My 30 day journey of no porn

For Fapstronauts who are disciples of Christ

  1. Tao Jones

    Tao Jones Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Maybe better to say that by choosing sin, we actively cut ourselves off from God and every good thing. It isn't God who moves away from us -- it is the other way around! And, indeed, even in the depths of sin, we find that he is right there with us, even if we are no longer able to experience his goodness as fully as we once were.

    However the scene can best be viewed in our mental model, it is worth celebrating! The prodigal has returned! I celebrate with you. Now, do not wander again. There will never be anything good or helpful for us in P or lust. It will ruin us if we let it. We know this better than most. Let's keep encouraging one another toward Christ!
    Keli and AndyA like this.
  2. value

    value Fapstronaut

    Yea, either way you put it, you don't want to be away from what God has - we want to be inside, not outside! :)

    Nonetheless, still an important distinction imo - since Jesus is already a man, already poured out his blood, & already gave us the Spirit - and since the blessing is accessed through believing (Eph 2:8) He doesn't really have a way to take that away anymore - the Father, kind of, irrevocably committed to blessing with restoration in all things, whoever choses to believe that, in Christ, we can be transformed into the image of God.
    AndyA and Tao Jones like this.
  3. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I don't believe I lost my salvation during this time. As I see it, I believe that my fellowship with God was broken and He withdrew some things (not salvation). I believe if a person is truly saved from the heart, they remain saved, even if they fall into sin for a period of time. But, if a person is truly saved, then their attitudes towards sin is different and want to get out and stop sinning, in every area of life.. A truly saved Christian doesn't want to live in sin, even though we may be addicted and struggling. As I see it (my view), why would anyone want to live in sin? I believe sin gives a open door for the devil to harm us and prevents us from receiving God's best.

    It's a daily battle with the flesh. Being tempted isn't a sin. Jesus was tempted... But, giving into that temptation is sin. I still have sin problems in other areas of life that I need to work on, especially the words I use when I'm stressed out at work. You can probably guess... I believe God has been laying it on my heart to deal with that.

    Anyway, thanks for the replies! May God bless you all! I'll try to give periodic updates.
  4. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    I can completely relate to what you have written here. In my case, God showed me that tackling my most blatant sin, or the one that caused me the most shame - PMO, opened up a road to tackling other sinful habits. I still have a long ways to go but freedom from PMO has opened my eyes and my access to so much more.
    value, Keli, Tao Jones and 1 other person like this.
  5. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I'm still porn free. I'm also to the point of where I'm not "m" every day. Now, it's more like every 2-3 days. I'm controlling my thoughts better. The flashbacks of porn videos are continuing to fade. I'm thinking about them less and less. I still get tempted on some days, but I'm never going back to porn. The cost is too high to pay.

    I've been dealing with depression over the past few months. I'm not sure if that is a symptom of not looking at porn anymore and my body is "adjusting" to the new normal. It's been "walking depression" that is teetering on major depression. I'm not sure how to deal with this. Even today on Christmas, I feel down and sad.
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  6. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Christmas is not only the day we choose to remember when the Father sent Our Savior to earth, it is also the day we focus on giving. IMO, it is impossible be depressed when you are in the act of giving something to someone in need. Wether it be a relative, friend or complete stranger, giving something, including your time and talents, to others is a key ingredient in the recipe for happiness. Equally, focusing on ourselves, our problems and other negative thoughts are key ingredients in the recipe for unhappiness.
  7. Tao Jones

    Tao Jones Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    Real, clinical depression is no joke. If you have been wrestling with this for months without any success, you may need pro help. Do whatever you can to get it. Some days are harder than others, but no one was meant to live with depression long-term.

    Congrats on 160 days of freedom. That is a terrific achievement. Merry Xmas!
    value and Wilderness Wanderer like this.
  8. value

    value Fapstronaut

    Yes, I agree with @Tao Jones, if you're just feeling down, I wouldn't speak the words of depression over yourself, that can invite a slew of demonic activity - some of us (I'm speaking of personal experience) have never learned that we need to have a room in our lives to practice an attitude of thankfulness towards the Father for all he's been doing for us. It's a spiritual room that we frequently come into and react to Jesus as the Giver and Foundation of everything in our lives. If that room isn't a recurring experience in my life then my heart grows cold and I can't experience the blood-redeemed resurrection-life because I can't see past my day-to-day issues.
    Often 'depression' is mislabeled and it's just bad stewardship of the blessing of God, which is something you can fix by relearning from the church-family, but if this is something serious then I would seek help from a community that can work with you on that.

