Does everything get boring after a while? Older people who's experienced this only.


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A question for older people, even late 20's would be fine. Does everything get boring after a while? I myself think that we live in a fast world where everything that was good last year or even last month turns to shit the month after. I'm talking about things like music, new hobbies, friends, video games, new technology, and eating at the place that you really like. These things just don't do it after a while and I just don't have the appetite for it. The only things that keeps me going is family, bike riding, weight training, working, cracking new jokes, and fruit/veggie juices. I know it sounds like that I'm just whining, but instead I'm just saying that it's getting old to me and when I look around, I see nothing but people who just keep upgrading and not realizing that it's all the same shit. Yesterday it was 1080p and today it's 4k, I look at the screen and I could give half a shit what shows playing. Lmao, know what I mean!?
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To be more specific as per your concern, ya for me tv shows got so boring or rather uninteresting I don't watch any tv whatsoever anymore.

I still do movies though.

Edit: Gaming got so boring too I threw in the towel.
I just turned 40 in October. I wouldnt say that youre gonna get tired of everything but maturity and lessons learned can really change you perspective on things. Most people, even smart people are slow learners but once you learn certain lessons or get tired of suffering the same consequences, it changes the way you look at things and you cant go back.

In highschool many people are insecure and want to be cool and later you find out that cool is relative to the context of whatever environment youre in and most people are pretending. As a kid I watched news and believe the powers that be we all powerful and now see them collectively for the sociopaths and maniacs they are.

Alot of what people value, want to buy and how they want to spend their time is based on social indoctrination so once you wake up from that these things immediately loose their value.

In terms of preferences, products corporate america market to people and commonalities in entertainment are trend based so if you combine evolving trends with increased awareness and maturity, you find yourself disinterested in alot of things.

I still like to party but I dont like what partying turned into. Ill go out but I'm not going to stand in line with a bunch of douche bags all night, then grease the bouncer $100 bucks, or spend $350 for a table and a bottle of vodka worth $20. Back in the day you paid your cover $5 or $10 cover and you go have a good time. All this extra bullshit adds absolutely no value to your experience (even though some of these venues do look cool.)

Ill game off and on ( max ill put in a few hours a week when I do game) but even with all this new tech, these new games arent as fun. I've played since before the NES came out but the best time period for gaming was between 94-2009. Between the mirotransactions and the fact that most of the high budget titles are recycled, I cant even find many games I want to play. I spend more of that time looking for games that interest me that I do playing them so I almost ready to sell my xbox 1.

I used to love old school hip hop but i transitioned to dnb and grime in 99-2001 ish because its total garbage now. The UK guys spit lyrics like 90s hip hop guys but maturity kicks in and now i find myself like, WTF am i listening to this asshole talking about how many bitches he fucks and how many times he went to jail for killing people so now my musical taste are much different.

Most of the food I like makes me feel like shit so I hardly ever eat it.

It's no wonder the only things that keeps you going are taking care of yourself, you mental health and the people that are important to you because once you mature, you realize most of what you concerned yourself with in the past was total bullshit or unnecessary at the very least.
I wouldn't say everything gets boring, but rather your tastes and interests change or become more solidified in a sense. The distraction that youth brang when it came to mortality starts to fade and you start focusing on the things that are truly important to you because time now becomes important. Regardless, there will always be some boredom in the ebb and flow of life.
Have a near death experience, then you’ll appreciate all the mundane aspects of life again. :p
A bit extreme but a true observation nonetheless. I've found meditating on death has been very helpful in appreciating life. So many of us walk around like we have some guaranteed amount of time banked, so we become spoiled in a sense when it comes to life.
Yes and no. I think as you get older, your mind changes so gradually that you almost don't even realize that you are moving away from the things that used to excite you. You're always going to trade old interests for new ones. Also, as you get older, you become more content with the simpler things in life. The next time you see a person in their 70s, 80s, or beyond, notice how simplified their life has become.
I don't think life gets boring with age. I think, like The Unfadable said, your perspectives will change, though. Maybe things like new TV shows don't matter to you anymore, but then you replace that with something else that does matter.

