My Last Nofap Thread.


This will be my last nofap thread. I am quitting this one and forever. A step into the future for a better life.

I am starting this thread with my current streak as following:
Nofap challenge : 21 days
Running challenge : 21 days
No Youtube challenge : 8 days
No movie challenge : 1 day
I have some withdrawal symptoms.. Like I don't sleep properly, not able to concentrate much. I know if I fap or watch porn, I'll be able to sleep properly but I also know that that will lead me back to darkness. so I'll stick to it and lead my path as I want to be.

Latest book I am reading: Shoe Dog.
"Don't sleep tonight. What you want the most will come to you then".
Start Writing about it. that's how I stopped it. This is the format I followed. (Write the corresponding detail in every row and for each tick - write the entry )

1) Tick mark (whenever you watch youtube)
2) Time (write the time when you started watching and when finished)
3) State (what were you thinking/doing just before you were watching)
4) Action after (what you did after watching)
5) where (where you were watching)
6) Total (approximate total time watched today)
7) This weeks total: How many hours in this week- write every week)

For example

1) Tick : Tick1, tick2, tick3, tick4
2) Time: 8am, 12:30pm, 6:30pm, 11pm
3) State: for news, lunch time-pass, came from college timepass, while sleeping
4) Action After, ready for college, classes, nothing dinner, slept
5) Where: bed, canteen, couch, bed
6) total: 5+ hours
7) This week's total: 38 hours

I wrote this for almost a month and found out that most of the time I was spending on you tube is during breakfast and another is before sleep on bed. So I cut down these two things first.

Note: If you can quantify a problem, you can solve the problem..
I have some withdrawal symptoms.. Like I don't sleep properly, not able to concentrate much. I know if I fap or watch porn, I'll be able to sleep properly but I also know that that will lead me back to darkness.
Can related to this
Running streak
Nofap challenge : 25 days
Running challenge : 25 days
No Youtube challenge : 14 days
No movie challenge : 5 day

facing hard time.. remembering old times and just want to collapse... I am not that much serious about nofap challenge but I am pretty serious about running challenge..
today is 25th day and I'll leave my workplace at 4:15 and will have a 2km run before playing with my friends. :-)
Running streak
Nofap challenge : 27 days
Running challenge : 27 days
No Youtube challenge : 16 days
No movie challenge : 7 day

found the momentum again.. once you are on, its difficult to stop.. everyday I look into the mirror and feel proud of myself. :-)
Told you.. this will be my last thread on nofap... I am going to leave this habit for all time..

Nofap challenge : 32 days
Running challenge : 32 days
No Youtube challenge : 21 days
No movie challenge : 12 day
This is tiring.. every days is heavy.. stretching this log was hard work but when I see how much far ahead it seems impossible

Nofap challenge : 35 days
Running challenge : 35 days
No Youtube challenge : 24 days

lapsed in movies.. I watched 2 movies back to back yesterday.. :-(
I wasted the time in watching what I have already watched.. :-(

need some hugs for consolation and some slaps for the motivations.. :P
wasted the whole day.. :-(

but this is 9:30PM and I had dinner and was about to sleep then I realized that I didn't jog today... So going for jogging now (after writing this message)..

Nofap challenge : 37 days
Running challenge : 37 days
No Youtube challenge : 26 days

I am going to read this some day again and its going to make me proud that I did it.
Nofap challenge : 39 days
Running challenge : 39 days
No Youtube challenge : 26 days ( It hink I made some error earlier while counting days.. I started this on 3rd jan so its correct now..

I cant believe I didn't watch youtube for almost a month.. I am great...
Nofap challenge : 43 days
Running challenge : 43 days
No Youtube challenge : 30 days

Can't believe I spent one month without youtube.
Its awesome.. I dont feel it though.. Its wonderful that I didn't watch youtube for this long and I do not feel its necessity in my life..

I just watched one episode of FRIENDS every day and a movie on weekends.. Its awesome..