Some help?

Discussion in 'Self Improvement' started by ShamOnSafeMode, Apr 14, 2023.

  1. ShamOnSafeMode

    ShamOnSafeMode Fapstronaut

    I am 23M, working hard for my university exams. I have never ever put so much effort into my future and now, I am really aiming for my success. Believe me or not, I have definitely gotten a lot of work done, if I were to compare myself to my old self. Unfortunately, I feel myself burnt out (obviously, never put this much time and effort for so many days). Here is a list of what I do:
    • Wake up at 6 in the morning
    • Go to college at 7:40 am
    • Come back at 5:20 pm
    • Finish lunch at that time (we are allowed to eat lunch at 12:30 pm so no worries, I just get very hungry)
    • Time for studying and stuff until 7:15 pm (need to go to special classes)
    • Come back at 9:20 pm
    • Dinner until 10 pm
    • (Trying to study until 11 to 12 but I fail to do so)
    • Sleep.
    This is my schedule. As you can see, there's not much space for myself, and things have been getting pretty rough. I have stopped exercising too, because it made me lose on time unless I wake up very early, so the only thing keeping me sane is meditation.
    Any suggestions from people who have gone through this stage? Obviously, the simplest solution is to make time, not complain about it but with the pressure of exams coming within an year, it has left me stressed out. I can't lose more time, and yet I go on to digital devices. Mind you, I have been addicted to this thing from a long time (when I was probably three, I remember my dad bringing home a 1990 computer and it had many flash games which I played almost every day until the system stopped working).
    Yes, I am also getting fat which is not too concerning but having an endomorph structure is not helping me.
    I feel like the world around me is changing, my friends are changing but I am unable to change. It's like I have been frozen in time, but everyone else is evolving and adapting to their things in life.
    Any help is gladly appreciated.
    Thank you for your time.
    Hope you have a very great day ahead! :)
    jw2021 likes this.
  2. jasminfernandes

    jasminfernandes New Fapstronaut

    Good going. All the best
    ShamOnSafeMode likes this.
  3. jw2021

    jw2021 Fapstronaut

    That is a extremely tough schedule you have there. I've been in similar situations and have not been able to maintain a schedule like that for too long. I am early 40's so you definitely have age much more on your side. Perhaps you could work something in like a jog after classes at 5:20? Maybe just 10 min?

    I'm not sure if you do weight lifting but something like a 20 minute HIT program twice a week may be a option? When I get really busy I use Mike Mentzer's routine from High Intensity Training the Mike Mentzer Way.

    I think you should take some time for yourself. A schedule like you have is a tough grind without doing some sort of self care.
    ShamOnSafeMode likes this.
  4. ShamOnSafeMode

    ShamOnSafeMode Fapstronaut

    Thanks, I'll have to see it for myself. I usually like to do a full workout which lasts for about an hour, so doing exercise that lasts only for ten minutes feels very unnatural and useless, with no potential benefit from it, but we all know that at the end of the day, even five minutes of stretching will help.
    Very obvious solution but we tend to overlook such things.
    Have a great day ahead! :D
    jw2021 likes this.
  5. ShamOnSafeMode

    ShamOnSafeMode Fapstronaut

    While coming back, I usually have to walk back home, and I decided to walk really fast with the 5 kilo bag strapped on my back. Tough to keep up due to the weight but you guys think it could turn into a potential exercise routine like thing?
    jw2021 likes this.
  6. ShamOnSafeMode

    ShamOnSafeMode Fapstronaut

    So I just wanted to add on to something here. I have been going on a digital detox with the devices that I have at my home, but all I end up doing is surf on reddit on nofap or go on to the forum that is here. It's good I am atleast consuming some good stuff, but it isn't helping me that I am not able to do my work, and it's really concerning me. Any suggestions apart from the ones that I keep hearing and seeing? I have almost tried everything and I am slowly exhausting my options.
  7. ShamOnSafeMode

    ShamOnSafeMode Fapstronaut

    Update: I got to run back to home. And I could completely imagine myself running in a goofy manner because my bag was on my back. I seem to have put a lot of strain on my foot. To compound to this problem, I have flat feet, which makes things worse. But that just is not enough to stop me from doing it every day. I enjoyed it however.
    jw2021 likes this.
  8. ShamOnSafeMode

    ShamOnSafeMode Fapstronaut

    Okay a new update right after: I usually sleep at this time, but since we have a mock test coming up, I am staying up late to be able to study. I really hope my schedule gets a little better.
  9. ShamOnSafeMode

    ShamOnSafeMode Fapstronaut

    It's been a long time, sure and yes, I ended up relapsing many times but each time it happened, I got up. My schedule has improved and become better. I try to make use of all the time available there is as of now, but half of the improvement partially goes to not using any digital devices for the past few days. Things have become better and I am slowly on the path to recovery. I actually had a close call the day before yesterday, where I was unable to control my frustration but in the middle, I just felt it was not worth my time and energy. I have actually been off the NoFap website for a month, and I feel like things improved. Not in that way you are probably thinking right now. NoFap as a website, or on Reddit is definitely needed when you begin since you have no idea how or where to begin but once you feel like you are ready, I suggest you come out of it. Because by being on the Subreddit and on the Website, sure you will find some information and whatnot, but you will count those days. I can assure you that by not counting those days, you will just adopt it as a lifestyle, not as a hardship you have to face every day.
    Hope you go to high lengths and look back and be proud of yourself.
    Yours truly,
    sarahjms77 likes this.
  10. sarahjms77

    sarahjms77 Fapstronaut

    That is when the party starts. When you no longer pay attention how many days passed, just keep a nice schedule improving in multiple areas, and you will become addicted to that instead of fap and porn :)
    ShamOnSafeMode likes this.
  11. ShamOnSafeMode

    ShamOnSafeMode Fapstronaut

    @sarahjms77 Well said, it's hard to explain and when everyone always said, "Don't count the days", I never understood what they meant or what they really wanted to say. I would ask myself - "how?" "How can I not count the days and make the days count?" You just need to seek it for yourself. If someone told me that they can let me go back in time, I would definitely do it the same way again. Those days were definitely a lot of pain, along with mental anguish but I learnt what I need to do. I now know that I can come out of it. I now know that I have the experience. I now know how easy it was to solve it but I decided to stick in there. That's why I always say that knowledge is important, but what's more important is experience. because experience teaches everybody in a different way that knowledge earned can't. Experience is more than knowledge. You must seek the answer for yourself. Go do it.
    sarahjms77 likes this.