New Guy

Discussion in 'New to NoFap' started by Ingloryon, Oct 4, 2017.

  1. Ingloryon

    Ingloryon New Fapstronaut


    Today was my worst relapse ever, i went completely out of control. (went "bananas")
    So i'm putting my money on this site to somehow help me.

    For a very long time in my life now i have thought of myself as a weak and useless (s)cumbag. Feel bad, tired, depressed, used to be social but that is draining away these days because i don't feel the need to connect to people.

    This changed a bit since about 7 months ago i started to discover something...
    A strange side effect in a habit i have for 12 - 13 years. This i found by accident and i regret not finding it earlier. Of course i'm talking about the sacred strategy of not touching myself in certain spots.

    The feeling of regaining energy is just great i had a feeling like i could do anything and that i said with pride in day 2 because that was my record for a long time. Now i'm trying to reach day 10 which is uncharted territory for me.

    Even though i try and do my best i keep relapsing at day 4 with a record on day 6.
    And as i said today was the worst relapse yet also on day 4, came home at 4 and watched untill 20:15, so 4 hours and 15 minutes not so bad but the amount of "lift-offs" i had in that timespan is just beyond sanity.
    Wasn't even planning to do it only a peek on my phone while i was on the toilet and 10 minutes later i'm in my room with the laptop on my bed. GG

    This is actually affecting my life and it is becoming more than an obstacle.
    Seriously this is nuts

    I relapse every 2-3 days or sometimes i even have fapping streaks and it's time to stop but i'm afraid i might need some support...
  2. JustinV

    JustinV Fapstronaut

    We all need support-you're not alone there and nothing that your describing is strange to most of us; we've tried or thought of it at least. Admitting you need help is a great place to start, but don't stop there. Check out yourbrainonporn--website with some good science and also some of the success stories and ways people changed. A lot of people star with habits that help them take care of themselves better. Hygiene, exercise, helping others--see what helps. If you relapse, share what happened and let others help you learn from it. Tempting yourself (peeking or edging) probably won't be useful at this stage (and maybe not ever). Time to retrain your brain that there are other ways to feel good.

    Good luck! And keep it up!
    Glad to read your post-it helps me to see people trying something new.
    Ingloryon likes this.
  3. Ingloryon

    Ingloryon New Fapstronaut

    Thanks, even though my mind is in all the wrong places at the moment i believe your reply actually made me re-think something i was about to do.