Kegel Excercises.

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Kratos_GOW, Jun 12, 2022.

  1. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    In your journey has Kegel Exercises helped you in better intercourse or better in other aspects of your life?
    If yes then how to follow this routine as a beginner? What routines to follow?
    Thanks in advance.
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  2. It must help..along with controlling urges.
    Just include kegel twice a day.
    Kratos_GOW likes this.
  3. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Yeah but i dont know the basics of the excercise
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  4. It's just like trying to hold your pee upward. Pull your penis and muscle around it inward and then release it. Do the same with anus sphincter also. It will help you transmute your sexual energy. Don't do it when you feel like strong pee. Go and release pee. Regular kegel will stop the urge for masturbation. Just start it.
    Search for Ashwini Mudra in google.
    Kratos_GOW likes this.
  5. Kegel is more than what you think or what you heard of. You can do it anytime of the day or even in your workplace. Its like pulling your penis muscle inward and releasing it throughout the day. You can use it as an alternative of masturbation. I am calling it anti-masturbation exercise.
    Kratos_GOW likes this.
  6. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Thank a lot for the advice
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  7. nilPMOdone

    nilPMOdone Fapstronaut

    I do an advanced version of kegels called moola bandha in traditional Indian yoga. I've a post about it too. I've been doing it for about a month now. I've noticed considerable reduction in urges and once I tested by fapping on fantasy and found that erection was harder and stayed for longer than usual and orgasm was fuller. Now, I'm convinced that this practice is working so I'll not be tempted into doing more tests. My current streak is 14 days since I did the fap test.
  8. You are doing Moola Bandha !! OMG ! Then you must not be getting masturbation urges, right ??
    Kratos_GOW likes this.
  9. I was doing Moolabandha when I was in class 10. I never got urges to masturbate while other friends were doing masturbation.
    Kratos_GOW likes this.
  10. Dont do any erection test !! You might fall into the trap
    Kratos_GOW likes this.
  11. nilPMOdone

    nilPMOdone Fapstronaut

    Right. I don't want my mind to get any excuse to fap. I'm convinced about the practice so no more tests.
  12. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Can you explain to me how to do those? Thanks
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.
  13. nilPMOdone

    nilPMOdone Fapstronaut

    Check my post Titled Useful Exercises. In the post I've mentioned about sidha aasan you've got to sit in this posture for 30 minutes/ day. This posture apparently pushes energy from lower chakras to higher chakras and that leads to behavorial change. Sounds like bro science but if it works than I'd rather skip the science and just jump into action.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
  14. I know sidhasana. I did it today. I even did Bhramari Pranayam.
    Kratos_GOW likes this.
  15. Kratos_GOW

    Kratos_GOW Fapstronaut

    Thanks both
    DeterminedRebooter likes this.