Space Marine February - Team Deathmatch (CLOSED)

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by EndPornLiveLife, Jan 27, 2021.

I pledge my allegiance to the...

Poll closed Feb 6, 2021.
  1. Space Wolves

  2. Black Templars

  3. Dark Angels

  4. Blood Angels

  1. Join the Crusade! Become a Hero of the Imperium!



    The rules are simple. No PMO during the entirety of February. If you PMO then you are out and one point from your team will be subtracted. The team with the most points at the end of the month wins.

    From the hulking, axe wielding, vikings of the Space Wolves to the zealous Christian knights of the Black Templars. Pick whatever faction attracts you the most and that you'd like to identify with for a month and I'll place you in that team. I'll set the cap for each team to max 10 people as there's max 10 in a squad of Space Marines.

    If you beat this challenge the previous month then you will join the esteemed elite that is Deathwatch.

    The Emperor of mankind needs fresh new recruits! Leave your old ways behind and prove yourself worthy of becoming a part of spreading His light throughout the galaxy!

    Point System

    Every team starts with as many points as they have members in their team. Let's say that we have 10 members in every team then every team will start out with 10 points. Every member that relapses will subtract one point from their team and the team that has the most points at the end of the month wins.

    If you are Deathwatch this month then you will contribute +2 instead of the +1 point that an Origin member contributes. You can only become Deathwatch every second month however since I don't want to clog up any one specific team with Deathwatch members and thus giving any one specific team a perpetual advantage.
    Example Team (10/10 members)
    Total score: 11
    Score: 2
    ++ @participant

    Score: 9
    + @participant
    + @participant
    + @participant
    + @participant
    + @participant
    + @participant
    + @participant
    + @participant
    + @participant​
    In this example there are nine members in the Origin and one member in the Deathwatch. This makes it 9 + 2 = 11. The "+" signs to the left of every team member represents +1 points. A Deathwatch member has two "+" signs and thus contributes +2 points.
    When either a Deathwatch or Origin member relapses this "+" will turn into a simple "-" sign and they will contribute zero points.



    Those who survived the last months challenge are drafted into Deathwatch. Deathwatch is an elite band of Space Marines from every chapter in the Imperium. No matter if you're a Blood Angel or a Black Templar you will be fit to join the Deathwatch if you survive the initial challenge and prove yourself as a Space Marine.

    If you relapse during your time in the Deathwatch you will have to go through the initial draft again before you can join up once more in their esteemed ranks.

    Unlike other Space Marines, the ones serving in the Deathwatch are not truly a separate Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes; rather, they are a collection of Veteran Space Marines drawn from all of the different extant Chapters who serve together in the Inquisition's service for a discrete period of time.

    To be chosen by one's Chapter to serve in the Long Vigil of the Deathwatch is a great honour for any Space Marine. Only the most elite and experienced members of a Chapter are ever chosen for this extremely hazardous tour of duty, the specifics of which must be kept secret by Inquisitorial order and sacred oath even from a Deathwatch Astartes' home Chapter.

    Deathwatch Space Marines do not usually form the standard tactical groups like squads and companies generally used by the Adeptus Astartes. Instead, they operate as small special forces units in close-knit groups of specialists called Kill-teams.

    "Amongst a hundred men, there may be none fit for the Adeptus Astartes. Amongst a hundred Space Marines, there may be one fit for the Deathwatch."

    —Watch Captain Brand


    If you are Deathwatch this month and survive again (you make it through the entire month without PMO) you will, for the moment, be removed from Deathwatch and placed back into your Origin chapter and contribute +1 like anyone else. This time with you are promoted to Sergeant and so on. If you relapse you will be demoted one rank.

    1. Sergeant
    2. Lieutenant
    3. Captain
    4. Chapter Master (can only be one per chapter)

    Space Wolves (8/10 members)

    Total score: 5

    Score: 4
    ¤++ Sergeant @vicicool
    ¤++ @happysloth

    Score: 1
    ¤+ @Everydayisday0
    - @SantaHat
    - @Robbo-seeking-life
    - @Username Changed by Mod Team
    - @Better version of myself
    - @Mya

    "The Space Wolves are a savage and fiercely loyal Chapter of Space Marines – traits inextricably linked to the ferocity of their home world of Fenris. They are taught to fight from a young age, for war is not just their peoples’ way of life, but their only means of survival. The death world of Fenris is among the most inhospitable of its kind, with long, cruel winters, brief yet bitterly hot summers and – worse still – it’s populated by many of the deadliest fauna and alpha predators in existence. Those who thrive within such a brutal environment make potential Adeptus Astartes recruits of a quality that is all but unrivalled in the Imperium. Should the aspirants survive the myriad trials and be found worthy of joining the ranks of the Space Wolves, they will live the Fenrisian warrior’s dream, earning a saga as a chosen champion of the Allfather in glorious wars all across the Sea of Stars."

