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Symptoms Associated With Edging & Withdrawal

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Deleted Account, Dec 24, 2021.

  1. Some of these symptoms are weird and I actually have a few of them, too. Just like you, I think there's a sinus connection to be made. Have you ever thought about this one specifically more in depth? Also, have you ever had problems with phlegm or mucous that you didn't know what to make of?
    brahmacarya likes this.
  2. Along with some of your other symptoms, has this been corrected for you on your recovery?

    Also, would you expand a bit on how you went about recovering? Were your symptoms mostly as a result of PMO directly or also withdrawal?
  3. Resurrection96

    Resurrection96 Fapstronaut

    I haven't figured out the connection between sinuses and nosebleed breathing and pmo yet. I'll investigate.
    yes, especially I have a runny nose. Not always, but sometimes I have phlegm problems. There is always nasal congestion and discharge. It may be related to the sinuses. This may also be related to the sinuses.
    I will see a doctor when I get the chance.
  4. Resurrection96

    Resurrection96 Fapstronaut

    Regardless of the amount, the absorption rate of magnesium oxide is very low. That's why I said it is ineffective. It is absorbed very little. Its ability to cross the blood-brain barrier is also low. Since it is relatively cheap and available, doctors prescribe it easily. As I said, I recommend bisglycinate and acetyl taurate forms for the brain. .
    The absorption of malate is also high. However, it cannot easily cross the blood-brain barrier. Malate is mostly used for muscle pain. Malate is good in terms of relaxing the muscles.
    Even if low doses of oxide do not cause diarrhea, I do not recommend it because its absorption is low. High doses of others cause diarrhea after the tanks are full. When you have diarrhea, you can understand that the tank is full and take a break.
  5. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Yeah, I'd say pretty much all of these symptoms have disappeared since I started NoFap back in June 2019. The only thing I still have some difficulty with sometimes is sleep, but even that has improved immensely.
    I didn't really do anything to facilitate my recovery other than quit PMO. As for your second question, it's difficult to say whether it's one or the other, because it's kind of both. You technically go through withdrawal every day even when you are still PMOing regularly. Your brain wants a constant delivery of that thrill, so even if you indulged one day, you will be in withdrawal all over again the next day because your brain is starting to get annoyed that it hasn't had it since the day before. It's kind of like how severe alcoholics wake up in a state of withdrawal every morning until they get their hands on that first drink of the day.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2022
    brahmacarya likes this.
  6. So you don't engage in PMO whatsoever anymore? I'm wondering if that's what it took for you to have a mostly clean bill of health again.

    Man, that part you wrote about withdrawal really hit hard. It's tough to come to such a realization... or at least it has been for me. I'm not sure how the mind and body are reacting. In fact, I'm so lacking in knowledge here that I think I've made myself believe that only once in 48 hours is my body craving PMO because only once in 48 hours do I usually "finish." I guess this has to be wrong because I do think about porn in between sessions as well so I think you're onto something.

    By the way, did you use to edge as well or no?

    I know that the most difficult thing for me will be overcoming withdrawal. I've tried and failed so many times up to this point.
  7. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    I don't PMO at all anymore, and I think that is what healed me. Like any other addiction, there is no such thing as moderation; you're either on the wagon or off the wagon.
    Yeah, I think what you're doing is basically suspending yourself in a perpetual state of withdrawal because your brain knows that it's going to get what it wants every two days. Even masturbation without porn in this instance isn't a good thing because you aren't giving your brain a chance to rewire back to its default state. Occasional masturbation without porn is okay once a person has fully rebooted and rewired, but it will just keep a person in a perpetual state of withdrawal if they keep doing it while the brain is trying to heal from this addiction.
    Yeah, I was very addicted to edging; I would sometimes edge for up to two hours trying to keep that dopamine rush peaking for as long as possible. The brain and body aren't meant to endure unnatural levels of stimulation like that, and I think that's why my physical symptoms were so severe compared to some other people on here. I also think that's why it has taken me almost three years to conquer this whole thing. I was a pretty severe addict for a long time.
    Last edited: Feb 28, 2022
  8. So far, I've been powerless before withdrawal symptoms. Mine really do get to be intolerable a lot of the time. But I have to do better for myself and I'm going to give it another real, emphatic try. It seems like you used to deal with very similar issues and I need to make myself believe that if you can overcome this, so can I. I do feel encouraged and I want to make a new start this month. The first week for me will be crucial. I really hope I can get through it.

    I just want to reiterate something probably for the 10th time in this thread:
    In my opinion and from my extensive experience, edging is something no one should ever engage in. I will echo your sentiment and agree that it's what is driving both the frequency and severity of my symptoms. I'm ashamed to admit that I've had sessions, even recently, as long as 4 or 5 hours. What it comes down to is that it's really been my only form of escape and I've dealt with a lot of stress and disappointment in myself that, appropriately enough, is probably rooted in my dependence on PMO over the years whenever I've felt down and out.
    Dave G 123 and Mr. Kruger like this.
  9. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    It can take a while to fully heal from the damage that this addiction has done, but it really is worth it once you see that first glimmer of light at the end of the tunnel. This has been such a long and arduous journey for me that felt like it was uphill all the way, but it's the best decision I've ever made in my life. I feel like I'm so close to being 100% normal after almost three years of going through hellish withdrawals.

