fapstronaut

    Day one done. On day two today. Feeling a little depressed. Don’t know why. But I guess it was expected
    corylife and yrjyrj like this.
  11. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    just keep going! do something that will deviate your mind from negativity when you feel depressed.
    corylife likes this.
  12. blahblahblah100

    blahblahblah100 Fapstronaut

    Thanks guy for all your support. Day two done. Still feeling pretty depressed but hopefully today is better
    corylife and Prison Mike like this.
  13. Prison Mike

    Prison Mike Fapstronaut

    Nice @blahblahblah100 keep it going, man.

    @Manhoodman nice streak, 13 is about my record. Room for improvement. Tough to keep it going past that point, you feel "cured", but you're not.

    @Ngo27 how's it going?

    @yrjyrj almost day 50?!
    corylife and yrjyrj like this.
  14. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    yes, hopefully!
    and howz your streak going?
    corylife likes this.
  15. Ngo27

    Ngo27 Fapstronaut

    I was able to find an accountability partner a few days ago. My streak is going on day 5, and there will be some waves of urges coming soon.
    corylife, Prison Mike and yrjyrj like this.
  16. Manhoodman

    Manhoodman Fapstronaut

    @Prison Mike I just did 14 day streak then I relapsed. I am happy I was able to get there. Now my goal is 21 days
    corylife and yrjyrj like this.
  17. blahblahblah100

    blahblahblah100 Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the support! Another day gone. Still pretty down. Urges creeping. I objectify women so much it’s crazy and sickening
    corylife likes this.
  18. blahblahblah100

    blahblahblah100 Fapstronaut

    Messed up. Back to square 1. I’m depressed and have no idea what to do about it and resort to porn to make me feel good. I need help.
    corylife likes this.
  19. ThisSideThatSide

    ThisSideThatSide Fapstronaut

    relapses are bad i agree.
    but dont watch porn. you know it is bad for yourself said that you objectify women because of porn.
    just remember:
    "Feeling cold for a little bit and then feeling great for hours is a lot better than feeling hot for a little bit and feeling like shit for hours. Take your pick."
    fight the urge.
    Ngo27, corylife and Prison Mike like this.
  20. Prison Mike

    Prison Mike Fapstronaut

    Well said @yrjyrj ... @blahblahblah100 keep posting here as well, we'll try to help. Maybe set up your day counter? It helps me, I hate having to reset it after a relapse.

    10 days for me!
    corylife and yrjyrj like this.