Nofap effects on WillPower ?


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Even since starting nofap 6 months ago, and even tho i had many relapses and failures, i can’t help to notice that Nofap is slowly changing my life to the man i want to be.

thanks to Nofap i have managed to :

  • read books and prior to that i have never finished reading a book other than school books in my entire life.
  • Quit smoking, after smoking 12 cigarettes per day and that number only increasing and months go by i suddenly found the will to quit smoking, after struggling with it for 4 years now.
  • Quit drinking
  • Quit eating sugars
  • Listening to music only a day per week as a reward system.
  • Found the will to go Monk mode For a month where i stopped using: social media, movies, and youtube, and only used internet for specific searches.
My question is why does the willpower increase almost x4 times when you do nofap and even when you relapse you still find the will power to maintain other areas of your life and not to completely fall apart again, is this the gray matter being reduced in the prefrontal cortex ?
This is an interesting thought, I went for 6 month with no alcohol or social media last year. And it was easier then i thought it would be. I think part of it has to do with the person, some people can quit smoking cold turkey others it takes time. The fact that you were able to quit all those things tell me your one of those cold turkey guys.
But at the same time i have noticed that guys for can do 60-90+ days plus of nofap can build up a greater will power. If you can say no to porn and masturbation after consuming it for a long time then every thing else becomes easier.