advice for nofap community

  1. L

    Is real sex preventing my progress?

    Hi, I am a 27 year old male who has been watching porn and struggling with PMO for 17 years. I’ve been going through Nofap and relapsing for a while now, but I have gotten to the point where I can easily go 4-6 days without porn at all. And even seeing porn, or if a girl I hookup either sends...
  2. T

    A 20yo striving to be better

    Hi guys, I'm a 20yo from India, been into PMO for 6-8 years, I experience Depression, Anxiety and Cognitive dysfunction and memory impairment, Up till end of 2021 , I was a great student , I acheived academically a lot but after that everything came crumbling down and I realised that I've...
  3. 4

    What I have gathered after 10 years on NoFap

    I will make this quick to maximise the amount of people who will read it. If you have any questions about any point, feel free to ask. There is no going back once you quit. There is no masturbation after 90 days. For many, coming to terms with this is an understandably anxious thought - PMO has...
  4. Machine Elf Lover

    NoFap Remastered – A Guide on How to Quit Porn and What to do After

    NoFap Remastered – A Guide on How to Quit Porn and What to do After Foreword I joined the NoFap forum recently but had heard about that movement long ago. This community is a really great thing for many people. Nevertheless, very fast, I noticed reappearing patterns of posts in...
  5. J

    Porn and neuroplasticity, why it's so good for you to stop.

    I spend a time making this. please try to focus, maybe it will help you on your point of view on this. Have you ever stopped to wonder why it’s so hard to get out of this porn addiction? We start watching pornography very early, in a very critical period for our brain, when we are developing...
  6. cresyhorse

    motivation tip

    90+ days no pmo once you reach a certain goal against pmo addiction you'll start to lose focus on why you're doing this. when that happens go to a different section of this forum (for example problematic sexual behavior) or your day 1 journal. once you read those struggles you'll realise that...
  7. D


    Real Answer to Fap Or Nofap Is "I DON'T CARE." (Say it) This Things should not be important if you want to move Forward in your Life. Porn and Masturbation will fuck up Your Dopamine System. You are Getting free Dopamine by Masturbation and porn so Your Action and reward ratio is...