My Self-improvement checklist !

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by Defytheodds, Feb 5, 2020.

  1. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Hi there !
    Brief introduction :
    So i'm 27 y.o this year, life went so fast, i did nothing but feel inferior to others and scared (anxious) ,whenever i started something i would never go all the way with it , at age of 18 i decided to go study abroad 4000km far from my home, in hope that would change me , but turns out that i learned stuff yes... but i was to scared to make any big decision of any kind , i just joined a group of "friends" and followed their path .
    I didnt graduate / never gotten in a relationship / no income / nothing...
    After 8 years abroad of wasting my life ; spent last couple years locking myself home , smoking cigs n weed mostly, drinking , fapping, videogames and lurking on the web , and depressed (i had suicide toughts) , i decided to go back to my home town , to my parents home.
    i was underweight when i came back , skinny af , addicted , i had to go far away from my old life , and cut all connections to overcome all of it (or most of it). made me feel good ,i've quit drinkin , smoking (all) ,but not fapping ... i started working out and a new school.
    New chapter of my life

    So what do i want is , an income , better body and brain , and a meangiful relationship .

    How ?
    income :
    i started studying to get a "degree" in graphic design at the same time i self-study to become a web developer, but i'll take time before i graduate and get work , so i'm thinkin of working online doin business (i got 100$ to invest).

    Body : i was 55kg when came back home , 4months later i'm 68kg doing calisthenics , and eating good (quitting cigarettes helped alot) , i didnt feel this good about mybody and shape in a long long time , my goal is 75kg with a strong and flexible body.

    Brain : I read 1 or 2 books my entire life... so i decided to read 1h everyday , i learned that joggling helps develop the brain, i gonna learn how to do it , and also i've always wanted to make origamis ... , meditation also might help i'll give it a shot.

    Relationship: i never had a girlfriend ... it really gets complicated in my head, since i've been fapping my whole life , that affected me a lot, i get anxious, self-conscious .
    also i need better friends , i feel like my old friends were supporting me because of money ( since i would pay for weed and some bills) . also i wanna have good memories with my family (parents) , since the idea of loosing scares me , and spent so much time away , i missed on so much .

    if you have any tips regarding anything please dont hesitate , any help is welcome !

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2020
  2. That's awesome man! I love seeing people trying to improve themselves and their lives, especially when they emerged from the very bottom, just like you. Everything you mentioned is very good. I would add others things and it will be all perfect, if you don't mind of course. These things are all about improving your overall happiness and mood. Here they are:

    - Practice gratitude. Just write 3 things you are grateful for every day. Try to make them different each time. Practicing gratitude has a lot of benefits. It helps a lot into recognizing that your life is already fucking great. Being grateful for having food and a roof is a good start.

    - Mindfulness. Also called the art of living in the moment. It's really simple to do in fact. Just be there. Don't make your mind wander anywhere. Just enjoy what you are currently living without thinking and worrying about the past or the present. This one is crucial because without that, you can't actually enjoy your life to the fullest.

    - Showering cold. It's very popular and for good reason. If you take a cold shower every day, you'll become a fucking beast in months. The benefits are numerous as well. The major ones are increased happiness, better cold resistance, lower chances of depression, decreased stress and many, many more.

    - Journaling. This one is also very cool. Journaling is just the practice of writing every single day about everything you want. It can be writing about what you did throughout the day, it can be writing your thoughts, writing you goals, everything. Journaling has a lot of benefits too: keeping a track of your life, improved creativity and memory, you improve your writing skills, it lowers stress and many more.

    Anyway, I hope you will have a good journey my friend. Self-development is the best thing that happened too me and I'm still working on myself every day. I hope it will change your life too. You're 27 man. You're still very young, so make the most out of this life. Good luck! :)
  3. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Wow , thank you so much for the valuable advice , i'll definitly include what you mentiened in my journey ! i really appreciate your message ! i hope that you'll never stop progressing toward a better you !
  4. With pleasure bro! :) And don't worry, I will NEVER stop improving myself!
  5. Di.Do.555

    Di.Do.555 Fapstronaut

    Keep going. You will get there.
  6. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Thanks, guys for your replies, its really heartwarming, it has been 6 days already with no PMO and its feel great!

    A little update on my goals

    Still going to school didn't miss a day , didn't make any progress in web dev but i'll take it more seriously as i progress (have so much to do)
    -I went to see a dermatologist, he pointed the obvious, i have to relax and sleep well and he actually said that i need to get a girlfriend, make big decisions and live life, the first doctor to ever say that to me .. I guess that I have to now ...
    -I took a little break due to my shoulder injury but I'm back working out and i feel stronger, maybe 6 days of NoFap made a change, let's keep it up... ​
    I feel like i didn't do much this week, so I'll try harder to make progress on all goals, and manage my time better...

