Supporting together in snapchat


Hi nice to meet you I am a French Fapstronaut so sorry for my English. I'am addicted to porn like you I guess. Since I was 13 years old I watched porn and I was masturbating watching porn. Now I'am 18 years old and I want to stop this to reboot my brain and stop masturbation and porn. I don't stop orgasm cause I have a girlfriend, I think you gonna understand me XD
I want to be a Champion, a 2.0 version of myself but alone it's hard and I don't know why I want exactly stopped porn but together we can reich that goal and be better than before.
Stop p and m with you gave me a true reason to do this.
We can together share our goal our feels in snapchat and create a Fapstronaut snapchat team :cool:
What do you think ? Is that a good idea ?
Let's comment and see what we can do to be stronger :emoji_muscle:

My snapchat : roadtonofap

Thanks for reading this text.