After we are cured, does the chaser effect comes back, if we masturbate without Porn/Normally?


So if our brain gets rewired, and we don't need porn for simulation. But if we want to masturbate like normal person or without porn, will it lead to chaser effect, or will it do any harm to brain as porn used to do?
You know, if you are an ex alcoholic and start drinking again, you will probably become alcoholic again. I think the same is with nofap. If you rewire your brain and after certain time (especially short one, like a month or something) start to masturbate again... Well maybe you will become a fapper again. If I were you I would stop masturbating for at least couple of months maybe, and for sure, have regular (or BDSM i dont judge :D ) sex. But just dont masturbate. Thats just my opinion. Its very easy to fall back to where you started
But if we want to masturbate like normal person or without porn
why do you want to do this?
Why not pursue a healthy sexual relationship?
What 'purpose' would masturbation serve?
You'll only be learning to turn yourself on without someone else, and actually desensitize you to healthy sex with someone.

I agree with the alchollic analogy, to masturbate you'll have to conjure up imagery - fantasize- which are basically porn's back up drives.
why do you want to do this?
Why not pursue a healthy sexual relationship?
What 'purpose' would masturbation serve?
You'll only be learning to turn yourself on without someone else, and actually desensitize you to healthy sex with someone.

I agree with the alchollic analogy, to masturbate you'll have to conjure up imagery - fantasize- which are basically porn's back up drives.

Well, I think masturbation itself isn't unhealthy. I mean it's just a way of releasing our feelings. I know that porn (courtesy of high speed internet) has changed a lot of habits of youngsters, which is destroying them. But I think if we have cured our brain, and if we want to live naturally as we used to live before getting addicted to porn, one has to confirm his penile health before he is ready to do it with a real partner at any time.
I hope you get answers to this from people who have tried it, not just people with beliefs about masturbation. I'm frightened that even after all this time masturbation might lead me back to porn, perhaps from the chaser effect or some other psychological factor. Will it? If folk here have tried this after a convincing reboot I hope they post their experiences here.
I hope you get answers to this from people who have tried it, not just people with beliefs about masturbation. I'm frightened that even after all this time masturbation might lead me back to porn, perhaps from the chaser effect or some other psychological factor. Will it? If folk here have tried this after a convincing reboot I hope they post their experiences here.

Exactly my question. I mean we do NoFap to rewire our Brain from Porn. Why not try to live a normal life like a normal/non-addict person.
Well, I think masturbation itself isn't unhealthy. I mean it's just a way of releasing our feelings. I know that porn (courtesy of high speed internet) has changed a lot of habits of youngsters, which is destroying them. But I think if we have cured our brain, and if we want to live naturally as we used to live before getting addicted to porn, one has to confirm his penile health before he is ready to do it with a real partner at any time.
masturbating isn't living naturally - it's an unnatural habit- check - there are stone age tribes that don't even have a word for it and have to have it explained to them-- primates 'do it' IN CAPTIVITY -
It probably won't in the beginning. For me, it started out as occasional masturbating. Then it became more frequent. Then it wasn't enough and eventually lead to nude photos and before you know it, your right back where you started. The percentage of people who actually conquer this is probably on the low end. Very frustrating:(
I think it depends on what your goal is here, is it just to stop porn or is it to achieve good sexual health. For me I want to have good sexual health because when I look back at it I’ve never really had it before. My problems started with masturbation and ended with PIED. Why would it be any different next time? Nope, I want to share this with somebody properly. Good luck to all, I hope we all Get there.