Powerlifting Fapstronauts

Discussion in 'Fitness' started by BeardedBerserker, Sep 2, 2020.

  1. Are there any other dudes/dudettes that powerlift on here? Honestly nothing helps me find my center more than putting a lot of metal on my back or picking it up from the floor.

    Would love to have this thread be a place for anyone who wants to talk about how their training is going, competitions, recovery, hitting big lifts, or really anything else related to the sport. I think it would also be a great place for anyone interested in learning more to ask questions about it. I've been lifting for about 6 years and competing for 4, so I'm not the most knowledgeable guy, but I do know what I would have liked to do when I was just starting out.

    Always remember to squat deep and kick ass!!
  2. Used to. Being a jacked manlet is kind of weird. I'd rather train like a monkey and be agile and shit.
  3. I would absolutely LOVE to start powerlifting :) But the only trouble is that I'm, completely, terrified of stepping in the weight section at the gym. But still, it's one of my bucket list items, literally. I've always always been attracted to strong athletic girls. I will avidly read all the advice on this thread!
  4. There's nothing to be afraid of - but there's a lot to learn in terms of technique. I made a fool of myself when I first started because I didn't want to look weak so I started with a heavier weight than I could lift. It didn't go well. So I started with light weights and worked up at a reasonable pace - you will get really strong really fast.

    Nothing is more important than safety and form. When I got to higher weights, I never did anything without a spotter. So yeah find someone who's resting and ask them to help - 99% of people would be more than willing to spot you. I always like helping people with their workout too. It's also nice to make friends at the gym, because it can help motivate you. Me and my group practically owned the gym at the community college - and we all got really strong.

    You will have bad days - and injuries will happen. You need to accept that possibility. That's one reason I don't lift anymore.

    There's probably a guide on reddit somewhere on how to get into lifting. Actually, there's probably a hundred. But check out r/fitness or another subreddit dedicated to powerlifting if you want to be thorough.
    CrimsnBlade likes this.
  5. Totally agree with FellatiousD here. The biggest dudes in the gym are almost always the nicest. To me it's a hobby and something I really love doing, and so if someone asks me to talk about it I'll gladly open up and talk for hours about it (why I made this thread to start with).

    Just go in there and start with the bar and work your way up. Don't ego lift, and don't let anyone else intimidate you. Literally every single person in the gym started at the exact same place you're starting now (I look back and cringe at the overloaded quarter squats I did when I first started). Watch Allan Thrall's videos on YouTube, and just work your way up slowly. Ask people for advice, for spots, for anything really. Just make sure to wait till they're not in the middle of a set :D
  6. I've tried the monkey route (got really good at bouldering in high school for a while), but I just love pizza and beer too much to be agile. So whereas I used to be just fat, now I'm fat but strong :emoji_laughing:
    Joseph Campbell and Cirilla like this.
  7. For sure! I NEED to lift to stay sane and push myself in healthy ways and improve my physique.
    BeardedBerserker likes this.
  8. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut


    Started this spring to get bigger for rugby. Went from 140 - 160 so pretty proud of my progress.

    Currently following Nsus, tons of volume.
  9. OOOF Nsus... :emoji_grimacing: I remember following that. I'm sure everyone else at the gym HATED me cause I always had like 10 sets left no matter when they asked. Now that I have a home gym, maybe I'll try it again.

    I admire the hell out of rugby players. Definitely dudes I look up to in terms of strength and conditioning. I might look like a big dude, but I can't run more than 20 yards without passing out, so rugby is impressive as hell. Keep crushing it man!
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.
  10. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut


    Nsuns is definitely an oof. My back lower back, knees, shoulders, and elbows perpetually feel like glass, but that's the nature of strength training.

    I'm going to program more cleans and snatches to gain athleticism, but I love the program so far. I was doing TM before and it was killing my central nervous system.
  11. Thanks to COVID and the quarantine, I was out of the gym for a few months, so my strength definitely suffered. Got myself a home gym and had to wait until I could find extra weight plates in stock so I could try and build back up.

    It's coming back quicker than expected. Hit a 405 squat on Friday, so I'm finally back into my previous territory (previous max is 455). I haven't had 4 plates on my back in 2020, so I am very glad to be back in that range.

    Keep pushing everyone. Always better than yesterday.
    JockOnEdge and Damaged_Stoic like this.
  12. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    I hate to be a panzie but I'm taking it light this week, mainly because my lower back has been killing me because I haven't done any stretching or mobility work (I've been listening too much of Marc Rippetard and I didn't think I had too, despite constant rebuttal from my Physical Therapist Parents).
  13. Ain't nothing wrong with a little deload week! Especially if you're not feeling 100%. Besides, any workout is better than no workout (or at least that's what I try to tell myself on my off days).
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.
  14. Had a ruthless squat day last week. Had plans to do some triples at 365, but had to change that to singles with a set of 5 at 315. I don't know what it was, but something felt off about my setup. Ah well. There's always next week.

    Also finally got a bench in the home gym setup so I can do bench press as opposed to floor press. And it has incline and decline so I can finally hit a few more accessories that I've been wanting to do. Combined with my cut, I should finally be benching above my own body weight before the end of the year. Full competition bench, not bouncing or touch-n-go. Hell yeah.
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.
  15. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    Nice bro! I currently broke my bench plateau of 145 and am moving up in weight thanks to NSUNs programming. I need to be able to bench my bodyweight for the job I want and I'm getting there pretty quickly after I fixed my form
    BeardedBerserker likes this.
  16. That's great man!! Keep it up. I may run NSUNs again once I hit my good bodyweight. I've never done a strength-building routine while caring about my weight, so that may be a good option to maintain a weight class and add some strength.

    What have you worked on with your bench form? I'm still dialing it in after like 4 years of heavy benching. I have long arms compared to my torso length, so I can't quite figure out the perfect balance between arch, grip width, etc. Always appreciate hearing people's opinions about benching.
  17. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    I also have long arms like borderline Marfan's syndrome (I have nearly a 6ft wingspan) even though I'm just about 5'9.

    What my problem was, I wasn't treating the descent of the lift like a back row, which creates more power for the ascent since you're engaging your lats if I can find the video on this subject I'll send it.

    I still have lots to learn but that has helped generate more power.
    BeardedBerserker likes this.
  18. Oh yeah. I've heard that cue quite a lot, I just seem to always forget it cause I'm panicking that I have a lot of weight balanced above my chest. Haha. But yeah, I've heard that actually pulling the bar down to you, combined with trying to bend the bar into a U-shape, can really get the lats firing when you start the press.
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.
  19. Damaged_Stoic

    Damaged_Stoic Fapstronaut

    I kinda view it as firing a bow
  20. Oo, I like that thought. I haven't heard that way of describing it. I may try it on my next heavy bench day.
    Damaged_Stoic likes this.