henry3526 Fapstronaut Apr 11, 2019 #16,186 OK I wanna join, haven't done this one yet. 7 days should be a breeze (he says!) Day zero.
B burger1870 Fapstronaut Apr 11, 2019 #16,187 Yesterday I relapsed after 5 days. I feel sad. Back to zero.
A anewversion Fapstronaut Apr 11, 2019 #16,189 Good luck people. Never give and up keep trying. Find something to hold on too to give you a reason to succeed. I am off to the 14 day challenge.
Good luck people. Never give and up keep trying. Find something to hold on too to give you a reason to succeed. I am off to the 14 day challenge.
Rooki3 Fapstronaut Apr 11, 2019 #16,190 Rooki3 said: OK, day 1/7... Yes, it was easy.... Click to expand... Right, 2/7, and still going.... I did think a little about indulging, but it was just a flash thought...
Rooki3 said: OK, day 1/7... Yes, it was easy.... Click to expand... Right, 2/7, and still going.... I did think a little about indulging, but it was just a flash thought...
potatogamer Fapstronaut Apr 12, 2019 #16,195 Fuck i relapsed on Day 6 the very next day after wet dream. I must do something to counter wet dreams because it always make me relapse.but I'm gonna try again this time 14 days challenge.
Fuck i relapsed on Day 6 the very next day after wet dream. I must do something to counter wet dreams because it always make me relapse.but I'm gonna try again this time 14 days challenge.
D Deleted Account Guest Apr 12, 2019 #16,199 Finished the 3 days challenge successfully. Now I'm going to crush 7 days more. Let's go!