Non-Negotiables [2024]

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by FallingPetals, Jan 10, 2024.

  1. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Alright, this warrior is back and she has an urgent and important mission to complete

    I have 3-4 hours to finish reading a book. I know I can do this. It's just that I am extremely sleepy and need to shower first. But I cannot afford to sleep because I need to meet this deadline... and why didn't I sleep before? Because I got busy with something else which I want to journal about but I don't have time

    Gah, I feel like I am blabbering!

    Shush. Ok. Stop.

    And start.

  2. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Okay, I will start reading now. Inshallah. 20 minutes only and then I take a nice coffee break.
    One Eyed Owl and Orphan like this.
  3. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    4 chapters done
    Almost took 25 min

    Its a short book

    19 chapters to go
    Thats roughly… 2 hours
    One Eyed Owl and Orphan like this.
  4. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Gonna make coffee reallllll quick
    One Eyed Owl, InnerMan and Orphan like this.
  5. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

    You are doing SO WELL!!! Keep going! :)
    One Eyed Owl and FallingPetals like this.
  6. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

  7. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

  8. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I am done! I did it! Alhamdulillah
    BUT I am not fully done… I need to make some notes and prepare for a class.
    I got this inshallah!
  9. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I so want to sleep but I cannot for another two hours
    It’s just two hours… I can make it through right? Inshallah
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and Orphan like this.
  10. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

    Congratulations!! Well done! Hope you get some good sleep now. :)
  11. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I DID IT. The book. The class. The prep. That’s the first victory, after returning, alhamdulillah! Mission accomplished!
  12. Orphan

    Orphan Fapstronaut

  13. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I have zero mental energy
    Been awake since 24 hours now
    Cant journal cos even if I want to, brain’s a mush
    Want to get up and help with housework but so sleepy
    Want to take a nap but I am sure it will wont be a short one and will steal the opportunity to help with housework
    And helping with housework is a priority goal

    Ya Rabb :/
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and Orphan like this.
  14. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Wallahi, my only mission right now seems to be to not fall asleep
    I did take a 1.15 hr nap and woke up
    Now, I am trying to not fall asleep otherwise I will miss going out which I do not want to
    Oh slewp wleep
    One Eyed Owl, Caged_bird and Orphan like this.
  15. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Hahaha omg I was soooooo sleepy and I fell asleep right after this post BUT I did not miss out on going out

    So… that’s victory 2, Alhamdulillah

    Slowly starting to get back in work mode bi’ithnillah! Could feel the motivation building up today and my brain gearing up.

    As for this thread, certainly going to use it frequently till Eid because I do want to get stuff done till then but also not in an overwhelming way. Just selected things so it wont exactly be a list of non-negotiables that I will be following but rather short missions inshallah because I want to complete and actually finish the stuff that I am close to finishing. Other stuff includes day to day things/duties like the projects going on or Quran time but no need to put that here because thats every day stuff that will go on for a loooong time inshallah

    Stuff that can missionized (is that even a word?) and that I can push myself to finish within 1-2 weeks includes…
    1- Course A
    2- Course M
    3- Course T (not exactly finish it because it’s ongoing but catch up with it)
    4- Course S
    5- Course V
    (Will update list as I think of more…)

    My second semester of uni course has started and I am already 3 weeks behind in it but I am not going to start it until after Eid. I know it will be too much to handle for now and I want Ramadan to recharge me, not drain me. I also want to focus on planning the next few months during this last bit of Ramadan.

    Okay, I feel more clarity. Now, please sleep brain.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
  16. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Only got project work done today
    I didn’t get many tasks done in that area because they were all time consuming tasks. Alhamdulillah happy about the progress but just a tad bit worried about the lag

    Here’s what I need to do after my nap inshallah…
    Project tasks
    1- REC
    2- WM
    3- RG MSG

    Other stuff:
    Decision regarding H
    Order a book
    Start course A
    Start course T

    I am feeling blank. I know there’s more stuff
    Orphan and One Eyed Owl like this.
  17. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I may have wasted the past hour or so in doing something extremely unproductive

    But enough. No more of that. Time is precious and I cannot waste away my life in wishful thinking. Also feeling lazy but no. I have a good couple of hours to get work done and then I can take a nap later on.

    First task: Get up and make a solid cup of coffee. Recharge myself physically and spiritually and then get on to the pending tasks
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024
  18. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    Yo, it took me 1.5 hours to complete some project tasks that seemed so simple and not so time consuming

    But at least I am done with them alhamdulillah!

    Project tasks: Done
    :emoji_heavy_check_mark:RG MSG

    Honestly, I have noticed that the challenge is to quickly start doing stuff in the moments when I feel lazy or sleepy even though I know that I did get enough sleep. Once you start, you get in work mode alhamdulillah. And the sweet feeling of having done something productive and that sense of accomplishment totally boosts your energy. Also, remember Zee, you can either indulge your brain in fantasies/wishful thinking and feel a temporary pleasure out of it that actually leaves you feeling more down later on OR you could engage your brain in productive intellectually stimulating work that brings this sweet long lasting pleasure.

    Of courseeeeeeeeee easier said than done hehe
    Last edited: Mar 28, 2024
  19. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    I have 1.5 hours to…

    :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:Get some reading done inshallah
    :emoji_black_square_button:Do some course T homework
    :emoji_ballot_box_with_check:Clean up my room a bit

    No homework time. Going out now for a class. Hopefully, things go smooth inshallah.
    Last edited: Mar 29, 2024
  20. FallingPetals

    FallingPetals Fapstronaut

    And, alhamdulillah things went really smooth
    Enjoyed the drive, the morning, the weather and the class

    Right now though? I am procrastinating BIG TIME