Long-Term Addiction to PMO May Contribute to Digestive Disorders (Gastritis, IBS, SIBO, Dysbiosis)

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by brahmacarya, Apr 23, 2022.

Has NoFap improved your digestion?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Makes you kind of think when people say masturbation makes you blind(weak eyesite), all these so called myths might just be peoples observations. Before nofap I used to get bad heartburn all the time, hair loss, weak back, weak knees, cracking in all my joints, bad body odor, weird body striations, super low energy like all the time, excessive negative thoughts - and these were when I was like 17 lol. Im not saying it all went away 100%, but its definitely way less than where it was.
    kopykat, Toni7, OhWhenThe and 2 others like this.

  2. I believe I had to read this in what has been happening to me currently.

    I'll be honest in that I'm feeling more bloated then I've ever been and I'm not even loosing weight anymore especially on eating healthy and drinking water daily along with other healthy fluids. Still each and every other day I return to the scale and no improvement. I've been highly putting the finger on it that it has to do with my compulsion habits of PMO. My bowel movements are not solid as you said and I only have one at most each morning after even putting more fiber into my diet such as peanut butter or coffee for more of an effect. Still I am seeing no fat loss witch has been bugging me because I work all day and lift especially and about three day's a week I do exercise for 45 minutes plus. Weight is always back at the same level or increased. I've been majorly pin pointing it to a digestive problem some times I will take ex-lax and it does help a little bit.. At this point I'm at a point of not knowing what to do. But after reading this my mind is being more confirmed it's a problem with PMO and detrimental prolonged masturbation effects. .
    brahmacarya likes this.
  3. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Disrupted hormonal balance and metabolism.

    The PMO addiction will absolutely ruin your digestion and metabolism in the long run. Stop it before it is too late.
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2022
  4. OhWhenThe

    OhWhenThe Fapstronaut

    My digestive issues started to resolve themselves after 2-3 months of no pmo and after 4 months they were 100% gone. I relapsed a couple of times and I was still ok but I relapsed a few more since then and now all the same issues are back again, possibly even worse than before. PMO absolutely nukes my intestines.
    Sushmal, Toni7, iamShinra and 3 others like this.
  5. Ajar

    Ajar Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    Yea my Acne starting to clear up now too. Before I couldn't even touch a KitKat, now I have one like every 2-3 days no problem...I'll drink Red Bulls, no Acne

    You know what's super strange? My diet is like controlling itself. It's so weird. I'm like only 7 days in, but like I don't even overeat anymore, compared to like last month when my streaks were only a couple days long. That's definitely something I noticed that happens automatically. If I keep eating less, I'll definitely update this thread, such a cool effect
    Toni7 and brahmacarya like this.
  6. Daniel monje

    Daniel monje Fapstronaut

    es cierto que salirse de la pornografia y masturbación ayudan a curar los problemas digestivos, doy testimonio de mi mismo. Antes sufría de reflujos y mala digestión, ahora que hago pmo con menor frecuencia esos problemas disminuyeron abismalmente
    brahmacarya likes this.
  7. Yes I too had and have digestion issues.I too figured out this very late.After evey PMO session or I say ejaculation I'll feel like heavy around stomach,some gastric type stuff and bloating sensations.i have shown to many doctors including various options of medicines like allopathy,aurveda,etc.but nothing improved.And because of this disturbance ,most of time my mood and overall mind body was not at ease.Finally after 19 years of M ,initially some 3 years of occassional PMO and then later 12 years of PMO sessions I was able to convince myself in 2021 itself that it was a real problem and I was addicted.I used to PMO around every 20th day and so.but those were full weekends sometimes.i was horrific.

    Since I left it on 21-04-21 ,I am much better.My stomach too is better than earlier.Presently I'm not on any medication.But still I'm no where healed.still going through withdrawals symptoms ,exhaustion and no libido.

