Day 6 - Feel fucked up, stressed, angry and tired. Hope I can calm down.
It is a very commendable in that you are doing your best to manage PMO and you have not given up. Also, this is not an all or nothing battle and perfectionism is not the goal. Living life purposely is. Read through the lessons in the link I shared with you. These lessons read a day at a time might offer some insight and awareness to better deal with the issue. At least for me, it has helped a great deal. It taught me about emotional management by developing values and character development. Negative emotions elicited by difficult life situations are usually the epicentre of many relapses, as many individuals do not know how to deal with such emotions.
When they say knowledge is power, that is not a worn out cliche. It is absolutely true. By reading extensively the YBOP website, personal development books and other resources, you get awareness and perspective and new strategies to deal with PMO.