150 Day NoFap + Story ( If I can, you can too )

Discussion in 'Success Stories' started by NASALiftguy, Apr 22, 2019.

  1. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    I've finally reached my goal of sustaining from P and M for 150 Days. I began PMO during my Freshman year of high school ( I'm graduating from college next year ) it's crazy to think back and realize in all these years this is the first 150 Days that I've left these things behind. I'm writing this to get others motivated to start NoFap or to continue their journey on this path, as I've been motivated through my 150 days by all the other people on this website. I have learned a lot about myself in these past months and I want to share some of my personal tips and advice to keep you going as well.

    ( Please excuse my English Im not very good )

    To start with, I didn't realize how damaging PMO was until it was too late. In my case, I was introduced to it by my peers who gave me the impression that it was normal to engage in these things constantly and so I did. Over the course of my entire freshman - end of the senior year, PMO was a normal routine for me practically every week for those 4 years. I was unaware that this was an issue until my first real relationship. Prior to this relationship I had a lot of experience with other girls but never felt fully ready to have sex. By this time It was about 6 months into this relationship we had only done oral for the majority of this time and until we both felt ready enough to have sex. When It came to the real deal I had no response to anything she did which confused me because we've done oral with no problems before. We ended up trying another 4 or 5 times with the same results. That relationship eventually ended and I was truly devastated I felt so alone and dead after the entire situations, you wouldn't believe all the thoughts that were going through my head at this point. I thought I was broken forever, I did a lot of research about it and came across this very NoFap website. This was my moment of true explanation as of what happened to me. I began trying to start NoFap streaks but failed over and over a countless amount of times, this is when I realized how strong of a habit it had become. ( It took me over a year ) But this time I knew I couldn't continue anymore and I had to make a change and pick myself up from this mess. I'm going to explain how I did it in these short 3 simple steps to try and help anyone going through this mess.

    How I did It In 3 Simple Steps

    1) Journaling - I wanted to make sure I remembered the reason I wanted to stop PMO on my journey so the first thing I did was to buy a small notebook and write down my reason for why on the first page, on the following pages I just wrote down my feelings and the things going on relating to my PMO and just writing down any little things that I could notice happening. This was very helpful as I could just review my writings if I felt bad that day. I kept this book in a very secure place so that only I knew where It was to ensure I could be completely open to myself and let all my thoughts be recorded. This step also allowed me to plan for the future very effectively.

    2) Exercise - I can't stress this one enough, In the beginning of my 150 days, I knew I needed to try something else to release stress so I decided to stop giving myself excuses on why I can't go to the gym and just went in one day. At first I didn't have a clue what I was doing but eventually after going after a while I started to get the hang of it and it was actually starting to be really fun and enjoyable for me It eventually got to a point I was constantly in the gym just to get all the other benefits from working out and staying active. I started to look and feel way more confident at this point I can't tell if it was from NoFap or working out consistently but this was probably the most important decision of my entire journey. I HIGHLY encourage all of you to do some form of physical activity weekly and write about it on your journal, it doesn't even have to be in a gym you can literally walk around your neighborhood or something reasonable like such.

    3) Be social - This was also an important step in my journey. Talk to people, Learn new things about people, hang out with friends more, show that you're caring of others. Even if you are introverted, having a connection with even just a few people is of most importance. I've learned that having someone there or people there to listen and be listened to makes life just that much easier. As well as serving as a way to distract you from PMO or any other things that might be going on with you. Really try building relationships with other people and care about them as you'd care for good friends this will help you develop a lot of social skills and abilities as well as make any social anxieties you might have lessen as it did for me.

    You don't realize the things you lack until you begin your journey.
    I wake up everyday feeling energized and prepared for the day as before I didn't.
    I don't feel any urges to return to PMO habit.
    I'm more alert and responsive.
    I truly enjoy having conversations with people.
    I feel way more positive and have a better outlook on things
    I'm more engaged to try new things and learn
    I started my own business

    Now I can finally say my life feels to be on the right path, especially since I've met someone special from my local gym that I've been going to (she approached me first) and we've now been spending a lot of time together. I was more interested in her as a person then I was interested in forming any type of sexual relationship with her at first but one night we got together and everything just seemed to flow well and it ended up working out amazing, I literally was the hardest of my life that night. We have been having an incredibly intimate relationship together ever since and I'm truly so happy to be on this journey. I will continue this life change for the rest of my being.

    Every day won't feel like sunshine and rainbows because of NoFap, especially in the beginning, I had terrible withdrawal-like symptoms and had no drive to accomplish the simplest things. When you go through this phase please stay strong ITS WELL WORTH THE CHANGE OF HABITS. Don't just sit around and wait for change to happen actively try to challenge yourself to be in new situations even if they don't feel comfortable at first. ( like the gym ) "Be better this week then you were last week" is one of my favorite quotes I came across while I was on this and I try my very best to live up to it. Also, aside from PMO also look at other habits you might be doing that isn't benefitting you or making your happier as a person.

