Not attracted to women out of nowhere! Is PMO clouding my sexuality?


I've been extremely attracted to women my whole life up until last week. When I started watching porn (been watching it for over 6 years) I started with straight and then lesbian and once that got old I moved to bisexual. Not because I considered myself attracted to men irl but I started watching it because it was the only thing that could get me erect anymore. But for some reason I masterbated one day and then the next day I had lost attraction to all females. I used to go out in public and see sexy women and get an erection. I couldn't keep my eyes off of them, but now I don't even notice. And this was just a few weeks ago. I used to eye up women day in and day out a few days ago and now I look at them and feel nothing! Why was it that one week ago I could look at hot girls in bikinis and get an erection in under 20 seconds but now I look at the same pictures and feel nothing, my penis doesn't even move. And as you would imagine being a guy who considers himself straight and can't get up to girls, this has caused me a great deal of stress. Why did I change like this out of NOWHERE? How do I get back to normal? Any input would be appreciated.
Maybe it's a flatline or maybe porn induced ED. I have experienced sudden fluctuations like this before. I think the attraction will come back. Stay away from PMO and complete a successful reboot.

I was thinking it was a flatline but I just don't get how I could just loose ALL attraction to women over night. For example there's a girl I really like and I could look at a picture of her and get an erection in seconds but I look at her now and feel nothing. It's giving me anxiety so bad my heart hurts. I'll just have to take it day by day, thx for the input.
I was thinking it was a flatline but I just don't get how I could just loose ALL attraction to women over night. For example there's a girl I really like and I could look at a picture of her and get an erection in seconds but I look at her now and feel nothing. It's giving me anxiety so bad my heart hurts. I'll just have to take it day by day, thx for the input.
Don't sweat it. It's not permanent. We are close to the same age and whenever I have done nofap or just in general I have experienced a lot of ups and downs. Should be pretty normal. Try to focus on getting to know girls for who they are and establishing some kind of connection all the sexual stuff is overrated anyway.
Performance anxiety might be a factor? You are very concerned that you can't get an erection to women, and that stress probably inhibits you. I doubt if a person can change their sexual orientation so suddenly - especially losing attraction for women when you previously had attraction. I could imagine that you might become attracted to men in addition to women. Even that probably wouldn't happen suddenly. ... It's probably just performance anxiety.

I was concerned at one point that I might be gaining an attraction to men, but it was passing.
Performance anxiety might be a factor? You are very concerned that you can't get an erection to women, and that stress probably inhibits you. I doubt if a person can change their sexual orientation so suddenly - especially losing attraction for women when you previously had attraction. I could imagine that you might become attracted to men in addition to women. Even that probably wouldn't happen suddenly. ... It's probably just performance anxiety.

I was concerned at one point that I might be gaining an attraction to men, but it was passing.

That's what I was worried about, becoming attracted to men from all the f'ed up porn I've been watching. I just want to have my normal attraction to girl back. And as you could imagine, losing attraction to women OUT OF NOWHERE is making me fear I'm gay even though I've always been attracted to women. I'm just going to have to fight my way through this.
I was thinking it was a flatline but I just don't get how I could just loose ALL attraction to women over night.
If you've already quit porn, I suppose it could be a flatline. But that would be pretty quick if you just stopped today.

In any event, most here report that desires acquired during PMO fade without PMO.

I'll just have to take it day by day, thx for the input.
That's the way to quit anything - one day at a time.
My bet is, that it´s not flatline. He escalated to a new porn category (involving men/bisexual) and directly after masturbation to that he lost interest in girls, before that he was extremely attracted to them.

Most of us went without masturbation for a few days even before nofap, but that would only make us crave girls more.

The concept, that porn can play our minds like a fiddle is hard to accept, but look at all the posters describing their warped minds.
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My bet is, that it´s not flatline. He escalated to a new porn category (involving men/bisexual) and directly after masturbation to that he lost interest in girls, before that he was extremely attracted to them.

Most of us went without masturbation for a few days even before nofap, but that would only make us crave girls more.

The concept, that porn can play our minds like a fiddle is hard to accept, but look at all the posters describing their warped minds.

I actually consulted a therapist and found out I have hocd which is a mental obsession with questioning your sexuality and now I've got to find a way to get over it. And having a porn addiction didn't help me to understand this. It means that I beat myself up about it so bad that I make myself believe that I am something I am not.
If the therapist is right, my bet would be ok, it would not be flatline and the porn would be fooling around with your mind. It might be a bad idea to watch more of this porn, you may talk yourself so much into being gay, that you could actually become it.
This happened also to me; for six years I consumed gay porn even though I am straight. Because of those videos I watched, I began to think I was gay, and I lost all my capacity of liking women. As you said, I watched a girl wearing a bikini and i felt nothing.
Then I joined nofap and dicovered I was just being exaggeratedly HOCD. While doing an only 7 days reboot, I remember I began to think of women again, I even had a sex dream with a girl I like after six years of not thinking in girls.
All this 'gay thing' Is porn induced, so get away from bisexual porn.
The gay yhing can be repaired abstaining from PMO!
If the therapist is right, my bet would be ok, it would not be flatline and the porn would be fooling around with your mind. It might be a bad idea to watch more of this porn, you may talk yourself so much into being gay, that you could actually become it.

