Hi everyone, I've attempted NoFap off and on over the course of 3 or so years, however I have never had a streak longer than 7 days... until now. I am currently on day 9, and haven't had any urges and practically zero libido over the last 3 days (this is really strange to me!). Is it normal to flatline this early? Or am I just going through something else? One of the main changes that have helped me make it to day 9 is gaining a greater understanding of urges and not panicking when dealing with one. I now understand that they are inevitable and just a part of me (at least the present me). One other thing that has helped me a lot is meditation and yoga, as I find it helps me have greater control over my thoughts and not "judge" any that come into my mind (such as urges). Does anyone here have any advice on how to deal with the coming days/weeks? As I mentioned, I have never made it to the second week of NoFap, therefore I am very unfamiliar with what to expect. Thanks to everyone who reads and/or replies to this, c26.
Hey haven't been doing this as long but got a good streak going right now (18 days). Firstly the zero libido thing is normal and I have had quite a few days like that since day 7. One thing to expect is a hyper sensitvity to triggers, so just have some solid plans to distract you if you get triggered. Also I have started getting some mood swings towards the end of week 2 so there is potential for withdrawl symptoms.
My advice is to keep doing what you're doing - it's working. Your commitment to your goals will be tested at times, and in those moments you need to remember what your goals are. You cannot get complacent, or you will relapse in a heartbeat. Vigilance is key - and never stop improving.
Hey! First of all, congrats on your current streak! It's good to know that you experienced similar things after the first week. I will certainly make a plan for how to deal with triggers... luckily I do have experience in that regard! Do you recall what else you experienced after the first week? I know that some people note depression and increased anxiety... did you have anything like that (I understand it varies from person to person, however it would be nice to know what others have dealt with that way I can plan ahead)? Thanks for the reply!
I agree- complacency is undoubtedly a major problem! I'll be sure to never get hyper-confident and always stick with the things that have worked for me thus far (meditation, etc.).
One thing I did initially was to leave this site up at all times. I had a habit of sitting down at my computer to do work and the next thing you know, porn was up. I agree with others about having a plan to distract yourself should you be triggered. As far as zero libido, I think it's normal. To a certain extent, I think you're trying to get yourself to NOT be turned on. Your brain will slowly rework itself. I experienced it some in my first 1-1.5 weeks, and while I'm only at 2.5 weeks no PM now, I've noticed an increase in libido, but I'm wanting my wife as opposed to wanting porn. Good luck, take it day by day, and slowly you'll find it easier.
One other thing I did was to think about why I went to porn. What was it giving me, or at least did I think it was giving me? Was it really doing that for me? What is a healthier way to get what it is I was looking for? I believe if you just say "I'm not going to look at porn or masturbate anymore" a person is going to fail. Think about it - look at attractive women, orgasm, and feel pleasure. I realized I was looking for something else that I thought porn was giving me, and that led me further and further down a dark hole. Once I realized what I wanted, I could focus on that. And frankly, I found that what I thought was providing it (porn), was in reality driving me further away from what I wanted.
I think that's a good idea... always remembering why I quit in the first place. Obviously PMO just provides immediate gratification, however it pushes aside more important, and long term sources of fulfillment. Thanks for the help... I'll be sure to write down a "why" in my journal, so that whenever I'm dealing with an urge I can look back and see just how damaging PMO can truly be.
expect flatline after 1-2 weeks and dont get discouraged by it and dont test your dick to porn or masturbation. Go into flatline and do your best in order to keep up with your normal routine. Remember you heal into a flatline! Flatline is a good thing and you must embrace it. After flatline ends you will experience high urges so dont give in to temptation of relapsing. If you stand on one flatline-high urge cycle you will get out of it more healed than you were before this
Also, quitting isn't just something you did in the past. Every day you are in the process of quitting. You have to turn away from urges every single day in order to have quit.
Thanks man and congrats to you too! Yeah I did have increased anxiety, some depressive episodes and vivid dreams about P on more than half of the mornings. Mood swings and stronger emotions, negative and positive, are a problem for me at the moment.