Need help. ED at 21.

Discussion in 'Porn Addiction Recovery' started by Pathofsuccess_1, Dec 6, 2023.

  1. Pathofsuccess_1

    Pathofsuccess_1 Fapstronaut

    Hi, I’ve been attempting many times more and have actually succeeded in nofap once already. I had rock hard erections that felt like I could literally do push-ups with before this recent bout. But I need someone that (obviously doesn’t need to be a doctor) but has personal or some medical knowledge on this.

    I didn’t start experiencing serious ed issues until recently. In the beginning of the year, I started obsessing about penis size. I thought I was too small when I was probably pretty ok.

    I will say that this thread I’m writing will have a lot of TMI and unnecessary info but whatever I feel like it’s for referral purposes only.

    I have a 6.5 to 7+ inch penis fully erect. I started to then get insecure because of porn and it made me feel like that was small, so I started something called jelqing, a penile stretching technique that aims to “grow” the penis.

    I did see results. I got thicker. That is mainly what I wanted.

    but it wasn’t until a month ago I started a 2 week fap binge and I was jelqing everyday in a pretty extreme manner. I didn’t do it to the point of acute injury but I was doing it pretty rough. I would also construct the penis like with a cock ring to mess with the girth.

    I thought it was because I kept nutting and nutting excessively for no reason that I stopped having erection quality. But I feel like during that period I may have stretched the fuck out of my penis.

    I would stretch and it would just hang and be pretty substantially girthier. I was proud.

    then I kept having to use this cock ring to keep an erection during binges. I got back on the horse and did 10 days. The erections only got alittle better. My penis when filling up getting hard felt and feels “sore” and overworked in the long meaty part under the skin. It also feels tougher, like it’s been abused.

    a couple nights ago. Me and a tinder date that (we are now dating) got drunk and hooked up. I picked her up and we talked when I was sober and I feel like we instantly clicked. We are in a relationship now.

    Now let’s fast forward to me trying to fuck this girl. I could get maybe 50-60% hard, but that’s it. I got most of my inches in size from getting hard. But I wasn’t completely hard. I tried to fuck her and it would just bend and fall out. It felt horrible.

    she was super supportive though, I explained what happened, but instead of all the stretching I said it was because I jerk off too much and I need some time. She said nothing would change and if I need some time it’s fine and I feel like she’s in love with me. I stay at her dorm and all that. She understands me. But it felt horrible. My dick wouldn’t fill up.

    my question is, I looked up something called hard flaccid syndrome and my symptoms are very similar due to trauma to the penis. Also, it could be because I literally nutted excessively beyond believe and my body is still sorta recouping. This whole story sounds fucked, but I’m hoping for any hope. Is the answer to abstain for a few months and hope it goes away? I am so scared I damaged my dick. Someone help me.
  2. You must abstain for a minimum of 14-days, then if you are still experiencing see a doctor.

    I would actually advise seeing a doctor right now, but is very difficult to understand how much you stretched your penis. If you are genuinely worried about it, go and see a doctor. Nobody here will be able to offer any remotely accurate advice.

    Good luck.
    Pathofsuccess_1 likes this.
  3. Pathofsuccess_1

    Pathofsuccess_1 Fapstronaut

    I just called an on call doctor and explained all of it. It was embarrassing but I tried to leave unnecessary personal details out while still being adequate enough with information.

    he said it doesn’t sound immediately concerning, he said it could be irritated erectile tissue that just needs to heal over time but it’s best to see my doctor within a few days to get it examined, and to keep the area clean.
  4. user78848

    user78848 Fapstronaut

    can u maintain erection while masterbating and if yes for how much time ?
  5. Prophet Harry

    Prophet Harry Fapstronaut

    Are you okay now, dude?
  6. gordonfreeman14603

    gordonfreeman14603 Fapstronaut

  7. Yin&Yang-Yūki

    Yin&Yang-Yūki Fapstronaut

    Its weird but just stop wanking lol. Learn what dopamine is idk what you're doing mate measuring parts etc, go check what dopamine nuking feels like, no wonder its dead.
    Pathofsuccess_1 likes this.
  8. Pathofsuccess_1

    Pathofsuccess_1 Fapstronaut

    It really wasn’t
  9. Pathofsuccess_1

    Pathofsuccess_1 Fapstronaut

    yes I’ve healed fine. Now I just need to get back on the horse and get a streak again and heal. I need it.
  10. read this:

    you sound like you are deep in the sex addiction. I recommend checking out SAA. read pages 9-10 and see if they apply:

    I can just hear from your post how much lust/sex and porn is controlling your life. Just like it did for me. It feels great when youre on those highs getting laid in your 20s, but youll see it leads nowhere, because you are not building deep connections with people or a future for yourself. Focus on goals, hobbies, spirituality, work, community. Otherwise you're gonna wake up and be 35 tomorrow, and wonder what the hell you did with your life, wasting it away on booze and women.

    Speaking from experience here, I did all the same shit.