  7. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Update 12/02/2020
    So today been good, i got some stuff done, but been really hard to fight the urgers, i sent nudes to a girl who sent me some recently, i felt the need to maintain the relationship even tho' we will never meet in real-life , she is like the only girl in my life right now,(should i cut the relationship?) :/ ... i didn't PMO but i feel the urges like i used too, before resetting but not this time ! ... im going for 90 days and beyond.
    • The dance club has closed ..i need to find another to meet girls or try other stuff ..
    • I found an MMA gym (
      I'll test the gym tomorrow and update
    • Still didn't take a step forward to getting a girlfriend
    • the Juggling is fun, I'm trying to do 10-15 min every day, origamis are crazy lol..
    • the school is getting a bit boring at times... i stopped learning web-dev not that i don't like it but i either forget about it or i just don't find the motivation , so i'll do 1h every day otherwise i'll never do it...
    • i finally got my bank account up, so I'll start working and investing, I'd like to reach 1k$ , and reinvest it ... any help or advice is welcome!
    • 11 DAYS NO PORN, NoFap, been months I didn't reach this number! 79 days to go !!!
  8. What do you want to do with your web development thing?
    Coffee Candy likes this.
  9. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    I wanna Design and build websites webapps , just the front-end the begin with!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  10. YugenDran

    YugenDran Fapstronaut

    Self learning is hard while studying at college well hear my advice that i am currently using now

    Consistency = sucess!

    Everyday you need to study about web dev doesnt matter how long You can study for 5 min today you need study again 5 min tommorow Do this everyday Small steps at a time
    I am currently learning 3D Graphics Design myself i study for 30 min at night and thats really keeping me good on track
    If you want more help Feel free to message me :D

    and Cut of the Online Girl because you sabotaging yourself but you didnt realise yet
    i used to talk to an online girl she is very control and mean if i didnt listen to her she be mad so i always tries to please her
    but now.. she didnt even bother to chat me and made me very deppressed then i realise why i care so much for people on online she have 0 use for me then i woked up and doing good till now i do relapsed alot but now i am very serious and developed an intense hatery toward porn.

    And remember this quote

    "Being alone is not scary but the people makes you feel lonely is scary"
    Deleted Account likes this.
  11. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Thank you bro ! I know the feeling when you get depressed because of somebody, it really sucks and start to doubt yourself , dont get attached to people specially online, cause i was there, and it cause me to fap every time.
    For the girl i agree with you, i should ignore even tho' she starts it every time, and i know she talks to other dudes but this kind of relationship won't get me anywhere .... so goodbye to her :(.
    I love 3D design, i started to learn Blender some time ago, but couldn't keep it up , if you want we can help each other ! and you are right 5min everyday will turn to 50min to 2h ... and progress will be made ! thanks for the advice !
    Thanks you again ! i'll message you !
    Deleted Account likes this.
  12. YugenDran

    YugenDran Fapstronaut

    I learning blender too my friend
    Deleted Account likes this.
  13. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    13/02/2020 UPDATE
    --I did it , i went to the MMA gym , i felt so tired and was rethinking it , but i took my bag and went .. it's nothing fancy, only a couple people were there, it felt good to try something new ,and i feel exhausted right now but in a good way , so i think i'll keep going !
    --And ofcourse no improvement on the "girlfriend" goal , i noticed a couple of girls looking at me in school but none that interest me to be honest, so yeah ... but have that feeling that it will eventually happen .

    Thats pretty much it for today ! i'll update again in a couple of days ! thanks guys for the support! it really helps <3

    Deleted Account likes this.
  14. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    16/02/2020 UPDATE

    -Still working out, it becoming like a new addiction :D I've reached 70kg, never thought i would reach it , feels good , pushes me to go further, maybe a jacked 80kg? would be a first in my life..

    -Business-wise , i've found something I'm interested in , so i'll focus on that , and try to make it work!

    -Exams are coming next week, i'll have to prepare for it , to get a good grade which can help in the future ..

    -Oh well i didn't start reading books yet .. (if you have a recommendation I'm open to it)

    -I deleted the 2 girls who used to send me nudes and all ... that way i'm not distracted from my goal .. i almost relapsed yesterday because of it, i was really close but instead, i made an excuse and told the girl i had to go out ... so i went out for a walk to clear my mind. (i sometimes feel kind of regret, cause now i got no girls at all)

    -Yup no progress on the girlfriend thing yet ..

    -If anyone can give tips on how to manage my time better, and get more stuff done, and would be really thankful, cause feel like i'm wasting so much time! Thanks!

    -And yes ! 15 days guys, god damn, i used to fap every single day! ama be honest, it got harder lately, the urges got more intense for me, and my brain is like "bro it has been days, you did it, you can reward yourself, enjoy yourself.." But I'm not giving up just yet, i already know how it feels to fap and where it gets you, but what would happen if don't? So far only good stuff :)
  15. Eddie95

    Eddie95 Fapstronaut

    Bro... I’m also on the journey of trying to go back to school to get a nursing degree. My long term goal is to become a nurse anesthetist. PMO has ruined my life and I’m single. I feel like I can’t have a normal relationship with a girl because the first thing that comes to my mind is objectifying them. I’m 25 and like 65 kg. Fight everyday for your freedom. I always come to nofap and watch the videos of ‘Universal Man’ by Mark on YouTube. Use this platform as a journaling log if you have to. You can overcome my brother.
    Defytheodds likes this.
  16. You are doing awesome bro! 15 days is great! :)

    As for the time management thing, here is a little quote I love:

    "Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresa, Leonardo Da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.” - H. Jackson Brown Jr.

