Would you date a feminist?

Discussion in 'Dating during a Reboot' started by Lazarus Shuttlesworth, Oct 8, 2018.

  1. The problem is every woman that defines her felt as a feminist is pretty much a man hating dingbat. There are no moderate types like you described. The so called “everyday equal rights equal pay” women are believers in a fantasy that women are somehow oppressed or treated unequally.

    So see even those supposed mild feminists that you think are on are actually bad.
    Reborn16 and Master Chips like this.
  2. When a woman is treat badly, she has her right to take as a man who is treated badly. These are laws, under crimes laws, family laws. You name it.
    Else than that. It is just disgusting. Some of those who call for feminism want to be as any man, some even walk naked in the name of feminism and a man should not look at her. If it is the same in even such things then I suggest to remove the women's section because we are equal in values, in interests, in work and hardwork, we are equal in every aspect of life according to what @GG2002 says, although you call yourself a lawyer, unfortunately you couldn't differentiate between Justice, which is about giving everyone his/her rights and to keep their value, respect, and dignity by all means at the same time. While Equality would make everyone same in every aspect although some might be in more or less need or even have no relation to that aspect.
    Reborn16 and Deleted Account like this.
  3. I will date a human being, everything else does not matter. If she is good, she is good.
    EDIT: Good means a good person, and has nothing to do with looks or something superficial. Just clarifying in case somebody else also misunderstands what it means.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2018
  4. Everything else doesn’t matter?? Then you aren’t interested in dating. Being good means having morals and not being a crazy person.
  5. How does it mean I am not interested in dating? Plz explain how you concluded it!
  6. You’re not interested in dating. You want a fuck buddy! If you wanted to date things like a persons morals and opinions and views on things would matter. You would have to have mutual ideologies that you agree with. If you don’t care if a girl is a man hating feminist then you just want to fuck!
    FX-05 likes this.
  7. Wow! That's a shocking conclusion man! For your information, it is truly baseless and senseless!

    Well, not necessarily. A man may be into politics and his partner never interested into it, and they can still be a good couple.

    Again a rash conclusion. I have already said that if she is a good human being, she is good. And I don't think nobody who hates a certain section of mankind is a good person.

    Now, to make things clear for you, what I mean by my original comment is that one should look for a good person, sometimes ideologies, interests etc can be diverse and they will evolve in both of you with time as well. What is once compatible in you both, will be different 5 years from now. But a good human is a good human. Hope it clears up your rash and erroneous conclusions.
  8. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    For anyone on here hating on feminists ask yourself do you support women in the workplace? How about women getting advanced degrees? Having the right to choose to stay at home or go to work? Doing whatever work they choose? Being CEOs of companies? Partners at law firms, doctors or politicians? Then guess what you are a feminist! And if you don’t support this please provide me with a reason why. It’s interesting that we are all having this discussion on here because there was a stat posted on Facebook yesterday that stated that indeed college is made up of 40% more women versus men and 90% of the responses from the men were to diminish, discredit, one up or even take credit for the accomplishments themselves. Some of the responses were:
    1. It’s easy to pass classes in cooking and cleaning
    2. Yea sure they have degrees in women’s studies or theater men have the real degrees.
    3. In response to hundreds of women stating they have degrees in law, science, engineering etc well men are smarter they know it’s better to go into trades. And then well men still dominate the medical field.
    4. Men are smarter they don’t take out loans.
    5. All of the college classes are geared towards women.
    6. Men are paying for women to go to school.
    7. Men allowed women to do this.

    Now seriously here for the guys that feel this way please explain? If anyone I know accomplishments a degree I am going to be ecstatic for them man or woman. Their accomplishments does not diminish me. If my partner gets a degree that’s a win for both of us and vice versa. As a society overall don’t we all benefit if people can accomplish their life goals and succeed? Why put others down? Why is it a competition?
    OrangeJuice13 likes this.
  9. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I totally agree with you. Signed a non man hating American woman who supports equality but loves men.
    Jason_Tesla_19 likes this.
  10. HereAndThere