    I'm going to refer you to a thread that is a goldmine of useful information. There is one particular post by a user named mentorr at the bottom of the first page that I found to be immensely helpful. I'll post the link to the thread below:


    I'm also going to leave this motivational photo on here. I have it saved on my desktop because it has deterred me from relapsing on several occasions.

    Last edited: Mar 3, 2022
  10. sh0gun

    sh0gun Fapstronaut

    You've never been powerless. You have always had control of your actions. You just had the belief that you didn't, and that you could not overcome the urges, but you have always had that power within you. It isn't something you find per se. You just learn how to access it
    kopykat and Fullyawake like this.
  11. Fullyawake

    Fullyawake Fapstronaut

    The ultimate I have found is not touching your penis. It increases your sensitivity big time, allowing it to heal from constant fapping and touching. It’s difficult for addicts to do long term but it proves your commitment for real. Delete all temptations from your computers to assist. Otherwise you’re setting yourself up to fail.
    sh0gun likes this.
  12. Resurrection96

    Resurrection96 Fapstronaut

    Withdrawal pains for 3 years... it sounds a bit scary. I was bad at edging too. I had too many 3-4 hour sessions.
    I'm on day 17 now. My progress is not bad. I have libido but I still don't have a p urge, which makes me happy. My biggest problem is anxiety. Anxiety is driving me crazy in this withdrawal. It reduces the quality of my sleep, my memory and my concentration. How has your progress on anxiety been?
    hsb0617 likes this.
  13. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    I don't have any anxiety at all now.
    brahmacarya, DC1234 and Fullyawake like this.
  14. You've really helped uplift me and I thank you for that.

    I'm going to be honest... reading "three years of hellish withdrawals" doesn't make me feel good. It's one of those things that almost makes me wanna ask myself, "what the hell am I doing?" And that question would be applicable to both scenarios: fapping / abstaining. But this is more so about the latter. The fact that you went through so much shit in the last couple years doesn't really make me feel like I have a lot to look forward to in the short term but the light at the end of the tunnel part of your comment makes it seem like all the adversity would be worthwhile.

    I took a look at mentorr's post as well as some others in that thread, including a few of yours. You and I really have a lot in common. On top of everything already mentioned here, I think we're the same age and I think we were exposed to porn at the same age. At this point, though, it's clear that you're ahead of me and I'm truly happy for you, man.

    I'm about to hit 48 hours fap-free and that's my usual relapse point but I'm not thinking about it tonight. I'm so thankful for the support in this thread... from everyone.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 2, 2022
    Dave G 123 and Mr. Kruger like this.
  15. Something tells me you're right and I hope you are. I've just really struggled at decisive, significant points on my journey that always seem to hinder my progress. In the last several weeks, I've been consistently relapsing every 40-48 hours. I'm about to hit and surpass that for the first time in about a month. Hoping for the best.
    Mr. Kruger likes this.
  16. Don't just hope. Plan. Expect. Demand.

    It is a matter of choice, right? No one else can force your hand. So you are in complete control of your own destiny. You must simply put the higher powers of the mind into the throne of reason, and not allow the lower powers to become master or to overpower you.

    I like the well-written allegory I posted in my journal, called "The Man and the Habit." You might enjoy it as well.
    kopykat likes this.
  17. sh0gun

    sh0gun Fapstronaut

    That's your intuition, you know its the truth. Your conditioning has taught you otherwise.

    And congratulations on going more than 48 hours! If you are able to go that long without it, you are able to never use it again.
  18. Mr. Kruger

    Mr. Kruger Fapstronaut

    Yes, it's going to be a very difficult journey in some ways, but just think about how much of a relief it will be to finally get this monkey off your back once and for all. You also have to ask yourself this: what alternative is there? There are only two directions you can go from here: you can continue being an addict, or you can decide to work towards no longer being an addict. Only the latter will improve your existence; the former will do nothing but keep you shackled to this situation that you're in right now. By quitting PMO for good, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain. That was the crossroads that I found myself at when I knew that I had to quit PMO for good, and I knew there was no way that I could continue down that same road that I had been on for two decades.

    I know you can do this because I'm living proof that it's possible; I was a severe addict for pretty much twenty years. Sometimes, it will be easy; other times, it will be immensely difficult. Recovery from an addiction isn't a straightforward, linear process; it fluctuates up and down. As you progress, however, the lows you experience will gradually get milder, and the highs you experience will get better. Then it will dawn on you one day that you haven't even thought about PMO for a few days. And then a month or two after that, you'll notice that you can go a whole week without thinking about it. Once you reach that stage, it just keeps getting easier and easier.

    I wish you the best of luck in your recovery! And if you ever need to message me for any kind of advice or support, I don't mind at all.
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2022
    brahmacarya, kopykat and Dave G 123 like this.
  19. mark7

    mark7 New Fapstronaut



    I have had so much overlap in the withdrawal symptoms you were experiencing. I happen to suffer with extreme insomnia too! How long did yours last for and how were you able to overcome this and improve quality of sleep. Melatonin doesn't even seem to help. Any suggestions?solutions?
    Resurrection96 likes this.
  20. As it takes awhile to build up in the system to the point of usefulness, I would not expect this to have an effect until about three months of supplementation, but have you tried vitamin B12?

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