Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by 2525, Oct 27, 2017.

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  1. I usually get the shakes and my mind races like crazy. I also get sensations in my private area as well as feeling a wee bit irritable.
  2. Dude that's great! I reached 12 days a while back ago and it felt amazing. Keep it up man, you CAN maintain the streak.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 25, 2020
  3. NachoWOCheese

    NachoWOCheese Fapstronaut


    I'm new here, I ve been following SSMS videos and want to try the challenge.
    Porn has made a mess with my motivation and my professional goals, etc etc etc...

    My girlfriend is pregnant!! We are having a little boy!! I want to be healed for them...
    I don t want him to learn from me these bad ways. As I learned them from my father who gave me a box of porn mags at age 10.

    I ve been depressed for the death of both of my parents in the last 5 years... This pulled me deeper in my porn addiction.
    Just caved in and binged and binged and binged... 5-8 orgasms a day :eek:/
    And reallyreally hardcore stuff... and I may edge and edge for 1 or 2 hours before "cuming". So sad... and intense.

    I'm on day 3 of hard mode and wanted to share my story and progress here.
    It seemed a lifetime, compared to my "normal" freq...
    I can already feel better motivation and productivity along the day!!

    I first stopped my drugs, and then reduced to once a day in the last 10 days, before my 3 days without fap.
    Making it a little gradual helped, I think

    Feel free to msg me to share.

    See you around! STAY STRONG!
  4. Hey, good to have you with us! And congrats on your baby! You really have a strong reason to change your (and especially their!) life!
    Stay strong!
  5. NachoWOCheese

    NachoWOCheese Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the warm welcome ^_^

    It's strange that with all this low selfsteem my motivation are my couple and boy, not myself. But any reason is good!
  6. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

    Thanks for this, mate. I needed to hear this. Stay strong!
  7. BurgerChamp

    BurgerChamp Fapstronaut

  8. I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your parents, I've just experienced the death of my own father so I can relate some. I'm also a recovering drug addict myself and have been clean for five years. I used to combine my porn use with my other drug of choice, and binge eat on top of it all. I used the "edging" technique for hours too, and I'd lengthen the ritual each time to see how long I could keep it going.
    It's been a long road for me but in recent years I've managed to cut down my exposure to porn. I think what you've done by reaching out to everyone in the community here is a brave move on your part, and it speaks volumes. You can overcome this addiction, you have a whole group of people here striving for the same freedom you're after. Keep fighting, and keep reaching out to everyone. Btw, congratulations on the baby, that's great news!
  9. Blaze21

    Blaze21 Fapstronaut

    Day 25/90
    Let's keep going brothers!
  10. Day 16/90
    Day 573 at attempting this challenge
    Day 197 weigh training (M, W, F)
    Lifestyle: reduced caffeine, alcohol and sweets
    Say_Goodbye, AxBlaim, Blaze21 and 9 others like this.
  11. Srisurya

    Srisurya Fapstronaut

  12. Golden-Balls

    Golden-Balls Fapstronaut

  13. Lamboskovich

    Lamboskovich Fapstronaut

  14. bakes

    bakes Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Day 5/90

    I want to share that I'm also trying to loose some weight. I was already trying to before the self isolation due to this covid thing. I gained 6kg during the lockdown. Now it's loosened, I'm back to my habit of daily excercise and healthy eating.
  15. Prabal Baishya

    Prabal Baishya Fapstronaut

    Day 48/90
    Now everyday seems to be beautiful day and this corona needs to end as soon as possible.
  16. Day 15 completed. There is usually a period after two weeks when I start to get restless. Need to stay disciplined.
  17. Verissimus

    Verissimus Fapstronaut

    Day 32/90. One step at a time and soon enough you'll be there.
    Say_Goodbye, Toni7, AxBlaim and 8 others like this.
  18. Gurdev Thakur

    Gurdev Thakur Fapstronaut

    it's day 3 ;; my next target is to complete 5 days without pmo and will achieve that ;; also i was able to manage my sleep cycle from last 4 daYS but today i messed up ;; will give my best in everything from now and will not make any mistake as small mistake leads to big ;; next target - 5 days
  19. CENA7

    CENA7 Fapstronaut

    Had a couple slip ups but on day 9 going strong!
  20. Gurdev Thakur

    Gurdev Thakur Fapstronaut

    relapsed again ,, F ,, how ,, man really pissed off by me ;; FFF ,, i have no words about me and my misttakes ;;FFFFF