I'm not that old, but I've gotten really close to my mom over the last few years, especially, and what has been surprising to me is how similar we are as people and the fact that we have, at many times, been in the exact same place in life. There was a time in which we were both trying to determine what we wanted to pursue in a career and if we should go back to school and where we wanted to see ourselves in the future. And now we are both sort of working on paying off debt quickly and becoming more financially independent. She's more than 20 years older than me, and we are both sort of in the same spot, see life the same way, etc. That really changed my perspective on getting older. I think I'm a bit afraid of getting older, because I feel like I won't want to do all the things I want to do right now. So I feel pressure to do them all immediately, which isn't a good way to live, because it causes you to choose ephemeral pleasures over investing in your future. Now, though, I'm a little less fearful of aging, because I see my mom and I realize that I'm still going to be the same person when I get older. I'm still going to have hobbies and hopes and dreams. It's not like all of that just goes out the window when you hit 40 or 50 and your life just becomes some boring day to day stuff, sitting around waiting to die or something. There's no reason your life has to be boring in your old age, any more than it has to be boring right now.
I'm 42 and I feel like I really know what i want and who I am. Youth is wrapped up in naivety and excitement depends on one's definition of it. Excitement to me is different than how normies define it.
A question for older people, even late 20's would be fine. Does everything get boring after a while? I myself think that we live in a fast world where everything that was good last year or even last month turns to shit the month after. I'm talking about things like music, new hobbies, friends, video games, new technology, and eating at the place that you really like. These things just don't do it after a while and I just don't have the appetite for it. The only things that keeps me going is family, bike riding, weight training, working, cracking new jokes, and fruit/veggie juices. I know it sounds like that I'm just whining, but instead I'm just saying that it's getting old to me and when I look around, I see nothing but people who just keep upgrading and not realizing that it's all the same shit. Yesterday it was 1080p and today it's 4k, I look at the screen and I could give half a shit what shows playing. Lmao, know what I mean!?
Same old shit you are right because every thing new goes old and they just make new shit to replace the old shit so true just to make their money and keep us broke like it's something we need but really we can do with out it
Getting older less likely to do the things you could do at a young age
"Life is mere breath."

The shortness of it, yes...there is wisdom in that.
As is the metaphor of the air, that which sustains us is that we cannot see.
So, why then, when our lives are fleeting and it is that which is invisible that keeps us we expect to find fulfillment in things we can see?

Do you think that may be why all these things become boring? :)
The shortness of it, yes...there is wisdom in that.
As is the metaphor of the air, that which sustains us is that we cannot see.
So, why then, when our lives are fleeting and it is that which is invisible that keeps us we expect to find fulfillment in things we can see?

Do you think that may be why all these things become boring? :)
Yes, I quoted that from the book of Ecclesiastes. I was reading it yesterday and really spoke to me. Your interpretation of the verse is a little more optimistic than it was actually intended. Just to sum things up, the whole book was about how life is about vanity. Why do we expect fulfillment in things we see? Probably because we're conditioned to be materialistic. Advertisements don't sell the products that we need, but they sell a dream.

Have a near death experience, then you’ll appreciate all the mundane aspects of life again. :p
Maaaan, driving in Boston is a near death experience.
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It's no wonder the only things that keeps you going are taking care of yourself, you mental health and the people that are important to you because once you mature, you realize most of what you concerned yourself with in the past was total bullshit or unnecessary at the very least.

I never really looked at it that way, thanks brother.

I don't think life gets boring with age. I think, like The Unfadable said, your perspectives will change, though. Maybe things like new TV shows don't matter to you anymore, but then you replace that with something else that does matter.

I'm not that old, but I've gotten really close to my mom over the last few years, especially, and what has been surprising to me is how similar we are as people and the fact that we have, at many times, been in the exact same place in life. There was a time in which we were both trying to determine what we wanted to pursue in a career and if we should go back to school and where we wanted to see ourselves in the future. And now we are both sort of working on paying off debt quickly and becoming more financially independent. She's more than 20 years older than me, and we are both sort of in the same spot, see life the same way, etc. That really changed my perspective on getting older. I think I'm a bit afraid of getting older, because I feel like I won't want to do all the things I want to do right now. So I feel pressure to do them all immediately, which isn't a good way to live, because it causes you to choose ephemeral pleasures over investing in your future. Now, though, I'm a little less fearful of aging, because I see my mom and I realize that I'm still going to be the same person when I get older. I'm still going to have hobbies and hopes and dreams. It's not like all of that just goes out the window when you hit 40 or 50 and your life just becomes some boring day to day stuff, sitting around waiting to die or something. There's no reason your life has to be boring in your old age, any more than it has to be boring right now.
I can relate to all of what you're saying. Don't mean to shove the bible in your face, but check out the book of Ecclesiastes, it rally helped me put these things in to perspective. Thanks for sharing.