Day 86 and no looking back

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Clearminded_1234, Oct 27, 2022.

  1. Clearminded_1234

    Clearminded_1234 Fapstronaut

    Honestly if you had been struggling with PMO like me for YEARS I'm telling you now it is so worth the journey... the journey back to your soul. You can't tell me you can be the best version of yourself while still doing PMO. You just can't.

    Nofap has gotten me out of the bedroom, off the screen and into the REAL world making REAL connections. I've reached out to so many of my old friends, coworkers and made new friends and connections that will benefit me financially, mentally and spiritually. Wouldn't have done that if I was still in the trance porn and lust holds you to. Dopamine hits like porn come with all the exhilarating rushes but no real world progress.

    I wish everyone reading this the best of luck. I'll continue to post and help others on this forum throughout the years.

    Just know that YOU are more than capable of "taming the beast." God gave us this energy to harness for good and not to waste it.

    If you slip up, thats ok; forgive yourself as soon as possible and move forward. No one is perfect and as soon as you stop feeling sorry for yourself and know you are more than enough then things start changing in your life I promise you that.
    sufferingmen07 likes this.
  2. flyswat

    flyswat Fapstronaut

    So, so true brother.
  3. flyswat

    flyswat Fapstronaut

    Great advice and words of hope. Thank you.