Even at age 24, but still haven't even kissed!

Discussion in 'Loneliness' started by ackyvatsal, Jan 30, 2018.

  1. ackyvatsal

    ackyvatsal Fapstronaut

    I will be straight to the point!
    I am 24 & s virgin. I have never even got a chance to hold hands with a girl romantically. Never even kissed anyone. I am currently in college & everybody around me is somewhat in a relationship. Those who are not go to a prostitute. I personally hate the concept of prostitute to have sex. I really want my first time to be with a special one. But sadly no body likes me and I have been rejected several times when I try to propose.
    I have started NoFap and completed 60 days. But the problem is I feel so frustrated. The frustration that I don't have a female counterpart. The frustration that I have never had a kiss. Its so sad and frustrating. My confidence is at the lowest of all these days. I am a little fat but does that make me that bad to not even deserve a kiss even at the age of 24.
    I don't know how to handle the anxiety. Girls talk to me but when i try to flirt or try to express my feelings they call it creepy.
    It's really sad and frustrating. Am I so bad and disgusting that I even nit deserve to hold hands.
    Any advice from you guys...
    Please help me get out of such frustration.
  2. Just one quick tip, Key to womans heart is hidden in her playlist. So if you know what she likes you can invite her to concert for example and she never reject.
  3. Runtilmylegsdropoff

    Runtilmylegsdropoff Fapstronaut

  4. phwrancesco

    phwrancesco Fapstronaut

    as i can see on this forum, this "special one" thing is killing a lot of males out there.
  5. Bro, i suggest you read the book
    No More Mr Nice Guy - Robert Glover
    This book changed my life, will help you too.

  6. I have dated failed and made a fool out of myself to many times over many years but I have learned something,
    1. stay away from women that don't like you as you ,If there calling you creepy its there insecurity that is coming out I would not waste 5 seconds with a women who didn't like me as me .if she likes you she doesn't care if your nervous stumble threw words have bad eye contact or anything else
    2. YOU ARE NOT BAD DISGUSTING AND DONT DESERVE TO HOLD HANDS - that's a false story you tell yourself being around women that are not interested in you , not everyone is going to like you but u have to like u . find women that are excited to be around you . Its just a matter of time before you find someone that appreciates you as you are .
    stay strong
    Youssif, Vulkan, timjohn12345 and 4 others like this.
  7. How exactly change your life?
  8. I stopped being a nice guy, read the book that you will understand
    FormerFapaholic likes this.
  9. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    Ordered this book
  10. ProdigalSon74

    ProdigalSon74 Fapstronaut

    Hey I feel you man. I'm in the same boat you are and I too find it hard sometimes to cope with PMO recovery. However, for me I try not to think about it too much. Getting girls shouldn't be your reason for quitting, it should be trying to better yourself as a person. I, for example, have no intention of dating anyone until I can get to a certain point of recovery where I am more confident that I won't do it. Maybe the 90 day challenge or longer, but regardless I have no intention of letting a girl into my life and end up hurting her because I decided to let my brain be where my "junk" is. I will not let some sweet girl give me affection that I don't deserve; not like a vow of celibacy or anything like that but still. Anyway, ask yourself why you want to quit and what you hope to gain from it; or rather try to figure out what kind of person you want to be without PMO weighing you down. Who are you without porn?
    PhattyPatato likes this.
  11. Uncultivated

    Uncultivated Fapstronaut

    The greater your self love, the greater the love you will receive from girls. Make a list of all the adjectives you used to describe urself in ur post ... these words describe how you see yourself, either by your own eyes or the eyes of others. Change that. Make your view of yourself so great and amazing and handsome and sexy and beautiful by ur own eyes and never let the eyes of others even enter your mental space ... only what YOU see when YOU look in the mirror matters because only YOU know urself well enough to know what and who you are, what ideas and words accurately describe ur essence. Know yourself so well that the brief vague and weak-by-comparison beliefs of OTHERS about you become so insignificant you hardly even notice. Its mental training. Only you decide who you are, and how 'you' you are. And only then will you receive the feminine love you desire ... when such a corresponding level of self love is cultivated in you. Otherwise, according to my experience, if what you emit is self-pity, any feminine attention received will likely just be more pity ... Very few girls will take it upon themselves to give you a level of love far greater than what you give yourself. How lovely your essence, being, and image are to yourself is an important aspect of the quality of your masculine sexual energy. An aftereffect of self love is the beautiful and powerful appearance of confident sincere masculine compassion ... girls are receptive to this high quality masculine energy, make di girl kiss u nd pumpum wetter than Niagra, trust and believe

    So, answer this to urself ... who do you see in the mirror?
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2018
  12. FormerFapaholic

    FormerFapaholic Fapstronaut

    Any decent women shouldn't care about your love life, your sex life - or the lack of it - from the past. They'd be more interested in you in the present, and hopefully for you in the future.

