Symptoms Associated With Edging & Withdrawal

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 24, 2021.

  1. PacificBlue

    PacificBlue Fapstronaut

    Here are some nice animated summary videos explaining the concepts of the habit loop.

    Best example of a habit loop that I developed was putting on my workout clothes as soon as I get up.

    Having them ready on a specific hook, and then playing a song while getting ready to workout. After I have my socks on, it is almost impossible for me not to continue my routine.

    I have no affiliation with any of the authors.

    Last edited: Dec 31, 2021
    SirErnest likes this.
  2. @PacificBlue Ah, that's what I figured but wanted to be sure. I really don't have any go-tos to escape urges or whatever. The primary driver for me to engage in PMO and edging specifically is stress and an ongoing personal situation that, alongside subpar health, has me basically friendless, in a city I very much don't enjoy, in a climate I detest, with zero access to nature. So when anything sets me off (which happens easily due to irritability and mood swings) or when I get stressed, PMO is the one thing I know that'll give me that little bit of pleasure and, ironically enough, "escape." I've known this for a while but I just need a lifestyle that will actually fulfill me and bring me some contentment.

    By the way, thanks for the book recommendations. Will go look those up.
    PacificBlue likes this.
  3. oldgoat14

    oldgoat14 Fapstronaut

    Nothing specific. The your brain on porn website and book are very good (look up desensitization). Another thing I do is search the reboot success stories on YBOP for certain words like edging and read those. The YBOP book references a study about binging every 2-4 weeks vs daily use, but I only have the audiobook and cant find it. I only remember because I transitioned from daily to every 2-4 week streaks and wasn't feeling any better.

    The Dr Trish and Pinnacle of Man channels discuss it on YouTube (search edging nofap). The logic of it is, edging is dumping way more dopamine into your brain than if you have a short session. So when you go cold turkey, the amount of dopamine your brain is looking for is much greater and hence greater withdrawal symptoms (Your reward system is further out of balance). Edging always leads to relapse for me.
    hsb0617 and PacificBlue like this.
  4. Dave G 123

    Dave G 123 Fapstronaut

    Hey, good on you for at least having the balls to bring this up with them. I'd be too embarrassed, although to be fair I have brought it up with a doc I knew socially, as well as a therapist, and basically got laughed at...

    This is the "main" thread about PAWS: Be warned, there is a lot to wade through, but I would say most of the most useful stuff is in the earlier parts of the thread. As I said above though, I'm genuinely not sure where the line is between PAWS (ie symptoms experienced AFTER stopping) versus symptoms caused while still PMO'ing on a regular basis. It may be that it's all the same thing. Either way, the only real solution is the same thing: quitting for good!
    Freeddom_Taker likes this.
  5. Fleefromsin

    Fleefromsin Fapstronaut

    I experience many of the symptoms on your list as well. I have had several long spells without PMO and almost all of my symptoms get better or disappear. Of course I feel invincible and fall into a relapse and start to feel all the negative symptoms again. Even on long stretches where I am not PMO’ing, even if I have sex with my wife, it sets me back into these negative symptoms. The only answer for me, is to stay away from PMO especially the O and let the body heal completely. This comes down to how bad do you want to be free from this? I am living proof that if you do this, a lot of these symptoms you are experiencing are likely to get better. I have been there. Insomnia is the worst symptom for me. Recovery is not linear. You won’t necessarily feel better on day 20 than you did on day 10. When you decide to quit this for good, keep this in mind and power through. Brighter days-weeks and months do come.
  6. I appreciate the positivity and encouragement. I'm glad you've found ways to see light at the end of the tunnel. Out of curiosity, had you made a habit out of edging like most of us in this thread? If so, are you with me in thinking this was the worst thing you could've done to yourself? Lastly, did you ever go to doctors to get checked up and have labs done or anything like that? I do wonder if you and some others in here might have some sort of immune/thyroid condition like I do.
  7. Fleefromsin

    Fleefromsin Fapstronaut

    I’ve had blood work done several times. Everything comes back perfectly healthy. I was more into full blown PMO. I have noticed if I get extremely turned on without sex with my wife it will trigger the same negative symptoms sometimes. My guess is getting those sexual hormones flowing in the brain is not good when your system is exhausted.

    I do not think I have a thyroid issue but I go back to the doctor on the 10th for blood work and a check up. I might bring it up. With giving my brain time to heal and seeing results, I honestly think all my issues are self imposed. I feel strongly that if you have enough will power to stay away from sexually exciting yourself for several months that you would see improvement. The best I have ever felt since I was about 16 years old came from a stretch of about 5 months when I stayed away from any kind of sexual stimulation. My sleep was great. No anxiety. No depression. Clear head.

    I am a Christian. I relied heavily on my faith and Jesus to help me abstain for such a long period of time. I firmly believe, I would have struggled to do it by myself.
  8. PacificBlue

    PacificBlue Fapstronaut

    Great to know what triggers the urge. I am curious what group/social activities COULD you join? What do you like?

