I'm Giving Myself Too Many Liberties

rush limbaugh

It's day 7 and I'm losing it. Yesterday and today I had two close calls, but I don't know how much longer I can withhold. I'm faltering because I keep giving myself the freedom to search risque subject matter on Google. It's like for two days I've been teasing myself, but I keep stopping right before I cross the point of no return (PMO). Does anyone else do this too? I feel like for me personally, this is one of my huge pitfalls.
Yes I struggle a whole damn lot with this, don't do it... if deep down you feel it's wrong then it probably its.

I personally went on a NSFW section of a site and that kept me on edge, I was psubing and didn't even realized so try to stay away from anything that gives you any kind and amount of urges.
try to stay away from anything that gives you any kind and amount of urges.
Avodience means that there is something your trying to move away from look at your activtes to see how this is happing . Is something that is uncomfortable to you that you nead to address?. I know with myself that was the key and even today when faced with an issue I ask myself "what am I avoiding " address it through a journel it helps a lot it did for me >
Avodience means that there is something your trying to move away from look at your activtes to see how this is happing . Is something that is uncomfortable to you that you nead to address?. I know with myself that was the key and even today when faced with an issue I ask myself "what am I avoiding " address it through a journel it helps a lot it did for me >
Yeah, I didn't do that until recently and I really works well... i'm trying to write more often in my journal or just involve more in the community if I don't have too much time.
Yeah, I didn't do that until recently and I really works well... i'm trying to write more often in my journal or just involve more in the community if I don't have too much time.
Writing in a journel is my number 1 go to when stressed or pissed or feeling urges it has helped a lot , it did take awhile to get the hang of it but I make a point to write in my own personal one at least once a day . Also be completely honest when you write yours if your holding back while writing it doesn't help as much and putting it all out there that's why I use a private journel . Public ones can also be great for accountability so really its win win no matter which method you use
I have similar issues. Around day 5 I start doing "innocent" web searches, then clicking on the sexiest or naked ones, until bam! You're looking at porn. Well I'm already here and this looks good.
I have learnt that searches designed to circumvent our commitment to ourselves are not innocent but designed to bring us undone, we know it and we need to keep the door shut, no peeking if we are to be successful in breaking this crap.
I was on the fleshlights page for an hour last night, over the line? Maybe. Did I rationalize it? You bet!
Hey bro i can relate 100%. Ive relapsed hundreds of times from havin a geez on google. The key is to realise that your searching for sexual content whether it be on insta, facebook or google. For me if i gather myself early enough i can get away from it. Otherwise im like a addict thats bound to relapse. Keep on trying with all efforts.
no pmo is the first step towards truth!
It might help if you did some more awareness practice. I've been there too, and when i am not fully aware, then even the most absurd thought can be a good explanation why to lurk instagram models or whatnot. If you are mostly on your computer, then try to add some breaks here and there. Maybe like 15min every hour, where you just relax. If you're on computer a lot you get easily in a more unconscious state, where the relapses occur.

Now these practices can vary a lot. For me it helped when i started eating meals calmly and without any external stimuli. So i would just eat and focus on the eating with no rushing. And after i took pauses to be more aware of my feelings etc. i realized that if i am at computer for say 2 hours straight, i start to feel kind of tired, frustrated and hyperstimulated. Also for your health it's good to take daily walks, so that's a good excuse too to do something else. So thing like these you could add in between your computer usage if that's the reason you are relapsing.

As a notion, it is better to start doing these practices/pauses earlier than later. If you realize you are getting urges, but then you say to yourself "nah, i'll just surf 15minutes before i have my pause", well, that's when the relapse gets a foothold.