15-30 days 4nd part of the thread (For people that getting advanced yet!)


Day 16 08:32 AM
It is 16th day and I found a strange cure for Urges ..."Kitten crying" lol...My kitten was crying whole night due to something wrong she ate...and i was petting her ....My mind didnot create a single urge whole night...Other people should try...
Day 17. Have counted it in rounds. Accordingly, today is day 3/7 round 3. Thinking of it as day 3 has helped me to stay humble. Kept me in the "here and now"; "this week & today" mindset.

Reading with the intention of finding purpose has helped tremendously. Praying... meditating... And applying principles I have read on nofap so many times:

From not touching to being positive, taking one step at a time...
And just being patient and forgiving of myself... amongst other things, of course.

Finally, cutting out everything that can even remotely trigger a thought or temptation in a PMO direction has been a checkmate move.

#Let's keep moving forward... :)
Thoughts on Day 20

I do not masturbate. I do not watch p.
This is who i am today.

I respect every single person, for every single person tries his/her best to avoid suffering.

Over many years, in order to avoid suffering, i chose painful thoughts, destructive activities, harming my mind and body. I may forgive myself, since i did not know better back then.

I may forgive myself for the pain i have caused in others. I may as well forgive those who have hurt me.

If i would die right now, i would regret every second of worrying about the job, the money, the life of others that i would like to live but is out of reach. I would regret that i did not allow myself to simply enjoy life. I would regret that i did not allow myself to feel contented.

Thank you brothers and sisters for your guidance and wisdom, this journey means a lot to me.

I'm on my 22nd day! I have never made it this far before! I'm super proud of myself! Once I reach a month I'm going to be so excited because I'll be 1/3 of the way through hard mode 90 days!
Day 26 09:16 AM
Had night fall on Day 14...then on Day 23...then on Day 24 and today at Day 26....Is it normal to have night falls ?? or i am doing something wrong...
when you are sleeping and you have dream about having sex and you discharge in night...
Thanks for the explanation, it's called a wet dream, right? You may try to have a cold shower before going to bed. Your thoughts while lying in bed before sleep may also have some influence.

But in the end, it's not a relapse, nothing you can control, and nothing to worry about. I did not have any wet dream yet, but if it happens, the only thing i'd worry about is the time i need for cleaning up ;-)
I'm on day 27 and I haven't had a wet dream yet. I actually want one because I've never had one in my life because I started pornography before I could even have them. A lot of people say they start having theirs after 30 days so hopefully I will start in the next few days to release all of this sexual tension I am having. Hope al is well.
Day 15... I have a strange feeling that my guy down there is totally dead. I am 45 and have been PMO for more than 30 years. I have ED for quite a long time (in fact my erection has been kind of funny all of my life). I am too much influenced by my mind in sex (makes me hard or soft in a sec) and this is why porn has been so good because it made my mind focused on the screen and not wandering around. Now I wanna reboot because my marriage, otherwise perfect, is falling apart.
Hope something good with come out of all this effort... :))) Its not that it is hard not to PMO, it is more that I am not sure if it will make any difference and will I ever be able to have good solid E without P.