
  1. Batty Belfry

    Prose Before...

    I have been reading and writing poetry of late and thought the 18th century poem, "Silent, Silent Night" by William Blake, spoke to this community's recovery process. "Silent, Silent Night" by William Blake Silent Silent Night Quench the holy light Of thy torches bright For possess’d of Day...
  2. Kensei115

    Long ago, in a distant land...

    I, PORNOGRAPHY, the constantly shifting Master of Sexual Desires, unleashed an unspeakable evil on the Internet! But a foolish samurai warrior, wielding a NoFap sword, stepped forth to oppose me... Samurai Jack intro aside, I'll get to my intro. I am a 27 year old aspiring fiction writer who...
  3. P

    Hi! New and needing help defining success.

    Hi everyone! This is my first time using any forum, like ever. I guess I'm looking forward to talking to real people about rebooting. Quick intro: -I'm 23 -started masturbating in 8th grade / haven't really ever stopped -got a new grip on pornography a number of years ago -since discovering...