    HereAndThere Fapstronaut

    There is a very easy way to determine what kind of feminist you or anyone else is. What do you think about Kavanaugh case? Do you think allegations against him are substantiated? Do you think that throwing away accusations was the right thing to do?
  11. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    I did not ask for a legal definition of justice I asked for what your definition of justice would be in this scenario. But typical male response to diminish the accomplishments of women.
  12. Honestly I asked this question because I had preconceived notions about feminists. I’m currently talking to a girl who is a self-proclaimed feminist and when I found out, I for some reason was triggered. But I’ve come to the conclusion that a feminist doesn't have to be a feminazi we see on YouTube. Plus I shouldn’t be generalizing.. this has been an interesting thread nonetheless. Also I apologize if I offended anyone with this thread.
  13. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    As a lawyer who has appeared in court thousands of times my issue with him is the demeanor that he showed in his testimony. Any lawyer that acted in that manner would be held in contempt and locked up. Do I understand why he’s mad of course I do but you compose yourself out of respect for the court and the process. What we witnessed was a temper tantrum and if a woman behaved that way she would be treating differently no doubt.
    As far as the allegations from years past by women I don’t think you can paint them with a broad brush. I am aware that rape and sexual assault is one of the most underreported crimes around 60% are and when you look at women under 25 the number drops even more. And only around 6% of rape allegations are found to be false. I understand why the woman did not report . In that day and age you would be laughed out of the police station and blamed just like she was today and many women still are. If the case was tried in court she may loose but then again we have not had the witnesses testify in court under oath. But this was not a court of law and therefore the standards are lower. I think as is usually the case the truth lies somewhere in between the two. If I had to speculate I think he did do it but really does not remember it. I think he drank and partied a lot more than he admits to and likely did black out. I don’t have a problem with him drinking or partying I do have a problem with him denying it and making up ridiculous excuses. And without seeing the FBI report I don’t think anyone can truly make a determination one way or the other I cannot. It’s his demeanor that’s an issue for me.

    If you look at all of the recent allegations made against powerful men almost all of them have turned out to be true so I would say that we should be less concerned about false accusations and more concerned about stopping the rape culture.
    kropo82 likes this.
  14. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Not man hating or a dingbat.
    kropo82 likes this.
  15. HereAndThere

    HereAndThere Fapstronaut

    Wrong answer. The correct one is: "There is no evidence so, yes, allegations are unsubstantiated and there should be no trial". Unless you want to undermine "innocent until guilty" principle which is a red flag by itself. There are more red flags in your comment, like dismissing false accusations in favor of fighting rape culture but i think your stance on legal proceedings is enough.
  16. I support all of these things, but that does not make me a feminist. This idea that feminism is really just about equality is a shiny façade to gloss over the more offensive aspects of feminism. When challenged, any feminist will naturally resort to the standard "it's just about equality" and the "but not all feminists are like that" tropes
    I wouldn't have given these responses, but that also does not make me a feminist

    Feminism denigrates real femininity. Feminism equates equality with "having the same things that men have". It begins from the point of view that women are victims and must "become like men". It is really a form of self-hate towards one's own femininity. When one believes that women have historically been victims, been "kept down", then it is only logical to hate the oppressors, men. This is how it goes from being "just about equality" to "man hatred"

    Feminism also pedestalizes women. Women must be protected and defended from evil men. By definition, feminism singles out women for special, preferential treatment, by virtue of their being women.
  17. Headspace

    Headspace Fapstronaut

    Are you sure about that? Or do you only want equality where you feel women are disadvantaged?

    What about sports, for example? Wouldn't "complete equality between men and women" mean that there is no separation by sex in sports (especially since women's sports are usually under-respresented in the media)? So women would have to compete against men in running, weight-lifting, wrestling and so on? And in many countries, going to the military is voluntary by now. But what about that: If we still were in the past when adolescent men had to join the army, would you say that women should be obliged to do that, too?
  18. HereAndThere

    HereAndThere Fapstronaut

  19. What's wrong is your focus. The question isn't whether or not should BK go to jail but whether or not he should go on the Supreme Court. The pathetic defense of that idiot showed that he's unfit to be a judge even on a talent show.
    GG2002 likes this.
  20. GG2002

    GG2002 Fapstronaut

    Yes yes yes and yes.