    Why would you pick the Space Wolves?
    - Because you're not just first to the fight but you're also first to the feast
    - Because you think vikings eat pirates and shit ninjas
    - Because trudging through a blizzard is making you all warm and fuzzy inside (because you're a badass)
    - Because you think wolves are really metal and would like to have one
    - Because you like the idea of having a two handed axe on your wall
    - Because you think the Dark Angels are a bunch of twats

    Black Templars (7/10 members) :emoji_trophy:(one-time champions)
    Total score: 5

    Score: 2
    ¤++ Sergeant @RK@24

    Score: 3
    - @lemi_caution
    - @Gallade_Templar
    - @Newmanatee
    ¤+ + @Desperate_Warrior
    ¤+ @Chakra_Serpent
    - @MixerAwersome

    "The Black Templars are crusaders, holy warriors battling to bring the truth and light of the Emperor to the unconquered worlds of the galaxy. With bolt shell and chainsword, the Black Templars convert the benighted to the light of the Master of Mankind and destroy those who refuse to welcome His truth."

    Unlike many other chapters, the Black Templars do not have a homeworld. Eschewing the idea of one, they opt to live aboard their crusade fleets. These vary in size and are made up of dozens of Battle Barges, Strike Cruisers and other craft such as training vessels and huge forge ships. Given this fleet-based nature, the Black Templars are rarely assembled as a Chapter, but are instead divided into many Crusades, every Crusade being responsible for its own recruiting as well as training of new Neophytes. This flexible, mobile nature allows the Templars to continue the first mission of the Black Templars: to actively seek out the enemies of the Emperor and destroy them before moving onwards to find the next foe.

    Why would you pick Black Templars?

    - Because you are an absolute mad lad
    - Because you like roadtrips (they are a fleet based chapter... they don't have a homeworld as they're on an eternal crusade through the galaxy)
    - Because you feel like a zelous teutonic knight sometimes
    - Because you like the idea of having a two handed sword on your wall
    - Because you think everything looks cooler in black
    - You occasionally say shit like "Deus Vult!!"

    Dark Angels (7/10 members) :emoji_trophy:Current reigning champions!
    Total score: 0

    Score: 0
    - @Fighter_4_life

    Score: 0
    - @T0mCrus4der
    - @ToMMy.H
    - @Antimatteromega
    - @Mixolydian
    - @GottaBFree
    - @ADMG

    "Since the founding of their Legion at the birth of the Imperium, the Space Marines of the Dark Angels have been dreaded by their enemies and held in awe by those they protect. Stubborn and relentless in battle, ever vigilant and zealous in their pursuit of their duties, the Dark Angels are among the Emperor's most faithful servants. Yet, it was not always so. For ten millennia the Dark Angels have harboured a sinister secret, an act so terrible and shameful it threatens everything the Dark Angels hold most dear – and may yet bring them eternal damnation." — Inquisitor Bastalek Grim

    Why would you pick Dark angels?
    - You like medieval themes
    - Because you think monastic knight orders are cool
    - You use two way authentication with everything (passwords and secrets)
    - Because you feel like there's something in your past that you regret and that you need to repent for through the crucible of war (NoFap)
    - You like the idea of wearing glorious winged helmets
    - Because you think the Space Wolves are a bunch of furries

    Blood Angels (9/10 members) :emoji_trophy::emoji_trophy: (two-time champions)
    Total Score: 3

    Score: 0

    Score: 3
    ¤+ @Sebbrix
    - @EndPornLiveLife
    - @Gonarth
    - @Magnus the Red
    ¤+ @dandausa
    ¤+ @Rokudaime
    - @Gtweet
    - @Primaris
    - @Patty O’Furniture1289

    The Blood Angels were the IX Legion of the original Space Marine Legions under their Primarch Sanguinius. They are particularly well known for their bloodthirsty nature in battle. They are also one of the most long-lived Chapters, and have a refined aesthetic sense.

