It might help if you did some more awareness practice. I've been there too, and when i am not fully aware, then even the most absurd thought can be a good explanation why to lurk instagram models or whatnot. If you are mostly on your computer, then try to add some breaks here and there. Maybe like 15min every hour, where you just relax. If you're on computer a lot you get easily in a more unconscious state, where the relapses occur.
Now these practices can vary a lot. For me it helped when i started eating meals calmly and without any external stimuli. So i would just eat and focus on the eating with no rushing. And after i took pauses to be more aware of my feelings etc. i realized that if i am at computer for say 2 hours straight, i start to feel kind of tired, frustrated and hyperstimulated. Also for your health it's good to take daily walks, so that's a good excuse too to do something else. So thing like these you could add in between your computer usage if that's the reason you are relapsing.
As a notion, it is better to start doing these practices/pauses earlier than later. If you realize you are getting urges, but then you say to yourself "nah, i'll just surf 15minutes before i have my pause", well, that's when the relapse gets a foothold.