Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Oct 27, 2017.

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  1. paddicted

    paddicted Fapstronaut

    3/90. target is 100 this time.
    Daily morning meditation, and karate classes 3 days a week alongside.
  2. Brother,
    You are your own captain, don't lose the battle to the pmo addiction.
    Peeking is very dangerous, it forms the thought of pmo in your mind.
    And when you peeking more, eventually you will fall into pmo.
    Please get up as soon as possible.
    Do not fall into the pmo loop.
    Your streak does not end, it's not everything gone back to 0.
    It is the days that you win over this addiction.
    Each small win counts.
    Remember what is your goal, and strive for it no matter what.
    Brother, please remember that you have spread a lot of wise words to encourage us. I'm really grateful for it :)
    So I wanted to encourage you too!
    All the best!!
  3. Majik

    Majik Fapstronaut

    Back up to 2 days. Faltering a bit right now though!
  4. Congratulations on 48 days! What you do everyday that can help others and me reach your streak? My record of days is 6 days, but it's time to change this number ...

    Yes, hope this month be the best month of the year, and later the december :)

    Promises are terrible for me, i say that i will do something, but i didn't do, when it happens i feel so bad inside, i don't make promises anymore, it's better act than promise ...

    ... I live in a country where we have a sexual culture: catchy songs, incitement to pornography, the vast majority of women where i live hear these songs and women here in special consume more porn, men here are always being urged to be some kind of guy who likes this sexual media and act like dogs for women ... The objectification of the female body is also absurd.

    I hate this, because this make my journey even more hard, and for sure children are being extremely exposed to pornography in a so short age.

    Great job :)

    Two weeks is good progress, but the rewards are important, what do you get for the study? Anything? Do you act with discipline? Humans have dopamine for a reason, rewards: eat, sex, play videogame, watch movies, running, etc. If you don't reward yourself for your victory, why the hell do you do it? Something you need to like.

    Obviously, sometimes discipline is important, but whenever possible reward yourself, have you had a hard day? Eat your favorite candy! Problems at work? Go out with friends to relax a little when you can and then go to work well.

    Maybe you think it doesn't work because that's exactly what got you addicted, the problem is that once you get into addiction, it becomes the most enjoyable thing for you, you MUST use dopamine to your advantage.
  5. Congratulations on 27 days! :)
  6. Camelon

    Camelon Fapstronaut

    No one is more committed than an addict in recovery......
    Everyday u "ve to choose between relapse & recovery.....
  7. warrior292

    warrior292 Fapstronaut

  8. Getting_Free_From_Porn

    Getting_Free_From_Porn Fapstronaut

    Brother are you going to be like a lion or a sheep is you choice. A lion doesn't care when a dog barks

    So take a wise decision

    Brother just remember this in mind when someone says objectification of women is fine

    You know all women and men are equal you and her are the same human beings and belong to same species and consists of the same heart, same emotions and same feelings and same affection

    Nature created women not for sexual objectification or the things that can be used and thrown away and women are not created for men. And women are here to compete with us and challenge with us.

    Brother what you have told is correct we need the reward center but not a overflowing reward system damaging our mind and our lifes.

    And getting rewards naturally is one thing that we all can accept but getting rewards from compulsive and addictive and out of control behaviors is like going into crocodile infested river.

    And Porn checks all the three

    Its compulsive behavior
    Its addictive behavior
    And it's a out of control monster roaming without bound by a certain rules of the nature.

    So all the best brother
    Your brother in this struggle
  9. Getting_Free_From_Porn

    Getting_Free_From_Porn Fapstronaut

    All the best brother

    Attack your goals like your life depends on it. And

    The mind is a jungle. You either fight and dominate the porn thoughts or hide and evaporate.

    Your brother in this struggle
  10. Getting_Free_From_Porn

    Getting_Free_From_Porn Fapstronaut

    Thanks you brother for your inspiring words, your determination and sheer focus and surrounding myself with the people like you who are hungry for success motivates me towards my dream of quitting porn.

    Let's do this brother
    One day at a time

    All the best brother
    Your brother in this struggle
  11. Getting_Free_From_Porn

    Getting_Free_From_Porn Fapstronaut

    Brother the target is not 100. Its life time
    Conquer your life and be the mafia of
    the mind and enjoy every piece of life

    All the best brother
    Your brother in this struggle
    thetourist and RiseToGreatness like this.
  12. Getting_Free_From_Porn

    Getting_Free_From_Porn Fapstronaut

    Start the streak such that your life depends on it and there are no excuses and exceptions and no tomorrows in the streak whatever you want to do do it start right away

    Often, what hurts the most is what grows you the most.

    All the best brother
    Your brother in this struggle
    thetourist and RiseToGreatness like this.
  13. Getting_Free_From_Porn

    Getting_Free_From_Porn Fapstronaut

    Day 1/90 completed successfully

    The devil whispers “You can not withstand the storm” The warrior replies “I AM THE STORM”
  14. Srisurya

    Srisurya Fapstronaut

    If i think of the rewards...i will thinking about pmo. If i am thinking of pmo naturally i am reminding myself about p*rn. And after 4 years of experience and few major streaks... The only perfect way i found is self discipline, involving in the process of that and never thinking about the end results. Whether you think about reward or not it doesn't matter..you will get it.

    Ofcourse thinking of reward is useful for motivation but those situations are different... In those thinking of rewards has no negative effect like remembering about P*rn and all. Example is bodybuilding etc etc.

    But for me as i said above .... It isn't for this pmo situation.

    Dopamine should come from the hardwork but not from the result of the hardwork. I work it that way.

    There are saying about always enjoy the process and dont think of rewards.
    And also another saying that never expect anything back for what you did if you want peaceful life. This applies to life .. ..as well as pmo.

    I hope you understand.
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2019
  15. RyukJr

    RyukJr Fapstronaut

    Thursday was 80 of 90 still having some urges but I'm way too far to give in now
  16. Srisurya

    Srisurya Fapstronaut

    Wonderful man. Keep going.
  17. Sankofa

    Sankofa Fapstronaut

  18. Saitama999

    Saitama999 Fapstronaut

  19. Joined nofap Jan 25, 2019
    257/280 Good Days (no peaking or relapse)
    Longest streaks 67 then 51 (4 years later)
    Current Challenge 6/90 (ends on my 1 year nofap anniversary)
    Day 88 weight training (3X/wk)
    Day 28 reduced alcohol, caffeine and sugar
    - feeling the love from this community
    - thanks for all the great advice, support and helpful comments over the past 9 months
    - this community is awesome and journalling daily is really helping me work out me and stay committed
    - have a great fapfree weekend everyone
    - your brother in this struggle
  20. The Lone Ranger

    The Lone Ranger Fapstronaut