    I hope in coming days and weeks I'll get better slowly.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  8. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your experiences. Hope things will keep improving for you!
    Last edited: Sep 7, 2022
  9. HereToFight

    HereToFight Fapstronaut

    Glad to have come across your post, as I've been suspecting that my intestinal problems are also linked to PMO.
    I'm more motivated now than never before, to overcome this plague of an evil habit, with God's help.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  10. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Have you noticed any improvements in your digestion on longer streaks of NoPMO? What is your diet like currently?
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2022
    MagoriumsEmporium likes this.
  11. HereToFight

    HereToFight Fapstronaut

    I actually do not remember, since the last long streak was a long time ago. I'm about to check this possibility now, since I'm very determined to break all records on streaks so far, with God's help.

    But yes, to some extent, I have managed to get better by changes in diet, at least. I am a strict vegetarian, which means no diary, no milk and virtually no eggs too, besides not eating meat.

    Also, I do not ingest alcohol, caffeine and avoid processed food, spicy and condiment-rich foods. Pretty much, my diet is simple but rich, I eat whole grain foods, seeds, grains, fruits, vegetables, some roots and things like that. It started when I had an inflammation in the intestines, and got pretty bad. I could not evacuate and thus, could not eat properly as well, it was terrible.

    Since then I adopted changes in my diet, leading to what it is today. There are some book that have helped me with that. All from the 19th century: "Counseuls on diet and foods", "The Ministry of Healing" and "Counseuls on Health" from author Ellen G. White, good stuff, and free on the internet.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  12. holyjourney

    holyjourney Fapstronaut

    did you see improvement so far from your steaks?
    I am suffering exactly from same. I am overweight and in obese category. I have apparently no bad eating habit. I eat twice or once a day and home made food. Only bad habit is i love soft drinks and i dink them twice a week which itself is not much. No matter how much i am doing cardio or try to eat less portion, my weight s not decreasing. I am bloated all the time and I am pretty sure it is all because of PMO. Sometimes if i take some probiotic mixture, it helps a bit just for couple of days and then back to same. It feels like I have to starve myself to decrease weight but i think pmo is playing vital role here which has completely destroyed my metabolism and digestive system
    brahmacarya likes this.
  13. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Study (2022): Diminished androgen levels are linked to irritable bowel syndrome and cause bowel dysfunction in mice

    Functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) have prominent sex differences in incidence, symptoms, and treatment response that are not well understood. Androgens are steroid hormones present at much higher levels in males than females and could be involved in these differences. In adults with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), a FGID that affects 5% to 10% of the population worldwide, we found that free testosterone levels were lower than those in healthy controls and inversely correlated with symptom severity. To determine how this diminished androgen signaling could contribute to bowel dysfunction, we depleted gonadal androgens in adult mice and found that this caused a profound deficit in gastrointestinal transit. Restoring a single androgen hormone was sufficient to rescue this deficit, suggesting that circulating androgens are essential for normal bowel motility in vivo. To determine the site of action, we probed androgen receptor expression in the intestine and discovered, unexpectedly, that a large subset of enteric neurons became androgen-responsive upon puberty. Androgen signaling to these neurons was required for normal colonic motility in adult mice. Taken together, these observations establish a role for gonadal androgens in the neural regulation of bowel function and link altered androgen levels with a common digestive disorder.

    Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8759776/
  14. freedom9222

    freedom9222 Fapstronaut

    I am having prostate problems
  15. Tumi

    Tumi Fapstronaut

    I completely relate to you, I had the same problem too and it became worse after each relapse but I'm now much better, I also used to fart excessively.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  16. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Thanks for sharing your experience. For how long did you have to abstain from PMO to improve your digestive health? Do you mind sharing more details?
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
  17. Tumi

    Tumi Fapstronaut

    To be honest I don't have the exact time frame, I went for 90, 73,90, 120 days and it got better after each streak but now I don't count days anymore.
    brahmacarya likes this.
  18. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Did you have those 4 streaks roughly within the same year? What is the approximate duration of your current streak? Thanks
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2022
  19. Tumi

    Tumi Fapstronaut

    It was in a space of 18-20 months I think, right now I'm about 8 weeks I relapsed recently after a long streak of 120 days but managed to get up again and I learn a lot from my relapses I find them beneficial in a long run as reflect and note where, why and what led to the relapse
    brahmacarya likes this.
  20. brahmacarya

    brahmacarya Fapstronaut

    Has your digestive health worsened in any way after that recent relapse? What kind of digestive symptoms did you use to experience at your worst stage?