Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Mar 11, 2019.


Do you have what it takes to become a Super Saiyan?

  1. I don't know yet, i'm gonna start training now!

  2. Yes, but it will be hard.

  3. Not only Super Saiyan, but i can go even beyond. AAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!!

  4. I can only reach the level of an Elite Warrior, nothing more than that.

  5. I can't even beat Yajirobe, i'm a failure. ;(

  1. Day 0 again
    Rock Bottom.
    Ready to do whatever it takes to change my life and quit.

    This is a behavioral problem I have. Porn on the internet, being a young man, having a sex drive, having sexual desires, sex cues all over the place, having a human brain - I can't change these things. Yes, I must do what I've learned and avoid triggers and all that. But that's only the side kick. Main story: I need to learn to deal with all that. I need to change my reactions. My behaviors. A masturbatory porn binge is an awkward and stupid behavior (from the perspective of a sane mind), it requires porn but porn is just imagery. Porn alone is harmless. It's my crude reaction to it that's creates the whole issue.

    Yes, be careful with triggers. But don't fear them and don't blame them for your actions!

    Yea, that would be great. For the time being I have to do the steps, go through the motions, stay calm and humble. I can't just say: I changed my mind, tomorow all will be different. It's not helping if I look at the numbers and think "I will reach X days on the date Y. What a huge success that will be". Yes, dreaming of success that is all I do. But do I really care about actually having a success?
    I was hours away from reaching the first higher rank (I mean "Elite Warrior") and still I relapsed it away as if it were nothing. It seems I got used to only dream about success.
    Stop daydreaming!
  2. Cool! When did you change from Gandalf the Grey to Gandalf the White? :)
  3. SaiyanSoul

    SaiyanSoul Fapstronaut

    Said goodbye to a long term thinga and resetted, also doing some self care that is needed. Reading has become a new priority also for me, been taking up Andrezj Sapkowskis witcher series now. Then there is the sci-fi con on Sunday. Woho :D
  4. Day four. I'm feeling a bit anxious and I'm beginning to notice the relapse urge rolling in. I'll probably go out for a run and see if that helps. See yall on day five!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  5. The Real JokeErr

    The Real JokeErr Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  6. richard.freeman

    richard.freeman Fapstronaut

    great series indeed, enjoy them :emoji_thumbsup:
    SaiyanSoul and Deleted Account like this.
  7. EnterTheMatrix

    EnterTheMatrix Fapstronaut

    84th, and I am back , 6th March will be the 90th day for me
  8. zars

    zars Fapstronaut

    check in all these days are hard mode btw,fucking beast mode is it.
  9. dedean

    dedean New Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. Kingfisher

    Kingfisher Fapstronaut NoFap Defender

  11. MJ Warrior 93

    MJ Warrior 93 Fapstronaut

    Checking in. Day 19.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Liam_here

    Liam_here Fapstronaut

  13. Welcome back, stronger than ever!
    Ainz and EnterTheMatrix like this.
  14. - Day 12
    I'll have a really tough fight today, wish me luch guys, this thing won't be easy, but it has to be done...

  15. Day 1 (again)
    My best streak this year was 14 days. I see no reason why I shouldn't make it to 14 days again right away. And beyond! When the same crisis comes again I need to react differently - that's the most important thing.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  16. Ainz

    Ainz Fapstronaut

    Day 5 started.
    Deleted Account likes this.
  17. Michael Sternig

    Michael Sternig Fapstronaut

    so true. Become strong, centered, a rock! no space for porn no more, you'll make it!
    day 12 for me
  18. Neurostudent

    Neurostudent Fapstronaut

    Deleted Account likes this.