    There are pros and cons to the city, sure you will have less nature, but you will have a lot of different social circles and activities available.
  9. PacificBlue

    PacificBlue Fapstronaut

    This is such great information and it makes total sense!
  10. This is interesting to me. I too have thought about and even tried engaging in PMO only at intervals such as once a week or something like that. To this day, I sometimes think this would be effective. My logic is that I feel like the body and brain will best adjust incrementally. To help you understand what I mean, it's like a person who's been unfortunately fooled into taking drugs like SSRIs -- they can't or definitely shouldn't just quit cold turkey. The way to do it, from what I've read, would be to take lesser doses over a couple weeks, in order to give yourself a chance to adjust, to "ween" yourself off. But I guess for you, that doesn't work, huh? It was something I was considering doing this time around. I'm like 5 days no PMO right now.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2022
  11. I've started looking into PAWS and you're right, there's a lot. Thanks for the resource. Initially, it feels a bit overwhelming what with the insane overlap of symptoms I thought were associated more with the process of engaging in the act of PMO itself. Really don't know what to think. But I'll read and try to learn some more.
  12. Honestly, right now, I'm so low on energy and motivation and so afflicted with anxiety that I can't even think about that. Ideally, I'd probably just want to move somewhere where I'd have access to nature and start to hike and mountain bike and engage in other healthy, normal activities like those. The city is not for me. I really don't like the mentality or attitudes of people where I am and it just so happens to be a large, overpopulated city. Just kinda had enough of it.
  13. oldgoat14

    oldgoat14 Fapstronaut

    Yeah exactly, the scheduled intervals didn't work for me. Although, looking back my relapses slowly improved in an incremental fashion over the years (less edging to no edging, reboots got longer, bingeing less and less, no porn masturbation to no PMO, etc.). None of this was intentional, probably more of a result of my hard headedness and failure to accept my problems... my current streak is a result of finally accepting that I cant PM anymore (indefinitely instead of X number of days).

    The scheduled interval process is proposed in a book called the "The porn pandemic" by Andrew Ferebee.
  14. Usually I enjoy reading physical books but I might have to audiobook this one lol.

    I just realized you're on a 90 day streak. 3 months. Congratulations, man, well done. Do you have cravings? I see you've done well for yourself in terms of discipline, otherwise you wouldn't have this achievement. You should be proud of yourself.
  15. Perchancetodream

    Perchancetodream Fapstronaut

    I wish I could describe it, but I really can't. Its like a sickening feeling and a heaviness and it feels weird to breath in. Thats the best I can do, but it doesn't do it justice because its a terrible feeling.
  16. Perchancetodream

    Perchancetodream Fapstronaut

    Thanks for the link. I've had digestive issues too, I forgot to mention that one, but like you, its to a smaller extent. Its only recently that I've managed to get higher streaks and I've been struggling for a good 6 years to quit. And thats the thing, even though 54 days seems so hard, I know its nowhere near as far I need to get to beat this thing and heal. Most of the information I've gathered from other people suffering from chronic health issues says it takes 90 days or 120 or 6 months and in some cases even a year before they feel better. So, I know I can't get discouraged when I don't feel much change after 54 days.

    I know what you mean about feeling worse. It came and went in waves during my 54 day streak, there were periods where I felt so horrible and depressed, but I felt better if I road them out.

    I definitely have an addiction and I just realized I didn't make myself clear. This thread is specifically about edging, but my addiction involves full blown PMO and thats always what I use to relapse
    hsb0617 likes this.
  17. This thread seems to be dipping in to wider anti-establishment issues that I don't feel directly relate to your points on edging.Of course doctors won't be advising abstinence at the moment as there is no mainstream science, but maybe there will be.
    My opinion is that one must exercise regularly, eat well, mainly/fully abstain from drugs and alcohol and find out if there are any key nutrients that one is deficient in. Plus, don't do edging as it fries the brain, messes with our perception of sex and also doesn't do the genitals any good!
    For you, I agree with much of what you say, and you already know that you do edging and don't do exercise. That can be changed.
  18. Excellent. I brush my teeth before a workout to pr
    You have gravity, a floor, a chair etc so can work out at home. Maybe take stuff like vitamin D for low light levels.
    Meditation is also increasingly recommend by many.
  19. Sorry to persist in inquiring about this but it's of particular interest. Do you experience this only at certain times and positions?
  20. And what if it is dipping into wider anti-establishment issues? Things have to stem from somewhere. Don't tell me you think that a lot of this shit doesn't stem from intentional miseducation and/or the intentional withholding of truth and legitimate information from the masses. I was someone who used to value science to the absolute full extent but today I detest it for what I consider to be obvious reasons. There are those who wish to wait on modern science for A, B or C but that's not me. I find much more value in medical contributions and accomplishments of doctors of old, those who didn't have every possible incentive to lie and present data in convenient ways in catering to those who have the power to make them millionaires or, inversely, discredit and destroy them. If you disagree, that's entirely your prerogative.