    They are so named the Blood Angels because of their tendency to use blood as a central symbol of their particular warrior-monk rituals, and because of their susceptibility to the Red Thirst, a wild bloodlust that arises in them during battle. If he fails to control his Red Thirst, a Blood Angel may succumb to the Black Rage, after which he becomes a completely insane killing machine with no regard for his own safety who will try to destroy the Emperor's foes even if all he has left is a bloody stump of one leg.

    "From his Blood are we born! From his essence are we made! From his passion comes our art! From his nobility comes beauty. From his might stems justice. From his thirst is born righteous rage!" – The Final Charge of the Blood Angels.

    Why would you pick the Blood Angels?

    - You like vampire themes
    - You've got a really dashing smirk when you look at yourself in the mirror
    - Aesthetics are important to you
    - You prefer a glass of red wine instead of a mug of ale/mead
    - You occasionally have anger management issues

    *Update: THE PURGE*
    While we do not require that members check in every day, many people find this helpful and we do recommend it. As part of encouraging active membership and to keep things fair (e.g. not permitting points from MIA marines who may have relapsed but not reported), there will be a PURGE at some point during this challenge. This will be announced and will require all living Space Marines to check in within three days. Failure to do so within three days will result in the marine receiving a minus next to their name, hence no points scored for their team.


    *Note: Yes, this is a continuation of @Primaris' challenge which has been going for a few months now. He's asked me to run it for a month or two.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2021
  2. Sebbrix

    Sebbrix Fapstronaut

    Woop! Sign me up again! We coming back to the original team, Blood Angels all the way brother!
  3. I'm in! For the Dark Angels this time, because it seems fitting due to last moths performance^^
  4. Yew! Let's go brother @Sebbrix!

    Haha, all the best @T0mCrus4der. Be the toughest Dark Angel there is, untouched by the chaos daemons that surround...

  5. Everydayisday0

    Everydayisday0 Fapstronaut

    Hi All,

    I'm excited about this one! Sign me up for Space Wolves!
  6. Hi,

    I would like to join the space wolves

    Thanks :)
  7. lemi_caution

    lemi_caution Fapstronaut

    Hi there! I missed this challenge. Strong is the calling of the Black Templars. Count me in please.
  8. ToMMy.H

    ToMMy.H Fapstronaut

    Hey guys!
    I am joining Dark Angels!
    Wanted to strategize a bit and join 4th february to get some edge, but it feels like cheating, mainly myself.
    So I am here and will do my best to represent my team!

    Today red article about prone masturbation. I think I finally found strong enough reason to really push through. I knew its not the ideal way to masturbate but I thought proning cant be that bad. Apparently it really is. When I think about I already experienced some problems when I proned for some time and had sex. They say the pressure is different when you prone so when you have the stnd sex its harder to reach orgasm and its true that I started to have some problems. So yeah I think this is strong enough reason.
    If I prone daily for another couple od years I probably will have some trouble.
    Obviously I dont want that.
    Its time to take care of my body.
  9. After two months out of the challenges this time I am here early with a streak. Please include me as part of the Blood Angels. Thanks!
  10. Reporting for the draft as a Black Templar! @EndPornLiveLife Many thanks for continuing to lead this campaign.
  11. It fill my heart with GLORIOUS IMPERIAL DEVOTION to see many veterans back to the battle.
    @EndPornLiveLife, it will be my pleasure to join the ranks of the Blood Angels.

    First meme of the new challenge:
  12. dandausa

    dandausa Fapstronaut

    I'm in again! Blood angels? Or whichever team needs people.
  13. Newmanatee

    Newmanatee Fapstronaut

    I'm in for this big time! Sign me up for the Black Templars again please, I'm looking forward to getting back into the fight in a serious way. DEUS VULT
  14. I guess the content blocker creators get paid by the rival porn industry partners to block particular websites only.:(
  15. This is perfect haha. Cheers @Magnus the Red
    RK@24, Magnus the Red and T0mCrus4der like this.
  16. Antimatteromega

    Antimatteromega Fapstronaut

    Once again I would like to be a Dark Angel. Lets purge PMO with flame
  17. That will be the content of a future meme, I guess.
    RK@24 likes this.