That's exactly what hocd is, fooling yourself into believing you are something you aren't. A 1000lb weight has been lifted off my chest. Wish me luck brother
This happened also to me; for six years I consumed gay porn even though I am straight. Because of those videos I watched, I began to think I was gay, and I lost all my capacity of liking women. As you said, I watched a girl wearing a bikini and i felt nothing.
Then I joined nofap and dicovered I was just being exaggeratedly HOCD. While doing an only 7 days reboot, I remember I began to think of women again, I even had a sex dream with a girl I like after six years of not thinking in girls.
All this 'gay thing' Is porn induced, so get away from bisexual porn.
The gay yhing can be repaired abstaining from PMO!

After finding out what hocd was I fell a 1000lbs lift off my chest man. I didn't have a problem with the idea that I was gay, I just couldn't force myself to believe it and it put me in a Great Depression. That's what hocd is convincing yourself you are gay even though it goes against every instinct in your body. But now I'm working myself back to normal. Wish me luck
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congrats you just hit the flatline period. This is good it means you're brian is changing.

i've had the same experience once i stopped watching porn. no interest in woman at all.
the brainwashing may go a little bit like this:
you watch bisexual porn and you see guys that fuck hot girls. You identify with them, you ARE in your mind one of the guys now who fucks this hot girl you crave. But now the guys do not care so much about the girls, but more about the other males tight ass or sucking his cock etc., while you still ARE in your mind this guy and in this fantasy making out with the other guy, ignoring the hot girls.
I believe it can be a bit like a trojan horse, the porn gets you hooked for example with hot girls first, you let it in - but then gradually warps your desires, while you jerk off and let it engrave in your mind. Plus there are the psychological effects of something NEW, something taboo.
the brainwashing may go a little bit like this:
you watch bisexual porn and you see guys that fuck hot girls. You identify with them, you ARE in your mind one of the guys now who fucks this hot girl you crave. But now the guys do not care so much about the girls, but more about the other males tight ass or sucking his cock etc., while you still ARE in your mind this guy and in this fantasy making out with the other guy, ignoring the hot girls.
I believe it can be a bit like a trojan horse, the porn gets you hooked for example with hot girls first, you let it in - but then gradually warps your desires, while you jerk off and let it engrave in your mind. Plus there are the psychological effects of something NEW, something taboo.

That's exactly right I was in bad porn escalation, I was associating all the fucked up stuff I was watching with pleasure. But I haven't watched porn since I last posted here and I'm slowly adjusting back to my normal sexuality. This porn addiction was desensitizing me to the beauty of real women. Once I cut out the porn it started getting better. At my worst I was watching bi, trans, loli (cartoon cp), furry porn, torture and a lot of other things that I would NEVER engage in in real life. My OCD grabbed onto that. (If you didn't know, OCD stems from fear. All those people washing their hand 100 times a day aren't doing it because they want to, they are doing it because they have an irrational fear of contaminating someone or getting contaminated. OCD can literally latch onto ANYTHING you fear. I've had anxiety & OCD flair ups my whole life and this new theme it grabbed, In my case was becoming the things I watched in porn) I'm still dealing with it but I'm getting better.
I looked at "your brain on porn"and they have an article called "can you trust your Johnson" and it it goes into how people's pornaddictions can fog their true sexual desires.

Here is the intro to the article-
"What if the porn to which you once happily fapped no longer does the job? Could this be why viewers who would never harm others are viewing violent porn? Why gay porn viewers are feeling baffled by their tastes for straight rape porn or lesbian porn? Why straight men are bewildered by their tastes for transsexual or gay porn?"

It's a great read, it helped me out.

Here's the link if you feel like checking it out.

Thanks for all the input mate!
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Guau.... i haved a similar story with you , just that i have left the porn for 2 months but the MO bit by bit... i was thinking that the porn turns me gay o bisexual (i dont know) you was and you are rebotting in hard mode?
You know I was quite embarrassed of this myself, I always concidered my self straight and still do. But sometimes before I started NoFap I used to watch porn and just get bored of the same porn. I used to want something real, real in a way that the woman feels something, but with porn start I can't imagine them feeling much of an orgasm, at least I don't think they do. So I decided to try some men to men porn, and at first I fapped to it, and after I was saying to my self "holy cow that's discussing" then for some reason in a matter of 2 hours I fapped twice to the bi porn. It's crazy I know. Then I read a few articles where people say stuff like "it's your porn life" so I sort of accepted it and watched more then after I got bored of that and took it for discusting again, and went back to straight porn. But after that I was even thinking of guys doing it to each other, even when I started NoFap, on my first two days. But that's probably because I was so sex driven I was just thinking of anything. As my brain wanted me to fap off and when I watched the bi porn it gave me a quick option of something new, but now it's all fine even tho I do think about for those reasons. And I'm only a week in still. But I know that if it came to sex it would only be with a female. So I'm not sure about your options here, but just try not to think about maybe and give it a brake, and get back to your normal thought pattern, that's my opinion.