Ive done boxing for over a yearDo you like any sport ?
I used to have six pack before. Attracted girls like crazy. Got fat and developed ED with porn use, gf tried helping but then left. Was without sex or gf for over a year. No girl would even look at me the way they usded to before. until...
I started gym and became a God again. Now i have 3 girls i talk to and im gonna settle with 1 soon (the one i had sex with and been having sex with). Just focus on the gym man. Now even guy fear looking at my eyes or disrespecting me. And i dont abuse this. I am super nice to everyone and they all admire me. It all chnaged with gym first (3 months back to gym) then NoFap (almost 4 weeks). Good luck!
I've been going to the gym before NoFap but for the wrong reasons I did it because it made me feel good but I thought if I had the perfect body I will somehow attract women but my mindset and attitude and self worth was terrible. While on NoFap the gym is somewhere I can de stress and challenge myself and to master ultra intstinct.I would suggest large muscle groups chest one day with tris or bid and then the other day shoulders and legs it's all up to you. Just lift muscles that compliment each other like don't lift triceps and biceps the same day of chest and back the same day.if you are trying to build muscle focus on eating a good amount of calories but not shit calories dirty bulking is stupid imo.Also incorporate some cardio it is all dependent on whether you want to tone up or build mass. Althlean X is a great channel on YouTube to follow for workouts and nutrition