35 and Older Accountability Group

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by artifact, Nov 24, 2018.

  1. Well done for not binging and getting a new streak underway...onwards and upwards!!!
    JJ_Kino, Jerky, discovery and 4 others like this.
  2. Thanks. Yes I have avoided the P. I am low because I am undergoing a long and protracted withdrawal from anti-depressants that I've been on nearly 20 years and the withdrawal process is incredibly tough. I am going very slowly and listening to my body but this is a very demanding process and takes a LOT out of me...doing my best and avoiding PMO does help a lot
  3. tonyk1982

    tonyk1982 Fapstronaut

    Day 8 - some stressful stuff hitting me the last few days. What used to be my natural response - go to PMO - isn't any longer. I think of that self as a different man. I can hardly imagine falling into my old PMO routine. Seeing that image of myself grosses me out. I am thankful for this site and to everyone here for the help. I know the addict is still in me, so will stay aware and not let my guard down.
    JJ_Kino, Jerky, discovery and 3 others like this.
  4. David2018

    David2018 Fapstronaut

    I'm 2 days in and doing pretty well. Hopefully not TMI but in my 40s I don't recover from days of chatroom PMO like I used to and it's made it hard to have sex with my wife. Which of course stresses me about it and makes it worse.
    So only 2 days of no chatrooms and she did want to have sex yesterday and no issues on my side! Everything was back in working order. So that's a win for me.
    Jerky, JJ_Kino, discovery and 3 others like this.
  5. Wow, look at all the relapses. I definitely feel that I've been a bad influence on you guys. I'm ready to knuckle down and set a new record for myself, but as you know, oaths of abstinence are pretty much meaningless with this addiction. We have to take it day by day and moment by moment and do whatever we can to get past those urges.
  6. Merry Terry

    Merry Terry Fapstronaut

    Whoa now, nobody is a bad influence on anybody. Our relapses are our mistakes and ours alone!
    Jerky, artifact, JJ_Kino and 5 others like this.
  7. Rebooter13

    Rebooter13 Fapstronaut

    You don't need to blame yourself my friend.I can assure you that when i relapse i don't have in mind your streak. :p
    Although i have to admit , when most people here are on a good streak it motivates me to keep going.
    Aside from all of that i think we all agree that you are doing great job keeping this thread alive and running well.
    Merry Terry, Jerky, artifact and 3 others like this.
  8. John Call

    John Call Fapstronaut

    I agree with @Merry Terry and @Rebooter13, actually you are doing a great job here to keep this thread on
    By the way let all of us who just relapsed get back together encouraging each other to make a great streak this time, let's all for the next period check in here on daily basis to push each other to get on the long streaks track.
  9. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

  10. Thanks guys! Glad the group is beneficial to you.

    NICEDUDE Fapstronaut

    Checking in.. starting afresh!
    Merry Terry, Jerky, JJ_Kino and 2 others like this.
  12. John Call

    John Call Fapstronaut

    Checking in on Day 4, getting started is always the most difficult.
  13. Jerky

    Jerky Fapstronaut

    I find not looking at the counter every day beneficial to streak longevity. Knowing that once the active piece of the addiction is silenced, the choice to abstain is much easier to make. Though it does feel like i've been abstinent longer than i have been. Tomorrow is another day and no matter how much time passes, moving forward it still one day at a time.
    artifact, Merry Terry, Timber and 3 others like this.
  14. John Call

    John Call Fapstronaut

    5th day, almost moving on from that difficult "getting started" stage.
  15. I have the same problem. Something I see gets stuck in my brain and it seems impossible not to act on it. I think sometimes white knuckling it is the only option. Just plain don't give in no matter what. (Easier said than done.) It's never fun to deny your addiction, but the urge will eventually pass if you wait long enough.
  16. JJ_Kino

    JJ_Kino Fapstronaut

    Been a real stressful weekend, couldn't get a grip on the urges this time.

    I think I'll go back and try and read what I wrote back a couple a months ago when I hit 78 days.

    Good luck all
    artifact, John Call, NICEDUDE and 2 others like this.
  17. Merry Terry

    Merry Terry Fapstronaut

    For me a thing that @tonyk1982 said helped me to break it up in moments. For me, at first, there is something I see that triggers me, but at that moment it's still not that hard to walk away from it. It gets harder the more I dig into it, click on some more pictures, mentally invest in it. So now I try to observe and be mindful right from that early moment on, be aware that I am mentally investing and that I am building towards a relapse and know that I can stop that any time.

    NICEDUDE Fapstronaut

    That's true! It's the best approach to deal with urges for they do stop bothering you after a certain period of time. There is no standard time period, though!

    NICEDUDE Fapstronaut

    Plan not to ejaculate for the remaining days of this month come what may! Let's do it together!