The power of choice

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by minionnomore, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. minionnomore

    minionnomore Fapstronaut

    The power of choice is what makes us different from any other living being.A tree can't be anything but a tree why because it doesn't have a choice does it.Us humans have unlimited options we no longer have to follow our instincts like animals do.We human beings are blessed with this unique power but often most of the time we make bad choices(cough* cough* Donald Trump winning the elections).

    Now isn't this the same power of choice that led you to pmo and also after that you decided to change.Porn or masturbation isn't the solutions to your problems.It never is and never will be.It is basically like a guy having to choose between two roads one is a short road with enjoyment at the start and struggles at the end and the other is a long road with struggles at the start and enjoyment at the end.Sometimes the guy may know the consequences of each road but still takes the short road.Sometimes the guy doesn't know the consequences and takes the short road but you know what both of them can do.They can change their road it only takes a moment to make a decision.

    But following it could be tough so what do most people do when it gets tough they quit.This where your power comes into play you can quit or keep on going.Always keep on going because in the long the struggles are temporary and after that you succeed.

    We have been programmed by the media/society and they basically tell us what to do.
    Even though you still think you have free you are still influenced by the media/society. We are basically their sheep who are led into the slaughterhouse of mediocrity.Do you wish to be a sheep or a lion?.Do you have the mind of a free man or the mind of a slave?.

    :).Its time we rise up and live this life to its fullest potential.:)
    Bichofue, Harry91, I Free I and 2 others like this.
  2. Well said!

    One of the things I've realised in life is that the majority of us we are exerting free will, while we go around living as total slaves to our drives and desires. It's only those of us who stop and recognise how little control we've used, and how much we've been pulled along by the current of life, who are able to step back, and learn to act free from influence of the things we want and desire.

    One of the simplest ways to begin to exercise a modicum of free will is to begin cleansing yourself of negative habits. Whether it be PMO, smoking, recreational drugs, a toxic relationship, too much TV, or something else entirely - all of these habits create strong driving impulses that constantly hijack our thoughts and convince us to continue in their pursuit. By eliminating them one by one, or at the very least reducing their presence in your life, there are less of these strong impulses to sway you in any direction, and so the ability to move freely and control your own life is much more available to you.
    Deleted Account and MrPrince like this.
  3. I agree. For example the media tells us to look up to celebrities and follow their every move even when celebrities do some of the dumbest stuff or how they encourage the sex sells business tool to get men especially to purchase their products and then wonder why so many women are so mistreated.
  4. I Free I

    I Free I Guest

    Motivation .