Nofap BOOTCAMP ; NO PMO/ HELL Mode [Open]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by MONSTER MONK, Mar 3, 2019.

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  1. @Pedro.lives I like your attitude! We are all walking everyday through the corridor of light with myrriads of different doors reflecting our different decisions leading to different realities. We have a free will and we make choices every minute. We are creators of our life.
    Just be careful with that legend in your signature "JOINED MARCH 18 2019 0 RELAPSES" - the last word might be stuck in your unconscious without you knowing that and will play a trick when you'll hit flatline or smth like that. I'd remove it at all if I were you.
    As for my routines (I'm a full-time working single mom) I get up at 4.45-5 am, go for a run or have a workout with weights/HIIT/kickboxing or smth like that, meditate, read affirmations or listen to them, read and journal. Or I split these routines throughout the day. I am also on 90 day social media challenge (day 60 or smth right now), I do digital detox, I don't watch TV because I don't have any, I stick to my 10 pm bedtime and 5 am wake up times (most of the time) etc. I mean you have to be very conscious about the kind of info you consume because it might hit your brain - which is rewiring and getting its dopamine levels back and it is a very slooow process - and then you go downhill really quickly believe me. Mindfulness is the key - but you won't get the level of mindfulness you need if you f*ck up your routines and surround yourself with visuals or overstimulate yourself with coffee or alcohol or etc. That's how I see it.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2019
  2. Thank you for the advice, I will do that and one day we will be free.
  3. Captain Anurag

    Captain Anurag Fapstronaut

    Day 59
  4. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    Okay I love this “We have a free will and we make choices every minute. We are creators of our life.” !! I saved it in my notes lol

    I put that there because I’ll be ashamed of coming back and restarting my clock, it’s my own competitive way of keeping myself straight.

    That’s a wicked routine, exercise first thing in the morning no excuses. Hard working single mom! Good for you! It’s not easy but you are fighting your addictions, training, working and taking care of a child. Keep up the great work!

    I really need to work on sleeping at a certain time, my sleep has been a gong show for a bit and fucks with my mood. Do you shower before you go for a run or is that after? Sometimes when I take to long to leave my brain starts making excuses. Mindfulness is key, you got that right! The next day after my cheat day I’m super moody again lol.
  5. reformedperson97

    reformedperson97 New Fapstronaut

  6. Spinell

    Spinell Fapstronaut

    I want to sign up for this fapstronauts army. Please ad me to your list, Lieutenant @MASTER MONK , Sir.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    Fight hard and better days will be ahead of you, otherwise it'll be the slaving pits for you forever
  8. Spinell

    Spinell Fapstronaut

    Did anyone else get the idea to switch the profile pic according to their rank?
    reformedperson97 likes this.
  9. reformedperson97

    reformedperson97 New Fapstronaut

    Well, add me to the list then.
    Deleted Account and MONSTER MONK like this.

    MONSTER MONK Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    The signature should be enough. You can also make it your status. The avatar is meant to represent you, I'm sure everyone will prefer their own avatars.
  11. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    And we have to pull out the wips and chains
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    Day 8

    I received a 2nd Lieutenant patch today, it’s a honor. The Demi God handed down a wip to keep the slaves in check.
  13. Keep going 2nd lieutenant Pedro :) Well done
  14. Pedro.Conquers

    Pedro.Conquers Fapstronaut

    Thanks friend, got your back whatever you need. Slice n dice em together.
  15. Checking in day 45, half-way through! Though I'm not planning to stop at day 90.
    1. Alright just make sure you're not going there powered by only your free will - you will be banging your head against the wall in this way and one day your brain will tell you to just f*ck this torture and briefly watch this or watch that - the struggle gets harder with the number of days for some people as the brain will be persuading them that it is already healed and blah blah blah. So keep an eye on that.
    2. No shower, alarm rings (at the other side of the room), I count 5-4-3-2-1-0 backwards and off I go, no snooze and no playing mental games with my brain, I don't have time for that. Have you heard of 5 second rule by Mel Robbins? I works for me.
  16. Captain Anurag

    Captain Anurag Fapstronaut

    Yeah the 5 second rule , trying to master it for last 2-3weeks to wake up @4 am, hopefully will succeed one day. Till then trying.
    Pedro.Conquers likes this.
  17. Have you tried to go to sleep earlier? This works for me. Also, after I read My Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod I started getting up early - this was a breakthrough book for me. Try it, officer!
    Captain Anurag likes this.