    If you have any questions I'm here to help you!

    Thank you for reading. Have a great day.
  2. Froger

    Froger Fapstronaut

    Great read brother..
    Yeah... i think i am going through this,
    where sometimes i feel like a looser and i i dont have any passion for things.

    And i think it hasnt been fully mastered in my head that porn is the enemy
    220woof671 and NASALiftguy like this.
  3. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    It eventually subsides and youll start to feel better
    220woof671 and Froger like this.
  4. Spriritofawarrior

    Spriritofawarrior Fapstronaut

    what type of withdrawals did you experience?
    NASALiftguy likes this.
  5. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    Some days it was light irritation and frustration, other days I didn't feel like even getting out of bed, they subsided about two weeks after
    220woof671 and Reborn16 like this.
  6. BecomeMaster

    BecomeMaster Fapstronaut

    Oh my gosh that is such an inspiration for me because it's my dream to have my own business! So is the first benefit. I know I should be waking up every day like this but I'm not. Bold in quote is mine.

    Some questions:
    Do you think journaling on an electronic device would be okay, instead of a real book?
    How soon did you realize these benefits? I really want to achieve these before my senior year of HS.
    If you got urges early on, how did you overcome them?
    220woof671 and NASALiftguy like this.
  7. Peter808

    Peter808 Fapstronaut

    Thanks man, this is really inspirational for me too. Love your story and congrats. I will make a success story after my 90 days :)
    220woof671 and NASALiftguy like this.
  8. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    1. That would be fine, just as long as you're putting in the effort to journal down your thoughts, I find it helps a lot in finding motivation to keep going as well.
    2. The benefits came gradually, I honestly believe the more time I put my energy in other things like working out or just focusing on other things helped bring the benefits exceptionally faster
    3. For the most part, I would remember the things I wrote down in my journal on why I need to not do PMO and keep reminding myself that its just temptation to it will eventually go away, the longer you sustain the easier and easier it becomes but it is of importance to not forget why you're doing it in the long run because temptation can come back when you're least expecting it.
    220woof671 likes this.
  9. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    Fantastic! Will read in 90 days! :)
  10. Great read indeed.

    I am 149 days in. I had an irritating flatline from about day 120.

    As of today my hormones are raging, but it is part of the normalising process.

    You need to ride the waves and to manage the emotions. Exercise will surely help to let off a lot steam and release stress.

    I am slowly starting to read again, which used to be one of may passions before this PMO habit.

    The good thing about NoFap is that it takes you on a serious journey to self discovery and with proper follow through, you will be back to your old self but it takes time
    220woof671, Reborn16 and NASALiftguy like this.
  11. Nishanth

    Nishanth Fapstronaut

    Great post, see value in the three points you laid out. I am still weak at the socialising part. tips would be appreciated.

    My problems have been nights when all of a sudden I am awake with the urge at a full force over me, where I eventually give in, have you had any experiences like this ?
    NASALiftguy likes this.
  12. NoFap is a self discovery journey. If you lack the requisite willpower, you are going nowhere fast.

    Nothing worth doing is easy, if you want to build a company, you have to work harder than most people. If you want to win a running competition you need to train harder than most competitors.

    If you truly want to live life, you need to give up things that prevent you from living to the fullest. The horrors of PMO are just not worth the few minutes it takes for a quick release. The self loath you get from releasing the death grip on your penis and not to mention the constant anxiety.

    Those are all habits you need to dig deeper into your soul so you find the strength to let go of them.

    Nothing feels better than the touch of a woman, the scent of a woman and the feeling to know that you have the confidence to take her on any time.
    220woof671, Nishanth and NASALiftguy like this.
  13. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    It is for sure a journey of self realization when you cant run to PMO to deal with stress !!!
  14. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    1. I got better at socializing with practice, like my 3rd tip I suggest having a friend or someone you can just mentally practice your social skills with.
    Over time from just practicing and learning how to have good conversation I learned how to talk to just about anyone without feeling anxious.
    The key is to try and get out of your comfort zone and just go with the flow.

    2. I haven't experienced this personally, but I highly suggest journaling and writing down the nights when you didn't give in and how good you felt about resisting afterwards. You'll remember what you wrote every time you feel these urges. Also over time of resisting the urges will stop.
    BecomeMaster and Nishanth like this.
  15. Patillitas

    Patillitas Fapstronaut

    @NASALiftguy One of the best posts that I've read here!
    And I have read too many successfull posts. Congratulations brother, you have had an amazing work that many people here, like me, would like to repeat. Thanks for sharing it with us and get us motivation to start or keep the journey.
    NASALiftguy likes this.
  16. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    All love!
    Patillitas likes this.
  17. NASALiftguy

    NASALiftguy Fapstronaut

    Well said!