The start 2022 Stronger Challenge [OPEN]

Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by Deleted Account, Sep 2, 2021.

  1. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Start again!

    Checking in!
  2. Wednesday. Hump day. Stay clean , stay green, and get better.
  3. Hope all are well settling into the night time here. Strength to you!
  4. fredisthebes

    fredisthebes Fapstronaut

  5. Mauritius

    Mauritius Fapstronaut

    I'm in. Streak started on October 1st.
  6. Okay man. Breathe. Commit to stopping yourself today. Tomorrow start over and move forward. Recorded....
  7. Proud of you. Thanks for sharing
  8. Awesome. Adding you to platinum tier based on your streak start. Welcome to the best challenge of the year!
    EpsilonDelta, Toni7 and Mauritius like this.
  9. Toni7

    Toni7 Fapstronaut

    Day 5! Checking in.
  10. EpsilonDelta

    EpsilonDelta Fapstronaut

    Checking in, still clean since the evening of September 22. Some minor urges here end there, but at the moment I'm able to handle it :) Stay strong everyone.
  11. Day continues to be semi tough with sne chaser urges. Possible kidney stone, home remodeling stresses, and wife's brothers medical status are not helping..... or are they?

    Staying green....
  12. SnifferBomber

    SnifferBomber Fapstronaut

    Hey bro, can I join you, I started my streak exactly September 23, today it had been hard but most it feels soft compare to days 12th day and 5th.
  13. If you started before the 3rd , yes. I'll add you to the Legends tier if you have not relapsed on or after 23 sep. In other words, 22nd was your last incident?
  14. Sharing from my own journal.. busy morning. Watch out for the weekend boredom and our rituals!

  15. SnifferBomber

    SnifferBomber Fapstronaut

    Yeah 22nd was my last one, I did not full PMO, but I saw several pictures of naked women, vanilla porn, so for me it is a reset.
  16. EpsilonDelta

    EpsilonDelta Fapstronaut

    Welcome the the forums! Hope you'll get a good start and will be able to stay clean until 2022 starts :)
  17. RockTheHill

    RockTheHill Fapstronaut

  18. Revanthegrey

    Revanthegrey Fapstronaut

    day check , learning from my mistakes
  19. Checking in. Have a good week y'all!