
  1. LongSault

    Four months (120 days), A retrospect

    This is technically a day early, given that the four-month benchmark is actually tomorrow. However, as I start early for work tomorrow, I decided to talk about being porn-free four 120 days now to save time. So, without further ado... July 18 marks my fourth month without pornography. Back in...
  2. NameChangedByMods

    "PORN IN MODERATION" Experiment

    So in 2 days im going to be 30 days PMO free, so taking advantage of this, i will do an "experiment" where im going to PMO once per month (during 3 months) and in the last month im going to put the results here. Probably you're gonna ask to me: "Why the hell you are doing this you idiot". Well...
  3. PayneInPain

    NoFap Deeper voice???

    (sorry for bad english)(again and again) What do you think if a singer, do NoFap, and slightly has a deeper voice after doing it like months. Does the voice will sound weird like hell or it will sound like Frank Sinatra <<< (This is great!) Btw how does NoFap can make you to achieve a deeper voice?
  4. Abird

    A girl and the need for an answer if i wasted my chance?

    There is a girl I see twice a day mostly on Monday and Tuesday, but sometimes on Wednesday and once on Thursday. On those days I see her like 1-5 min. This started like 3 months ago. First I had some approach anixiety but I read alot about it. And it seems that Flirting and body language helps...
  5. Youssef-Hajjioui


    Dear Fapstraunots, Today I have decided to write in order to feel better, Our community dominates a wide variety of individuals all over the world. We are the symbol of diversity and variety, cooperation and evolution. Together we've marked the story of each one of us. We fought against...
  6. M

    After 6 months, can I stop PMO ?

    Hello, (I am french, so sorry for my english) 6 months ago I started PMO abstinence, after the 2 first months it became just PM and after 4 months it became just M. And now I want to stop because I feel more and more frustrated, is it legitimate to stop now ? Bisous les michtos, thank you :)
  7. _overcomer_

    15-30 days 4nd part of the thread (For people that getting advanced yet!)

    Hello here is the next threat... If you made the first thread with the 15 days successfully, you can start here :) And make your days 15-30.... stay strong! 0-5...