1. D

    Your Top 10 Albums Released in 2018

    It's New Year's Eve so what was your 10 best albums released in 2018? Here's mine: 1. A Brief Inquiry Into Online Relationships by The 1975 2. Shawn Mendes by Shawn Mendes 3. No Shame by Lily Allen 4. Church of Scars by Bishop Briggs 5. Aviary by Julia Holter 6. Echos by Joshua Hyslop 7. The...
  2. Senyxo

    The Beginning

    Alright so here we go I guess. I've actually wanted to do this for a long time now but never really motivated myself doing it. But anyways.. let's start: About one year ago, in April, I first heard about NoFap, self improvement and all that. I was fascinated by it and quickly began to actually...
  3. R

    Life challange

    I am 32 years old male. I have been masturbating since age of 12. I do masturbate a lot something between 1-13 times a day. Masturbation has hold me a lot in my life and usually I am not productive during the day at all because of this, though I have a higher degree. There have been months where...
  4. C

    2018 Relapse

    This year I planned to go all 365 days without PMO. Such an audacious goal, as the longest I’ve ever lasted is just 4 days. Well, yesterday I was motivated, I blocked all the adult sites, and did everything right to succeed. Then today everything went downhill. I accidentally didn’t delete the...
  5. Matt11

    Happy 2018! Hi, 18y/o newbie here...

    Hi everyone, To start with, I am a 18 year old male from Australia. I've been using pornography on and off for the last 2 years. In 2016 I was using it a lot. In 2017 the usage varied, but it ranged from every day, every few days to just the end of 2017 where it was only like once every week or...
  6. Darke2009

    To all of you

    Hey, I just want to thank all of you who offered advice and support this year and those of you who post your own struggles so we can all learn and support you in return. I have to say being part of this family has made this year a game changer for me and I know it has for many others. You...
  7. ali.nf

    1 Week Complete / Entering 2018

    So I decided to abstain from pornography & masturbation, a week before the new year begins. This is so I am in a good state when entering the new year so I can achieve all of my goals. 7 days in. I feel great right now and very motivated. At first I felt no effects; still depressed, low sex...
  8. artifact

    Rest of the year challenge (until 2018)

    Hey y'all. It is currently December 17, 2017 and I would like to commit to no P/M for the rest of year (roughly two weeks). This may not seem like much, but I've been having so many relapses lately this seems like a good goal for me to get back on track. Does anybody care to join me? Let's see...