2024 Fitness Logs and resources

A community dedicated to nutrition, fitness, and overall health on a reboot.

  1. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Ok, I'll start this out. I usually do splits, but decided to mix things up for the next 4 weeks and started full body lifting again. I try to do cross fit type lifts for full body / compound lifts and for me it lends itself to high weights and low reps. I'm also addicted to supersets because of my lack of time and short attention span.

    5x5 heavy bench, got up to 185, but backed down to 165 to get all the reps.
    5x5 squat clean and jerk (135, you need instruction to get right form)
    5x3 deadlifts at 235 (you need instruction to get right form)
    20 dips
    5x3 one arm rows, using the end of the 235 bar.

    For resources, I've liked this guy lately because he tells you the lifts to avoid that either are dangerous or not very effective.
    jw2021 likes this.
  2. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    That is a neat looking workout you have. I’m looking forward to following along.
  3. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Today I did:
    5x5 good mornings at 115
    5x5 bent over bar rows at 115
    Sandbag carry 100 meters
    5 heavy manmakers 35pd KBs
    5 burpie pullups
    jw2021 likes this.
  4. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I did:
    Rotation of the following for 30 min
    5 80 pound 1 arm dumbbell rows
    5 TRX strap reverse rows
    5 40 lb dumbbell man makers
    40 heavy rope slams
    5 burpee pullups.
    5 20 lb wall balls
    jw2021 likes this.
  5. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2024
    jw2021 likes this.
  6. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Over the weekend, I did a lot of yard work which included pulling up a stump with axe and shovel and leveling the ground around my new fence. I usually like to run or bike, but I wanted to finish this project.
    jw2021 likes this.
  7. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Today I rotated through 4-5 rounds of: 30 min
    5 heavy back squats. got up to 205.
    5 80 lb straight leg dead lift
    5 TRX dips and reverse flys.
    5 50lb DB each arm step ups (each leg).
    5 80 LB DB rows
    5 good mornings
    5 plank rows with 40 lb DBs.
    jw2021 likes this.
  8. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    5x5 Dead lift pulls at 175
    5x5 barbell rows to neck 95
    5x5 1 arm KB snatch 45
    farmer walk 100 M
    5x5 hack squat
    5x5 1 arm barbell rows 95 (end of bar)
    jw2021 likes this.
  9. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Today: 30 Min rotation of
    5x5 good mornings 95
    5x5 dips (my shoulder is too sore for full chest right now)
    5x5 man makers with 35 KB.
    5x5 Turkish getups.
    jw2021 likes this.
  10. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    I had my physical this week. I've officially gone down 5 pd since last year using NSNG, but I do feel I've bulked up more too.
    jw2021 likes this.
  11. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    Just dropping by to see how you are doing.
  12. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    I didn't stop working out, but stopped posting due to just feeling like no one was joining in. Interesting thing, I had my T checked in my physical and it actually came up high for the first time at about 875. I'm 55 so I wan't expecting that. Nofap, paleo, and heavy lifting I think is the reason.

    I've started a new month now in lifting. Here's my routine, a lot more simple. It's still full body right now.

    6 sets of 10, alternating a traditional large muscle group:
    Squats superset with bent over rows,
    then as many sets I can get in in the rest of my 30 minute workout of
    Pull ups, Dips, man makers, etc.

    Cardio Day.

    Then on the next day do legs and back again, but maybe hamstrings and Cable rows.


    More sqats, and rows,

    Right now I'm skipping chest and shoulders because I have tendonitis, but when that's healed. I bench press and shoulder press into the 6x10. The theory is 6x10 builds more muscle and stick to standard lifts like squats, bench, shoulder press, rows, dead lift. If you can hit the same group 2 - 3 times a week, you will see bigger gains.
    jw2021 likes this.
  13. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    Looks like a intense workout. I look forward to hearing about your progress and gains.
  14. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Yesterday I did:
    6x10 back squat at 155 superset (SS) with
    6X10 pull ups then
    3x10 deadlifts SS
    3x10 1 arm row (using the end of a 135 bar)

    Today I paddle boarded (3-4 miles)
    jw2021 likes this.
  15. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Today I did:
    6x10 hack squat 135 lb with SS Dips.
    6x10 Tbar pulls at 135lb SS with pull ups
    jw2021 likes this.
  16. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Ran yesterday. rest today. Tomorrow, I think I'll do the same Monday, but switch the order.
    jw2021 likes this.
  17. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    6x10 Deadlifts at 165 SS with pullups.
    6x10 bent over rows SS with Dips.
    My shoulder is feeling better, so I think I'll start light bench next week in the 6x10.
    jw2021 likes this.
  18. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    jw, what have you been doing?
    jw2021 likes this.
  19. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    I’ve been doing some light full body workouts to try to get back in the swing of things. I’ve really let myself go and it is taking me a while to regroup. One day at a time. I will keep pushing.
  20. UlyssesResists

    UlyssesResists Fapstronaut

    Monday: watched the eclipse.
    Tuesday: 6x10 bench (light at 95 starting chest after anterior deltoid tendonitis) SS with dead lift.
    6x10 Bent over one arm rows at 80 SS with Barbell 95lb explosive shrugs (partial clean movement).
    Wednesday: Ju-jitsu with my son.
    jw2021 likes this.