Edging to prevent relapse

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction' started by lostandfound, Jan 28, 2017.

  1. enigmaaa

    enigmaaa Fapstronaut

    Brothers donot edge ,never I had the notion that edgng is not MO so I won't be drained out did it for more than two years ,coupled with my addictive nature it went from. 1hr to 2 hr till I did a PhD on the art of edging edged 5 to 6 hrs daily for a week or more than 10 days till I was dream edging..Brain at present evolutionary stage scientifically can't handle that high level of constant dopamine and will make one a emotional zombie ..Never edge...
  2. Duke of Gine

    Duke of Gine Fapstronaut

    Never edge.
    I started doing that during my last true attempt at no PMO years ago and it put me right back into my old habits.

    It's like an alcoholic spitting out the booze. Eventually, he'll just start drinking it again.

    Stay far, far away from PM.

    Stay so far away from it that you won't even look at a catalogue in case you see a bra ad. Stay FAR away. No edging
    enigmaaa likes this.
  3. Eviledging

    Eviledging Fapstronaut

    For those of us who find themselves cumming way to many times a day out of stress or severe porn addiction. Edging has its place in that it saves you from over working ur prostat and reproductive glands as well. But the time consuming nature of doing it is overwhelming. I had a 12 hour marathon of edging at one point and while I only came 1 long time it was still 12 hrs of my life gone
  4. Edging has no place when you are rebooting. It is totally disruptive and self-defeating. You will remain addicted! :(
    enigmaaa likes this.
  5. AliveInChristJesus

    AliveInChristJesus New Fapstronaut

    So if you understand how AlphaFosB(I may have typed this incorrectly, been a while) works, from what I understand, it will create trails in the brain that are sort of like A+B=C, where C is the outcome of pleasure, the reward you are going for. For different people, they have a different, A or B, sometimes a C or D even, such that A+D=relapse, A+B+C=even more likely to relapse, etc. FIND YOUR A, B, C and D. For me it was isolation (I get burried in my bible studies and then I have to literally 'flee sexual immorality' and leave the house and go somewhere public). To counter this I do all my studying at starbucks. The other things I realized was that coffee was another one. SO A(isolation)+B(excess caffeine)=C(a battle not to relapse). I would find your instigators.
    Once you found them you can begin to dig deeper. This is where it can get real intense... WHY do I want to have this experience? Why do I think I'm missing out without it? Why is being alone bad? What are the conclusions I'm coming to telling me? Oftentimes the PMO battle is the tail end of the serpent. It has roots. You can take this or leave this next comment, but my relationship with God has done the most for me here. You may have to address some seriously deep parts of yourself that may involve, hurt, insecurity, lies about your lack of worth (and I'm not referring to self-esteem in the sense that it is selfishness but worth in the sense that "you were fearfully and wonderfully made" - Psalm 139:14, "you were created in the image of God Himself" -Gen 1:27) and this same God is "for you and not against you" - Rom 8:31, "How precious are His thoughts toward you, and how vast is the sum of them! Were you to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand" -Psalm 139:17,18.
    Sorry for going off on the semi-tangent, but it is good to know and address the fact that PMO may have a deeper root and that in there lies the victory. I am in no way saying to ignore PMO in and of itself, but what I am saying is to attack the PMO from all it's sides, surrounding it with your full army, closing in, and extinguishing it with every weapon you have, ranging from truth, to knowing you are loved, to knowing that you were made to express love through sex with your other half in a way that makes PORN LOOK LIKE A SAD JOKE, to knowing the instigators, to getting shield mates, to knowing you have non-judgmental and compassionate people you can contact on the phone, to whatever else may be needed.
    By the way, if you or anyone else is into online gaming, we can get in touch and if you are struggling and I am available we can talk on the phone or play an online game together or something. In fact I'd like to start a topic about that maybe although I've only been on here one day and do not know yet how to do so.
    All that being said, you are not alone, we are for you and we are with you. I invite you to open up in any and every way you feel would be helpful. We will not judge and we want the best for you. Keep fighting, accept discomfort, know you are worthy of the victory you desire and you can and will have victory. You are not alone in this, "The temptations in your life are no different from what others experience." -1 Cor 10:13
    God bless and keep fighting the good fight!
    Duke of Gine likes this.
  6. Eviledging

    Eviledging Fapstronaut

    No offense to ur beliefs and whatever gets you through things but the constant bible thumping as a cure for all addictions has more people leaving theropy or failing to even start it in the first place...with the exception of a very few, those who haven't found God are not going to suddenly see the light that your type of theropy provides..9 times out of 10 those that preach that they have have either just been caught doing something they weren't suppose to do and need to commit to something in order to get people to move on from coming down on them, or if really looking for help are just agreeing with the religious bullshit that is being peddled in the hopes that they can find some type of information that can be useful in their own individual recovery.
  7. AliveInChristJesus

    AliveInChristJesus New Fapstronaut

    So are you saying that it has to be one or the other and they cannot be complimentary? Who are these 9 out of 10 people? Can you direct me to links with this information you are speaking of... i.e. like the yourbrainonporn website discussing the brain physiology I referenced? Thank you for making the point you did, I am going to do more research into various therapies. I'm very interested to see if these conflicts you mentioned actually do exist. Were you referring only to PMO or the entire spectrum of addiction? Can you tell me where you have gotten this information? I'll stop there because I have to admit I have not read the rules in regards to thread subject matter. If I have gone off on a tangent too much I apologize and will not do so in the future.
  8. Eviledging

    Eviledging Fapstronaut

    May the sarcasm in Christ compel you
  9. Bob2132

    Bob2132 Fapstronaut

    I agree with Wilson/YBOP in that edging is more harmful than just MO. Edging puts one in something like an altered state for an extended period of time. This is not healthy. Adopting hte practice of edging is totally counter productive and will probabaly make you worse off than before you started NoFap. there are a lot of traps for people who are trying to quit porn, where you can actually get worse while trying to get better. Edging is one of thos traps.