Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Kratos_GOW, Jun 13, 2019.

Are you a warrior.?

  1. Yes

    819 vote(s)
  2. No, I am loser

    32 vote(s)
  3. I want to be

    440 vote(s)
  1. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Yo, how good is mandalorian?
  2. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Going strong. Good luck
  3. I'm sorry guys, I'm failing being a true spartan warrior, I'm weak and can't control my urges, i don't know what to do anymore, I have an exam today that I'll not pass but I need to do that anyway.

    I just wanna skip this phase of my life and start working, being a teenager is a crap, you feel random things without any reason and my urges are more random than anything, they can appear in all places, even in the bus. Also, my urges are more stranger than the urges of a adult or "normal people", because these normal people live in places that internet is low or doesn't exist, it's almost impossible to teenagers like me not being addicted to porn, so I'm the only one where I live that is doing NoFap, also, I'm the only here that is failing in NoFap.

    I can't decide nothing for my life, I just can change of school, but all schools are shit for me ... Goddammit. I want to study programming (because I love technology), languages, art, sociology and philosophy. I hate school, I never decided to study the things inside that place, are all useless, with the exception of history, philosophy and sociology, my favorites. The others are useless, Why I need to study religion? Why I need to study math? Why i need to study physics? Seriously ...

    Sincerely, I want to be a fake adult just to work as a translator and getting paid for this, I want money, I want to have freedom, I want to waste my time without obligations, I'm very jealous of adults who can change their job, my "job" is basically school, and I can't change, changing "job" (school) is like changing boss. It might improve a little, but deep down it's the same crap. Work is different from school, not all works are the same, ALL SCHOOLS ARE THE SAME AND I HATE THIS!

    I'm complaining too much lately because it's the only thing you can do when everything is going wrong and you are SEEING that everything is going wrong but you can't do anything because you don't want to do anything. I'm serious, I'm sabotaging myself on purpose ... What the hell I need to do to just skip this, wasting time? I really don't know that to do anymore, I'll focus all my efforts in NoFap and my own life now, NoFap will be my everything, f*ck school ...
  4. I almost forgot to say that I'm on my day 0. That's obviously, seeing the things I'm posting ...
  5. Espi1971

    Espi1971 Fapstronaut

  6. That's a good streak, keep in this way.
  7. Wolfyoufeed

    Wolfyoufeed Fapstronaut

    I find it hard to enjoy a show, but I really enjoy that show. It has the old feel of a western and is well done.

    But at the same time I know if I say “it’s really good” but in your mind your thinking of something specific... if it doesn’t have what your mind tells you is good, you’ll be disappointed. This is why I don’t “talk up” movies or shows. The opposite can be true too, if I say “it sucks” and you watch it and it was incredible, then I’ve set your mind to expect something poor... and your mind noticed the difference..

    Wow that was a big rant.. takeaway? See for yourself
  8. Espi1971

    Espi1971 Fapstronaut

    Congratulations @the alpha project on your achieving the rank of God of War!

    Today Sparta rejoices :)

    Every message you write is motivating and insightful, and you have supported every Spartan, always lending kind words of advice and encouragement.

    You have inspired me to face my fears and conquer them.

    You have encouraged me to dig deeper, to challenge myself, to think and live outside of my comfort zone.

    I'm gratetful that you will continue battling here on the 100-Day Spartan Challenge.

    I wish you continued success and greatness on your chosen path.
  9. Espi1971

    Espi1971 Fapstronaut

    Welcome back!
  10. Espi1971

    Espi1971 Fapstronaut

    This week continues to feel brutal but I'm surviving!

    I am continuing to trust and be patient, and I am continuing to remind myself to live one day at a time.

    This week I've taken a lot of deep breaths, and I have several times prayed aloud.

    I'm looking forward to getting back into the gym this morning. I trained legs on SUN and got humbled. I've been tired and sore the past few days.

    But today I'll be back in the gym, and this feels like a victory. Something to look forward to.

    I feel like there's so much uncertainty in my life right now, so I will choose to focus on doing the things that I can control. Today this will include working out at the gym, taking a cold shower, and going to work and getting on the phone and making something happen. The first two things I am looking forward to. The last thing (getting in the phone) I am dreading.