    You are surely not the kind of people who always find the excuse that they don't have enough time, but it's still a good reminder! :)

    I would only have one tip for you in order to manage your time in a better way: track it. Track your time. Do it for an entire week. Write down everything you do and how much time you spend on each thing. It might be tricky, but it will be useful. At the end of the week, you will just have to draw a conclusion about how you spend your time every single day. Managing your time is all about priorities buddy. Have your priorities straight. Some people out there say that they don't have enough time while they spend most 6 hours per day watching TV. Don't be like that. You must know what are your priorities. You must know what are your goals and what you want to work on the most. I'm not saying that you don't need leisure time. You actually need that in fact, but 6 hours per day spent on bullshit like watching TV isn't leisure time, it's called laziness and procrastination. You can have leisure time, but make sure that it doesn't take too much space in your schedule. Again, know your priorities! :)

    From what I understand, you are doing some studies, you want to learn web development and you work out as well. You have 24 hours in a day. Manage these hours. It's not that complicated, you just need some logic. If you are really a psychopath like I was back then at the age of 16, you can use a time management method called "time blocking". It consists in dividing your days into blocks of time where each block is dedicated to a specific task. And when I say task, it's literally EVERY single task. Whether it's eating, taking breaks, working on a goal or taking a shit (well, not up to this point though :D) it doesn't matter. So for every single day, you will just have a sheet where every task is given a precise amount of time. This method is great for crazy people who have pretty similar days, as it takes a bit of time to do this kind of time management. So for example, let's say you sleep 8 hours per day, you then go to school for 8 hours per day, and then you work on learning some web development for 2 hours, you workout during 1 hour 30 minutes. The 5 hours 30 minutes is used for leisure time and other tasks like eating, breaks and all of that. It's just an example, but you see the point.
    If you don't want to use this method (which I can perfectly understand :D), make a TO-DO list for each day. Basically, you just list all the most important tasks that you want to accomplish for the day. You can set a specific amount of time for each one, but you don't have to. Remember that the most important thing isn't how much time you spend on working on something, no. The most important thing is to be consistent and be effective. Don't count the hours. Make the hours count! ;)

    And for getting more stuff done, you are talking about productivity right there. They are many tips to be more productive, and here are the best for me:

    • Set a specific time for the task you want to work on: working on something without knowing when it will end is a bit intimidating. If you set a specific amount of time, you can say to yourself that you will work your ass off for this given amount of time until it's over.
    • Take a 5 minutes break for every 45 minutes of work: breaks are very important. If you don't take any breaks, you will quickly run out of energy and you will completely be exhausted after 3 hours. So you must frequently take some breaks. Breaks must be anything but work: go talk to your family, take a little work in your garden, pet your cat...anything really.
    • Make sure that your work space is organized: an organized work space is an organized mind, and an organized mind work more effectively! :)
    • End distractions: deactivate every notification, put your phone on silent mode and say to everyone that you are working. You don't want to be disturbed. After being interrupted, it takes an average of about 25 minutes to be focused again. Do you realize? It's a lot of time wasted!
    • Eat the frog first: it's from a book called "Eat the frog first" :rolleyes:. It basically means that you need to do the hardest task first. When you wake up in the morning, you have a specific amount of energy for the entire day. So at the morning, it's where you have the most energy. It's exactly when you need to do the most hard things because during the afternoon or the evening, it will be almost impossible, unless your name is Elon Musk of course. :)

    Alright, I think we are good. :D

    I don't know if it's what you are searching for but I really hope it can help you. There are a lot of stuff out there on the Internet and in books, so if you are really interested in becoming more productive and learning to manage your time, you should definitely make your own researches. Good luck on your journey buddy, you are doing an awesome job! :)
    Defytheodds likes this.
  17. CyKage2652

    CyKage2652 Fapstronaut

    This guy is a living motivation speech! Keep it up. Now I am goin for a work out instead of going to sleep. #thanks
    Deleted Account and Defytheodds like this.
  18. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Maan thank you so much , this helps alot ! i love how you drop straight knowledge which is really helpful! i'm following your journey as well , and dude you are progressing, don't be harsh on yourself, doing a streak of 10-12 days is huge and that's what matters! keep up the good work, u are awesome!
    Deleted Account likes this.
  19. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Maan ! this is the first time someone says this about me :D, puts a smile on my face! Go for it my dude, have some quality workout and sleep as well !
    CyKage2652 and Deleted Account like this.
  20. Defytheodds

    Defytheodds Fapstronaut

    Thank you bro! i feel you, we on the same boat, PMO wrecked my brains and body, now I'm on the rewiring process. keep it up dude , i'm also like you , dont focus on the girls now , focus on yourself ! that what i'm doing , eventually girls will come to you
    Eddie95 and Deleted Account like this.