
  1. ironmaing

    Blood test results are expected? Tips to rebalance

    So my blood test are in. Effects of PMO are visible I'd say: low dopamine, high cortisol, high SHBG, low bioavailable testosterone and high serotonine. Any supplements or tips to get this into balance please?! Dopamine 31 pg/mL (range 10-150) Noradrenaline 126 pg/mL (range 135-300) Serotonine...
  2. Zondro

    You need to get this tested ASAP.........B12 D3

    This post is about getting your vitamin B12 And D3 checked. As most fapper have a defencecy and it could be a serious one. Especially if you are experiencing these symptoms. ——————————————————— This discovery happened when I complained to my doctor regarding this problem of fatigue...