41 days and still no benefits/anxiety

Discussion in 'Rebooting - Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Casanerd20, Jun 24, 2018.

  1. PHANTOMX0071

    PHANTOMX0071 Fapstronaut

    Hey bro I feel you on this one. I also went through the same things in the same phases of rebooting, and I was VERY concerned about my health. If I had a mild sensation in my chest, my brain would immediately tell me: “Hey! You’re having a heart attack! Freak out!”, all within a few seconds, causing panic attacks. I’ve never had them before until the rebooting process. So, allow me to give you some tips which very much helped me:
    1. Reduce caffeine, stop the coffee and all the energy drinks and try to reduce sugar too, all of these things have negative impacts on the chemical composition of the brain, and can also give the heartburn feel that anxiety gives. In fact, even if you may not be anxious, if you have a heartburn feeling, your mind will assess that feeling and convince itself that it is anxious. So just stop the sugar and caffeine so your brain can recover faster.
    2. Understand! Understand that your anxiety is just a projection from your head. Stop worrying about things that you aren’t 100% sure about. Stop google searching every medical condition and webmd article to see if you have a problem. Whenever you get these scary thoughts, focus on something in the present. In the worst case, it is important to understand that your body and brain actually become better able to deal with anxiety after every panic attack. Realizing that a panic attack is fully made up in your head helps with calming down. Also it is worth noting that sometimes panic attacks trick your brain into faking symptoms. For example, I once had a panic attack about my eyes because my vision was fuzzy (turns out I just didn’t get enough sleep) but my brain tricked me into having a bunch of other symptoms. That is the power of the brain. Try to harness that power to “trick” yourself to make you think that you are feeling better, not worse.
    3. Find something to focus on. It always helps. School, exercise, books, anything that will help you. NOT video games, food, internet etc.
    4. Be prepared. Sometimes anxiety will translate to different things, and it’s actually quite common. One day you may worry about your health, the next you may worry about your social skills, or work, or many things. But the key thing to remember is that this worrying is simply a temporary symptom of porn withdrawal. The absence of dopamine causes the brain to work in many strange ways. I guarantee you, however, that with abstinence from PMO, your anxiety will gradually go away.

    Best of luck, ask me any questions.
    Deleted Account and Anonymous86 like this.
  2. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    In my case im always doing something i really like to do to counterattack anxiety. But watch out for unhealthy addictive activities other than PMO.
  3. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Yeah that was exactly my problem ! I fed so much into it and I read and read about people who actually went through something traumatic and something happened in their life that made them have so many mental problems and I think I increased my own anxiety by feeding so much into it. The same for the thing you said about other things that the brain automatically goes to tell you your having an attack. I had this the first time I tried running after my anxiety attack. My heart beat was fast because I was running but my brain tricked me into getting that fear. I’m definitely feeling better knowing that there’s other things I can do. Working out a lot and staying hydrated really help. It’s just a matter of assessing what is going on and like you said tricking your brain. I really do hate what porn has done to my life
    PHANTOMX0071 likes this.
  4. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Yeah I agree with you some think staying in the room all day watching tv and playing video games is ok because at least they’re not watching porn. I’m not saying it’s bad to play but if you use them as a substitute it only slows recovery. It’s all about changing your whole lifestyle
  5. Mister Fire