    Work has been very slow and stressful but hopefully some sales will start coming through soon. Until then I feel like I have to get on the phone and start talking to people, and this feels like a huge challenge for me. I'm behind on my current monthly quota and I'm already feeling stressed and pressured. My car has been in the repair shop since December 19th, and the repair bill keeps escalating. The bill is currently at two thousand dollars. Though I expect my vehicle to be repaired soon, it is testing my peace of mind. I just want to lash out at the dealership and escape from all of this stress.

    But at least I have a job and an opportunity today to make something happen.

    Thank you Spartans for your support and encouragement! As brutal as things seem right now, I'm still determined and confident that things will work out :) At least I'm not resorting to PMO. This is progress.

    Sometimes you just have to keep moving until the storm passes.
  11. Espi1971

    Espi1971 Fapstronaut

    Thank you for sharing this, and kudos to you for not accepting defeat!

    I can relate to telling myself lies. I am very good at rationalizing :)

    Recently I set up a linkedin account, ostensibly to achieve my goal of exploring other job opportunities. What I also realize, though, is that for me linkedin is a potential p-sub, a vehicle through which I can reconnect with women. Another one of my potential p-subs includes online dating sites.

    I've dabbled in both this past week and I know I am riding a thin line. I am not ready for a long-term relationship, yet I rationalized searching old flames and viewing dating profiles because I wanted to fill my emptiness and stress. Merely realizing this feels like a victory, but I feel like I'm taking a step backwards. So thank you for reinforcing this.
  12. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Thank you Spartan. Let’s continue the fight together!
  13. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    Your biggest challenge is your mindset. Patience is needed. Conviction. Focus on daily victories. Even if it is to resist Nofap for a few hours or minutes.
    Pmo rewards us with no effort and no delay. You have an urge and in a few seconds you can have pleasure. This cycle destroys people. It creates weak, lazy, jaded mindset. Some people have mortgages, car payments, children to feed. Some people are in a civil war. Some people have cancer and fight for life every day. Everyone has burdens.

    Decide what mindset you want to live in.

    Slave or Spartan?

    If you choose slave, you continue to be weak. Complain. Powerless. Because you choose to believe that is what you are.

    If you choose Spartan, every breath brings you victory. Every single breath brings you greater freedom. And that’s all that matters. Where you end up will be glory. And every moment from here to there is part of the beauty. The struggle. The pursuit. You are a success in every moment. Because you choose to be.

    Focus your attention on deciding which path you want. And embark. Just make the choice. If you choose spartan, we will stand beside you.

  14. the alpha project

    the alpha project Fapstronaut

    I am honoured by your kind words and look forward to continuing the fight with you!
  15. “my hands are registered lethal weapons, we get into a fight, accidentally kill you, I go to jail.”- Bruce Lee “once upon a time in Hollywood”

    @the alpha project congrats in your success good sir. Thank you for being an amazing inspiration, I seriously hope I feel half of what you do at 100 days.

    Day 12, 88 left for me
  16. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Good going. The portrayal of bruce lee is inaccurate in that movie tho. If it was real, the other guy would have died and the fight would never have taken more then 10 sec. But its a movie so all is relavant i guess.
  17. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    I am star wars movie fan just didnt watch the latest movie. I was asking for opinion that's all
    Vendidad and Symbol of Peace like this.
  18. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Gon, what do you think is the real problem is? Tell me what you think is the main reason.
    Vendidad and Symbol of Peace like this.
  19. Check-in day 25... And I really don't know what's up with me today. :(

    I've kinda amazed myself how I'd adapted to no pmo so quickly, putting it down to some breakthrough moments early on. Today I'm f'ing frustrated, pissed off, very down about things, feeling like shit, and can't get any motivation for anything at all.

    I can't help the selfish thoughts creeping in and resentment building that my wife doesn't engage sex, as surely that would cheer me up. So then, even this far down the line, my mind wants what it used to get on a daily basis. Argh!! I'm not giving in to it, but F man I thought it would have let up a bit by now.

    Work.. shit. Home.. shit. Crap piling up everywhere that needs sorting. Whole load of stuff I don't wanna do, but have to. Mrs is away all next week, that's gonna be seriously tough if I'm still like this. Never bought into the "block your access to stuff" thing but might need it next week. Anyway...

    Rant finished. Back to shit. And yep, I know I sound like a stroppy teenager lol.

  20. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Thanks for your words. Things will change. Last night i was in the sane predicament. I pulled through. You will too sir