  9. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I'm still wrestling with my mental health. Some days I feel like I'm slowly getting better. Other days are terrible.

    I'm still clean, but I recently saw a random video on Facebook, a couple of random videos actually that caught my attention for a bit. It wasn't anything long, it was probably under 30 seconds. I need to put some boundaries in place to keep that from happening again. I looked longer than I should have. I thought about counting it as a relapse, but I didn't dive into it or search for it like I would have many months ago. I also didn't "M" to it. You can see worse by walking on a beach. So, I'm not counting it as a relapse.... Temporary failure maybe, but not a full blown relapse. Be careful scrolling through videos on Facebook Watch, TikTok, etc.
    Myfortress, CPilot and Tao Jones like this.
  10. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I just added Facebook to my blocker on my phone. It'll be blocked after I've spent 5 mins on it per day. This will give me time to check the local weather forecasts from meteorologists I follow, family members, and community news. On my laptop, I have all images and videos blocked on Facebook with no easy way to undo it. A while back, I think I configured Plucky to block all videos on there so even if I come across a video, it doesn't play.
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2023
  11. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Good moves! It so important to take temptation out of our reach and it tells us something about what is in our hearts when we find it hard to do so. Keep tearing down your false idols, you are doing great!
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  12. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    Just an update, I'm still free from porn. The devil has been trying to lure me back into pornography by sending things across my path, like the Facebook shorts videos I mentioned above.

    Recently, I've temporarily moved into the living room. Keeping away from porn hasn't been the cause of me moving into the living room. It has been my mental state. I started having really bad anxiety attacks and it was leading to weird symptoms in my body. I started taking Lexapro that my doctor prescribed a while back. Most of the symptoms have stopped. I hope they don't come back because they were terrible. But, there is an unexpected benefit from moving into the living room. I'm falling asleep more quickly than I would in my room where I would do random things for hours. There are fewer temptations. I study and shortly after, I fall asleep. I usually wake up two to three hours before work (I work night shift, 9pm-6am) and get to spend time with family.

    I feel like God is unfolding His plan for me again after being mostly on pause the past three years. I feel like God is slowly starting to open new doors for me. I started studying to get a CompTIA A+ certification. I hope to do the Network+ and Security+ certifications as well. I hope to use the knowledge I learn from these for Christian non-profits. There's a local nonprofit that does technology work, construction, shipping, etc. for ministries worldwide. They travel as missionaries on short-term trips to do these things. I hope to go with them one day.
  13. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Fantastic news! I remember being struck with the thought, on or about the 200 day mark, the strength of the temptations has noticeably reduced. I hope you are having the same experience. Congratulations on finding a new and healthier routine for your life and more time with your family. Another benefit of breaking free from this sin that you will find, if you haven't already, is that your attitude towards others will become more patient and loving. As you break free from sin, we become more like the beings that God intended for us to be. Well done, keep striving to remain free and grow towards the incredible person God wishes you to be.
  14. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I'm still going strong! Things have got easier, but the temptations still come occasionally. Sometimes, I find myself wishing it wasn't wrong to look... But, I know that is my brain just trying to trick me into it.

    Recently, I started talking to a girl and we've really hit it off. I'm not sure where things will go in the end, but she really likes me and I like her.
  15. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Great news! I will pray for a great outcome with your new relationship. As far as the triggers go, I doubt they will go away entirely. They haven't for me and for this reason, I have recognized that I simply cannot trust my own self discipline. I must continue to rigorously avoid the temptations within my choosing and I must continue to ask Our Lord to fight those temptations that remain. Like you, I even have twinges of desire to just relax and return to my old ways but I know this is merely the devil pounding on my door to regain entry. Freedom is far too precious to allow him a single ray of light.
  16. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I'm getting close to achieving a year of being porn free. Praise God! I know I can still be tempted so I'm not letting my guard down.
  17. Myfortress

    Myfortress Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

    That’s wonderful congratulations
    rachitmunjal likes this.
  18. rachitmunjal

    rachitmunjal Fapstronaut

    Great news! I wish you more success in your life.. have smile and spread positivity
  19. AndyA

    AndyA Fapstronaut

    I'm officially over a year free now!
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.
  20. CPilot

    CPilot Fapstronaut

    Fantastic! Congratulations! How does it feel?
    Wilderness Wanderer likes this.