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Aug 25, 2023
Mar 19, 2015
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Illinois USA


Fapstronaut, Male, from Illinois USA

Hard-Mode, some thing I never wanted to resort to, my wife is leaving for a time to visit with her mother, Im going hard-mode Apr 17, 2019

Monk85 was last seen:
Aug 25, 2023
    1. Monk85
      Hard-Mode, some thing I never wanted to resort to, my wife is leaving for a time to visit with her mother, Im going hard-mode
    2. Monk85
      I find this time rather shitty and for some reason my wife isn't having sex with me and it's making me more bitter and pissy
    3. Monk85
      I guess the best way to describe the reboot is it feels like the sex drive has been removed from me on some days.
      1. AntiqueRevolverGuy
        Yeah, it's one of the stages. You instead admire women's true beauty and not their sexiness.
        Nov 12, 2016
        Monk85 likes this.
    4. Monk85
      I'm 66 days into my reboot, still been experiencing PIED, not all the time, but some times. it sucks.
      1. MrBy likes this.
    5. Monk85
      Today marks the 45 day mark of my reboot, I observed my activity and during this time I have only viewed porn twice.
      1. jeffersondavepinoy
        Dont do that bro it can be cause of relapse
        Oct 21, 2016
        Monk85 likes this.
      2. Monk85
        Oh I know, I just had a lapse in judgement for a moment, I am trying to stay away from porn at all costs now. I never thought ever in my life that I would have this problem with porn addiction, I always thought ''oh I can quit looking anytime I want'' I never thought it would get this bad.
        Oct 21, 2016
    6. Monk85
      Okay, I didn't want to show my face in NoFap until I made some headway, and I Did, I quit the porn and I have not viewed porn in 32 days
    7. Monk85
      It's been pretty hellish this past month but I think I have made a small record for myself, 8 days with no porn
      1. Phunkie likes this.
      2. Phunkie
        GET IT!!! You can do this!!
        Nov 28, 2015
        Monk85 likes this.
    8. Monk85
      ugh, caught myself in the middle of trying to pmo but when I was realized what I was doing I stopped
      1. Icyweb likes this.
    9. Monk85
      I am having an issue here, my college health class promotes masturbation, but I am trying to quit, I was right about this society.
    10. Monk85
      I messed up today, I relapsed, now I am unhappy, I felt like I was getting on such a good level field with it. I am not giving up though.
    11. Monk85
      I am being hit with a PMO urge RIGHT NOW, I found something arousing that was porn related, and my wife can't have sex right now.
      1. BeachDude1992
        you can use K9 Web Protection for porn filter, when it asks for a password, ask your wife to put on the password and tell her to never tell you the password. (or a friend)...It really helps! It helped me break my porn habit (50+ days without porn)
        Sep 11, 2015
      2. Icyweb
        I know this is a whole day later, but when this happens again, don't just sit around, get up and go do something. It's harder to relapse if you're involved in something else, especially with other people or if it's physical.
        Sep 12, 2015
      3. Monk85
        @Beachdude, the way things are going for now, it is being considered, I fucked up today and relapsed and I'm not very happy with myself right now. @Icyweb, I have been doing more as I go along and seeing I relapsed today, I think I need to get involved in more things.
        Sep 14, 2015
    12. Monk85
      Okay, I have been messing up,but some things have improved, I can actually keep track of when and how much porn I looked at.
    13. Monk85
      Feeling like a complete and utter failure, I tried to quit porn on the 27th but gave in this morning, I feel hopeless right now
      1. View previous comments...
      2. JoeinUSA
        Indeed, man, we are all with you. Keep trying like we all do.
        Jul 30, 2015
      3. Headspace
        Take that hopelessness, bathe in it, remember it. Then try to stop PMO a further time and, when you're about to do it, think about how it will make you feel after the dopamine rush is over.
        Jul 30, 2015
      4. Monk85
        Thank you guys, I am with you all too, I know together we can win this one, I am not doing so great now, but I am still trying, it's only been two days since I've pmo-ed. I know I can't do this without you all!
        Sep 6, 2015
    14. Monk85
      Two days and no porn, I don't experience to big of a difference just yet except I feel the urge to M more and my sex drive seems pretty high
      1. Kenji likes this.
      2. Kenji
        Keep going..
        Jun 4, 2015
    15. Monk85
      Okay I did better, I got up and went to work and didn't go to porn, there's one day without it, 44 more to go, then onto no M for 45days
    16. Monk85
      I know today I screwed up by PMOing when I got up and not thinking, I guess being a creature of habit I need to change my habits.
    17. Monk85
      Lead me, follow me or get the hell out of my way -General George S Patton
      1. arturo111
        Nice prof pic bro
        Jun 1, 2015
      2. Monk85
        Thank you!
        Jun 1, 2015
    18. Monk85
      The midwest can keep their ''fun'' crap about masturbation and porn, I can't build a solid foundation on conjecture and half truths
      1. headedup
        What do you mean by your post? It sounds interesting. Tag me if you want a response from me.
        May 8, 2015
      2. Monk85
        Sorry about the late response headedup, what I mean is the psychologists,colleges are teaching all this crap about how masturbation and porn is okay and some kind of healthy sexual expression and even goes as far as try to make it sound more fun or meaningful than it really is, and their information is not solid and only consists of conjecture and half truths that can be easily de-bunked
        May 29, 2015
    19. Monk85
      We will prevail, I believe in all of you!
      1. arturo111 and LongWayHome like this.
      2. Kickthatfap
        Thank you!
        Apr 3, 2015
      3. Monk85
        No problem, the pleasure is all mine!
        Apr 3, 2015
    20. Monk85
      I see the rebooting and re-educating ones self is not a walk in the park and not easy, I believe quitting smoking was easier for me!
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  • About

    Illinois USA
    I am a writer, a very deep thinker, and I am fairly new to NoFap, I came because I want to eliminate masturbation and pornography from my life and I am trying to do it in a gradual way, I try to avoid the porn and lately I try to masturbate less, there's been some good days, some bad, I try to set goals, I'm happily married and my wife doesn't see what the big deal is and thinks masturbation is okay but I feel as a married man I should just be having a healthy sexual relationship with my wife that does not include masturbation and porn, I do not buy into all the stuff ''professionals'' and the media says about masturbation, I believe all this information is nothing more than cigarette science and it's a false sense of freedom that we are constantly being sold out to and I believe there are many reasons for it but one thing that I find is sad is that the porno and sex toy and ''adult store'' industries make millions off of this, I believe a reboot as NoFap calls it is a great idea and I would hope some re education would be in order, we need to learn to question these supposed ''facts'' that are being constantly forced down our throats about masturbation, they tell us to trust it, I believe we should not trust it and hate it and re educate ourselves, I know I got a long road ahead of me but I welcome all support and suggestions, I also welcome anyone who is interested in having a good dialogue about the matter and maybe we could think up things together to not only help ourselves but to also ways to educate ourselves and to refute what is being forced upon us by society and their fake freedom system.
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