    Mister Fire Fapstronaut

  6. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    I have do
    I have to do some confession(im going to look like a hypocrite now), i may not be playing video games anymore (and obviously no PMO either) but i do spend all day on t.v. and internet. And it's because i no longer have friends, girls, car, job, bycicle, nor the chance to get them.
  7. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    I’m at the point where the stuff I’m dealing with is more mental so I can watch tv just not as long as I used to it’s my anxiety I need to keep in check and it is actually slowly getting better and decreasing. I’m with you on the not having friends, car, job, and that’s why this journey is more than just stopping pmo. This is the perfect opportunity to work on yourself. All the other stuff will come as you keep on your journey and first accept yourself. When I used to go out with family or friends I didn’t even care what we were doing I wasn’t excited I just wanted to get home at a good time to fap.
  8. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    I agree with you in that "This is the perfect opportunity to work on yourself. All the other stuff will come as you keep on your journey and first accept yourself."
    And btw,
    We are wrong in something, guess what that is...
  9. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Not sure what is it ?
  10. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    That we do have a friend now.
  11. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Absolutely man !! Feel free to ask any questions or if you just want to share how your feeling
  12. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    Great! Im gonna follow you on NoFap.
    And btw thanks for not judging me about my all day tv/internet thing.
  13. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    Believe me no one in this community has the right to do that. We’re all here for the same reason. Judging someone on a site like this goes against everything it’s meant to be. We’re here to help and give advice
    Deleted Account and JJTorres like this.
  14. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

  15. You know, coffee works the exact same sense as pmo. You’re gonna need lore and more coffee to get the affect which will make you more tired in the long run. Also, people don’t think about it like this, but the energy is coming from somewhere, it’s yourself. What coffee does is block the receptors that make you feel tired and release adrenaline. So even when you’re suppose to be tired, you don’t feel it so you always push yourself. That’s asking to be burnt out, that’s asking for damage.
    Casanerd20 and Anonymous86 like this.
  16. Anonymous86

    Anonymous86 Fapstronaut

    Is lots of coffee consumption, common for Porn addicts and/or rebooters?
  17. JJTorres

    JJTorres Fapstronaut

    Didnt think about that really.
  18. Foxislander

    Foxislander Fapstronaut

    Yeah you're absolutely right I'm on day 95 hardmode pmo with my wife so I'm wondering with anxiety and things like that still happens here and there but they're not like panic attacks or anything it's just more emotion I think it's getting to the Core of who I really should have been all the time. And I don't think they're actually superhuman skills I think that there are what reality should feel like all the time I'm no longer on ADHD meds or any antidepressants and haven't drank anything in 5 weeks. Is that a symptom of a reset reboot or is that the way it should have been all along. Married 33 years doing hardmode pmo zero porn zero masterbation zero orgasm no relapses got any tips for the next unknown amount of time I got to go have replaced many many habits into better habits rebuilding my Mustang, woodworking, getting much larger muscles working my PC muscle everyday it also points out the coffee maker every morning LOL any help would be beneficial thank you and I could help the other people too God chooses and my wife decides when we become sexually intimate again it's not up to me
  19. Casanerd20

    Casanerd20 Fapstronaut

    First congrats on 95 days !! I got about 47 days till I hit 90. I’m no doctor or mental health specialist but this is just my opinion on it. Pmo numbs you down to the point where you use it for everything. You felt sad you pmo you feel angry you pmo you feel anxious you pmo. I think it’s natural to feel anxious at times especially if there is a lot going on. However I think the issue is that we rely on pmo for so long that when we go through these emotions but don’t use pmo we have no idea how to deal with them. I’ve done pmo for 8 years since I was 12. I knew I had a problem about 1.5 month ago when I started to feel shame of the stuff I was watching. I’m straight and I’ve always been straight but it got to the point where I could not orgasm unless it was trans/gay porn. I stopped to better my relationship with God and also for my family. I know that the anxiety I’m feeling is just temporary and it’s withdrawal because I’m not giving my brain the fix it wants. Don’t feed so much into it or let your mind take over. If it’s withdrawal your brain is gonna do everything it can to pmo. It’s never been able to be stable or function without pmo and know that pmo is taken it’s gotta find a new way to stabilize
  20. Maybe, because we all tired all the time, I noticed a lot of people mention low energy, fatigue etc. but everyone drinks coffee for various reasons.

    Are you asking if porn addicts drink coffee a lot or do they drink more than the average?

    You should consider.

    Are you still looking to heal?