    Don't let the fact you've not kissed or had sex with a woman define you whatsoever. There will be women out there who will find that you're a virgin attractive that you're more for quality and NOT quantity.
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2018
    ackyvatsal and Joona K like this.
  13. FlappyF4PP3r

    FlappyF4PP3r New Fapstronaut

  14. romlel

    romlel Fapstronaut
    NoFap Defender

    It's sad man, I know this frustration very well? I was in your shoes a few years ago! Society raises us to be a useful element to make the world today work... but it doesn't raise us as human being..
    It's normal to have rejections, it makes you stronger. An advice with girls: Be first at ease and relax with urself then be present when ur with her (that is what helped me :) )
    Wish you an interesting journey to yourself : )
  15. Joona K

    Joona K Fapstronaut

    This thread is hilarious!!

    (I was 29 when met my girl for rest of my life. Man she is still the best! Never kissed any other woman in my life)
  16. RationalBrody

    RationalBrody Fapstronaut

    Kissed my first woman a month before turning 26. So I know how you feel, having scarcity of love, lust and sexual intimacy.

    You have to go all in and expand your social skills, expand your personality, charisma.
    Look into cold approach pickup. Head over to r/seduction or visit rsdnation.com
    WesternWolf and Deleted Account like this.
  17. Ali411

    Ali411 Fapstronaut

    OP, I'm going to share some of my story and I hope it can help you. I never kissed a girl or held a girl's hand until I was 26, nearly 27. I was always really shy and nervous, and I had a lot of personal shame over being a virgin and never having had a girlfriend because I was surrounded by guys who had girlfriends, who were in relationships for years, or some who were having sex with a different girl every weekend. I wondered what was wrong with me, and I turned to porn as my only means of making myself feel like I was a man in this culture of toxic masculinity. I even feared that maybe I was gay (nothing against gay people, it was just a personal insecurity again driven by this toxic masculine image that I believed in).

    The key point and what I've learned is that we live in a culture where the norm is to be sexually promiscuous, and to be in a relationship, and where men who don't have that are thought to have something wrong with them. All of this is fake, it's not the way things have to be. This is my advice to you: Respect yourself, and focus on improving yourself every day. Stick to not fapping. Keep yourself healthy, develop your talents, focus on your studies and work. You know what a woman really wants? A man who is successful and self-confident, who is reliable and disciplined, resolute and upstanding. Develop yourself, discipline yourself, learn how to be a real man, not a fake wannabe macho douchebag. A man who could be a good father, who can support a family, who has ideas and interests and hobbies and talents. You will find that one girl for you, and you will have real love, not any puppy love or temporary love.

    I always thought I'd meet the girl for me and that would be it. I met some girls over the years who I really liked but always got friend zoned or rejected. It hurt at the time, I was depressed, I lacked self-confidence. But when I met the girl I'm getting married to in 5 months just over a year ago, we had a connection which was much deeper than any sort of surface attraction. We had great conversations, we felt comfortable talking to each other, we were able to be open with each other. And don't worry about being a virgin or not being experienced. I was so nervous the first time, she actually kissed me because I didn't know how to go for it. And you know what? She really likes that. She likes that I was modest and that I didn't try to take advantage of her, she likes that I wasn't just trying to sleep with her, she likes that I was shy and she likes that she's the only girl I've ever been with.

    So remember this: It's all a matter of perspective. You need to change your perspective from the perspective that you are a failure as a man to the perspective that in fact you are a real prize for a woman, a guy who is completely exclusive, who doesn't sleep around, who saved himself for the woman he wants to spend his life with. A guy who spent his time focused on making himself better, disciplining himself, and molding himself into a real man and future husband material. Don't be just anyone, don't be like everyone else, you have nothing to be ashamed of and you WILL meet the girl of your dreams one day, and you won't have to be good at flirting to win her over, she will be attracted to you for who you are, not how good your game is. You will have an honest connection and you won't even have to try to make her like you, it will just be completely natural.

    Good luck man, and definitely try to find an older male mentor who you can confide in. My dad cheated on my mom and I didn't grow up with him so I never had that, I didn't have anyone who I could talk to about my insecurities and I didn't have someone to teach what it mean to be a man. Being a man isn't about being "alpha" or having a lot of sexual conquests, being a man means respecting yourself enough that you know you don't need to sleep with any random women, and being confident enough to wait for the right one to come along. Have faith, even if you're not religious, that your hard work will pay off, that karma will pay you back for your time and effort and for being a decent person. Don't give into this culture of toxic masculinity that says you need to sleep with women, just remember that when you do meet that one girl, you will never look back. When I think back to my failures with women in the past, I feel a sense of pride and happiness that it didn't work out, because those relationships weren't meant to be, and I wouldn't be the person I am today, with the woman I love today, if I hadn't waited.
  18. Gooding

    Gooding Fapstronaut

    I watched a summary video. This is a great advice for the OP.
  19. Gooding

    Gooding Fapstronaut

    I will be mindful about it :)
  20. ackyvatsal

    ackyvatsal Fapstronaut

    I did't quite understand what you are trying to say friends. Can you please elaborate more ! You advice advice may really help me