Reading Challenge [2023]

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by FallingPetals, Jun 26, 2023.


    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    The trial by kafka,
    Dogs of war by adrian tchaikovsky,
    leech by hiron ennes,
    Ūruz likes this.
  2. Read that this year, it's kino.
    Ūruz likes this.
  3. Halfway through The Brothers Karamazov. It's very good, but also very tough going. Regularly goes off on chapter-long tangents and down side roads that loop around and back again then go off elsewhere. 500 pages in and the plot of the book as described in the blurb hasn't happened yet lmao. The main appeal I think is how well realized the characters are, and how they interact with other characters equally well constructed.
    Ūruz likes this.

    USER_ERROR Fapstronaut

    Don't know what this mean but most of the book flew over my head, i believe it is something about the futility of resisting established authority or something? If so the Book could have been shortened as several chapters were i found completely useless.
    Ūruz likes this.

  5. I was just thinking if I should listen to an audiobook of that. I am concerned I'll fall asleep to large sections of the book and forget where to pick it back up from.. think i'll give it a go
    Ūruz likes this.
  6. It's not a finished book, it was assembled from drafts and published after Kafka died. The story is a satire of German bureaucracy.
    Ūruz likes this.
  7. I'm not sure that's a good idea. I'd imagine the book to be confusing if listened to as opposed to read.
    Ūruz likes this.
  8. NinetyNine

    NinetyNine New Fapstronaut


    Sorry I’m so late on the reply, Seth LCU hit the nail on the head. Darth Plagueis is awesome and so are the Darth Bane novels by Karpshynn. There is a newer book called Lords of the Sith by Paul S Kemp that was pretty awesome as well. The new Darth Vader comics from Marvel have been phenomenal. Issue 18 of the second run was really awesome as he taps Grand Moff Tarkin to actually hunt him so that he can find any area he may be “weak or lacking” and crush that weakness. The two new Thrawn trilogies, though not Sith focused, were also great and the second book of the first trilogy sees Thrawn teaming up with Anakin.
    Ūruz and {Ananta} like this.
  9. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut

    Missed one week because I had a headache. So this one is just for this week.


    Amos 1
    Proverbs 12
    ADWD 123-214
    The Battle of Alamein 246-320
    Ūruz likes this.
  10. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    25 pages from completing britney spears audiography, shes a good writer but its simple living writing, you need to be a fan of her to really indulge i suppose. I signed up at https :// booktasters . net , you make a profile, then click what genres your into then i guess they send you bunch of book titles to choose from, for free, new novels , but its for reviweing, your signing up to be a reviewer , leave your reviews on amazon books an good reads, they send you the free copy either from them or dirrectly from the author through email
    Ūruz and One Eyed Owl like this.
  11. Khufu

    Khufu Fapstronaut

    My Journal
    I'm currently on finishing chapter one of " Mortal Engines - predators gold" for those who watched the movie, its what happens next after the movie, i enjoyed the movie more then i intended, there was a book fair and thats where i picked up the book, right now its other characters , ester hasnt made an appearance yet
    Ūruz, SethLCU and One Eyed Owl like this.
  12. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    One Eyed Owl like the tokyo ghoul character ? I was wondering haha

    I read The Broken Earth by NK Jemisin its great, shes great i guess there are two more books so ill pick those up at some point
    Ūruz, SethLCU and One Eyed Owl like this.
  13. Finished The Brothers Karamazov the other day. Great book, very dense and complex with a lot of ideas. 8/10. I'm now reading Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami.
  14. One Eyed Owl

    One Eyed Owl Distinguished Fapstronaut


    Amos 2
    Proverbs 13
    ADWD 215-326
    The Battle of Alamein 320-360


    Amos 3
    Proverbs 14
    ADWD 326-421
    The Battle of Alamein 360-414

    Yes Miss Bubbles my name is indeed from Tokyo Ghoul. It was one of the first animes that I had watched and I really feel in love with the show. And yeah the One Eyed Owl was one of the characters that I really liked.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2023
  15. Finished Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World. A good book but I think it drops off a bit in the second third. Very typical Murakami fare, where the plot doesn't matter and it's more about the mood. 7.5/10.

    Next up I'm going to read Deadhouse Gates, the second Malazan book. As with Gardens of the Moon, I've read it before, but I want to re-read it in preparation for the third book, which I have not read yet. Might be worth someone making a new thread for 2024? I'll do it myself if I find the time.
  16. Dying Light

    Dying Light Fapstronaut

    Who Moved My Cheese?
    Book by Spencer Johnson. This is a small book but very interesting. I finished it in 3 days. 8/ 10 for me.
    Next up is The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. It's a bestseller of all time.
    Ūruz and {Ananta} like this.
  17. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Plan on making a new one and also updating my progress on here lol but of course, you can make it if you want?
    Ūruz and One Eyed Owl like this.
  18. hiimbubbles

    hiimbubbles Fapstronaut

    Im reading Atomic Habits I ordered Angela Duckworth's Grit it says its comming today we'll see
    Ūruz likes this.
  19. I made it.
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