THE VIKING CHALLENGE | 90 days / 3 years | (OPEN)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by purplebat14, Aug 13, 2020.

Do you have the potential to become a true Viking?

  1. Yes

  2. I will make it

  3. I am ready for it

  4. Lets go. I will get the superpowers!

  5. Yeah, I am unleashing the superpowers...

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Day 1 checking.
    I am back to the habits.
  2. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Second Picture Source:

    Day 26✔
    -Willpower-Exercise ✔
    -Meditation twice ✔
    -At least 8 hours thesis: ca. 8/8 hours✔
    -pc and phone rules✔
    -Daily schedule 100% adherence➕
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2023
  3. Day 17 :D

    • Completing work:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Meditation:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
  4. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    day 18

    • I'm more productive and feel good about myself when I go to bed
    • improved confidence and focus when talking to ppl
    • when I enter the room ppl pay more attention to me (I think we can sense ones energy. Hope that dosen't sound wierd. I'm not into "energys" lolol just sayin')
  5. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    You guys motivate me.
    I wouldn't get this far if it wasn't for y'all.
    A Viking is strong. But many Vikings together are stronger!
    I'm devoted to this challenge and our mission.
    Soon you can call me SERVICEMAN ;)

    Untill then, I will run from those thoughts and urges and run to good and truly beautiful things.:emoji_runner:
  6. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    I feel like falling and then regretting gives us a huge will to do better. And then we improve ourselfes. This is your spirit inside you that will fight. That spirit has to become stronger to fight and win over your inner animal.

    I'm not making this up. The psychologist Sigmund Freud studied people in crazy peoples homes and he found out, that a human has three "me's". The "I", that is you at your stage in life right now.
    The "animal", that is your rage and lust. And the "over I" that is your sensibility and wisdom.-something like that :D
  7. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    I recognize the same. I guess it is because of different body language, eye contact etc. But it seems like they would feel the energy. But it doesn't matter why this happens, it's awesome anyway :)
  8. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    I like your thoughts.
    This thought can help to deal with bad things that happened.
    "A smooth sea never made a skilled sailor" is a quote I like.
    Failure and pain contain possibility to grow and develope.
    Jclear99, guitarmageddon and fg4795 like this.
  9. guitarmageddon

    guitarmageddon Fapstronaut

    BOOM! First milestone reached, i'm eligible for the viking army! Been consistent with my meditations, got a decent amount of work done -

    - 6 hours of music a day (almost everyday)
    - Boxing and conditioning
    - 3 sets of wim hof breathing morning noon and night, with an ice bath at noon

    Feeling a bit dopamine drained but nothing compared to my first efforts. Last year the dopamine withdrawals hit me so hard i was bedridden for almost 2 weeks with flu like symptoms, in and out of consciousness. So my body and mind responds much more reasonably to a streak now, which is improvement.

    I had my first tastes of urges today, nothing strong but noteworthy at least, and i didn't act on them. I wen't shopping and saw a couple nice looking women, i didn't stare. Saw (accidentally) some thumbnail images on youtube, nothing explicit all fully clothed stuff, but it was enough to remind me that now is the time to get serious. First few days to a week is usually easy for me, now the challenge starts!!

    Its too early to list improvements. Other than the feeling of inspiration to be on this journey with some like minded guys who want to dig deep and reach the potential beyond the walls of our own weakness. I know that over that mountain, no matter how high and treacherous, is a better life, and i will not stop until my feet are firmly planted on that ground!!!

    Next milestone - *RECRUIT OF THE VIKING ARMY* - here i come.
  10. You got this man, just remember we are here as a community trying to help one another and reach our successes, Goodluck Friend! :)
  11. Day 18;)

    • Reading:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Working out:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Meditation:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Going outside more and being productive :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
  12. Day 2 checking
    Full day. Happy.
  13. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Day 27✔

    (will do it now)
    -Meditation once ✔
    -At least 8 hours thesis: ca. 2/8 hours➖
    -pc and phone rules➖
    -Daily schedule 100% adherence➖

    This morning I talked on the phone too long, then met a buddy after shopping and was unfocused in the afternoon while working. Against my rule I watched the news etc. After my training break I have sore muscles and I am a little exhausted and badly concentrated. Tomorrow everything has to go as usual, otherwise I won't be able to collect my data in time.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2020
    fg4795, RK@24, Jclear99 and 1 other person like this.
  14. vicicool

    vicicool Fapstronaut

    I think we have no choice but to grow in loving God and loving LIKE God (f.ex. when you get a child) throughout our lives.
  15. Day 2 checking
    Totally motivated.....will not lose until I achieve my goal.:emoji_metal:
  16. Day 19:confused:

    • Reading:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    • Meditation:emoji_ballot_box_with_check:
    Today just had lack of motivation and was feeling a bit sick so I didn't really do anything, but the happy thing is I got through the day and didn’t let my Viking brothers down! :)
  17. Day 3 checking
    Less learning.
    Will make up for that.
  18. mocoko

    mocoko Fapstronaut

    Day 22 done..I guess I'm a SERVICEMAN OF VIKING ARMY

    These challengers are motivating. My goal is to never turn to porn again. We think of the future later :)
    purplebat14, vicicool, fg4795 and 3 others like this.
  19. purplebat14

    purplebat14 Fapstronaut

    Day 28✔
    -Willpower-Exercise (cant remeber)
    -Meditation twice✔
    -At least 8 hours thesis: ca. 7/8 hours✔
    -pc and phone rules➕
    -Daily schedule 100% adherence➕

    Hab den Tag gearbeitet und war abends mit Freunden unterwegs. Eine Freudin hat dann noch ein drittes Bier für mich bestellt, aber ich hab es stehen lassen und bin um 2:00 nach Hause gegangen und dann direkt nach Abendroutine ins Bett. Das hat früher nie so gut gekllappt, bin immer noch am Handy oder PC gehangen.
    Morgen (von heute aus gesehen) knacke ich Tag 30. Keine Sekunde Edging und keine Sekunde irgendas pornografisches.
    Bin richtig stolz.
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2020
    Jclear99, fg4795 and RK@24 like this.