He is at it again (help needed!)

Discussion in 'Partner Support' started by Lilla_My, Apr 4, 2019.

  1. Pinetree

    Pinetree Fapstronaut

    Relapses are part of any addiction, they happen for most people, including people addicted to P.

    Also, you mentioned him being very depressed, he may have other underlying issues. I think most important is to establish a good communication relationship and try to work at it together.
    Lilla_My likes this.
  2. Faceplanter

    Faceplanter Fapstronaut

    He absolutely has to admit the problem to himself to make progress. He further has to fully own the problem with or without you. If you didn't have firm boundaries and consequences before, try those, but I would suggest they be really harsh but not permanent. One boundary should be to devise a plan himself by x date. Lots of resources and support he can get here to do this, and that should be first because that shows he is committed to at least look like he's addressing this proactively.

    If he owns it, he should be willing to give you a heart felt apology .... Not gaslighting. Never heard of that term before the partner forum here, but his response fits.

    Psubs over porn does mean he's trying on one level and trying to avoid dropping the habits and comfort of his addiction on the other hand. He needs to give you both hands.
    Lilla_My likes this.
  3. Dr. Mario

    Dr. Mario Fapstronaut

    Before you try anything drastic, I cannot emphasize enough, see a marriage counselor! You don't want to take some internet advice and do something extreme, only to have it explode. Ask the professionals for help, it's literally their job to know what kinds of boundaries, punishments, and escalation of force will work.
  4. Faceplanter

    Faceplanter Fapstronaut

    True but make sure they don't think porn is OK or the whole situation gets worse.
  5. Dr. Mario

    Dr. Mario Fapstronaut

    And that's one of the big reasons I'm pushing for a Christian marriage counselor. Christian marriage counselor won't say porn is okay! The secular ones may very well advocate for alternative lifestyles, which sounds like the last thing you want.
    Lilla_My and Faceplanter like this.
  6. That completely goes along with addict mentality. Psubs are now feeding his addiction, but since they aren't actual P, they 'seem' less harmful. But, for an addict who hasn't watched P for awhile, they are doing the same thing P used to. To say "at least it's now psubs" is the same as saying "at least it's now a different way he's feeding his addiction." Not helpful.

    The addict part is still in control, but it's less obvious...convincing him to look at psubs because at least it isn't P. Regardless, he gets the dopamine hit and the addict wins the round.
  7. A lot of addicts (including my husband) will give up P for a time and move to psubs. Then, they think they are in control and possibly even working on recovery because they convince themselves it isn't so bad. But, it's still feeding their addiction. It's much easier to justify psubs in their mind. IMO, a PA that has switched from P to psubs and tries to convince you they're still clean is a PA in denial and one that doesn't yet want to change.
  8. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    I agree with with hooeforhealing...absolutely no porn or substitutes..and as for theraphy...make sure it’s a Certified Sexual addiction therapist. We had one theraphist who minimized the entire situation. He was fired immediately.
    Sex addiction Counselors know the signs and symptoms and are skilled in working with addicts and their addictions.
    fadedfidelity, Susannah, Numb and 3 others like this.
  9. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Thank you @Faceplanter and @Dr. Mario! Very sound advice. I never thought about that, but I have to be very careful.

    During the first discovery of our marital issues, I started to read on other forums for consultation. I will never forget this young, pregnant woman who was devastated due to her failing marriage. Her husband neglected her and the family every day so he could watch teenage girls. The advice she was given was horrible. She even got congratulated that her husband had a healthy sex life and that she should encourage him to do it more and not be such a nag. The ignorant advice reminds me of my grandmother, who started to smoke only because her doctor had told her it was essential for her good health (this was in the 40s).

    Now with all the emerging science on the damage porn does to the brain, this past time will soon be seen for the hell it really is and any encouragement to engage in PMO will be considered completely taboo. Not one proper study has confirmed any benefits of PMO, only detrimental effects on mental health, relationships and libido. It's beyond me how a marriage therapist, an educated (?) person, can suggest that it's ok. If that person were to live two weeks with an addict, they would wanna jump out of the nearest window.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
  10. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Thank you for your wise input @hope4healing ! I'm very let down by the p subs. I don't understand how it would make our sex life better that he masturbates to p subs instead? In a weird way, I find it worse. How do you feel about it?
    Deleted Account and hope4healing like this.
  11. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Very good advice, thanks! I'm sorry to hear that you encountered such an ignorant therapist. They seem to be abundant, unfortunately.
  12. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Wonderful advice, I really appreciate it. I assume you reached that point where you simply don't give a damn if he doesn't step up. I think for the first time I'm there. I've always been the one to beg and plead but now my time is up. I will do like you did, definitively. If he isn't prepared to see a therapist and engage in real progressive steps forward (reading books etc.) there simply won't be any "us".

    And you're right. He knows exactly what he is doing! He doesn't speak to me now as a punishment for being confronted. He claims that he has no idea what I'm talking about. I can't believe a grown man can try to be so manipulative! He has seen his computer searches, I've seen them, he has deleted them and now pretends they don't exist. I go crazy! But, contrary to what he is trying to make me believe, I'm not crazy one bit, in fact, I'm the sanest I've ever been.

    Thanks yet again!
  13. I don't think they believe it would make your sex life better to M to psubs. It's just easier to rationalize in their mind...they can convince themselves they're staying clean if it's only psubs instead of P. I understand what you mean about it feeling worse to us, and for me at least, it sometimes feels worse because I know the addict is still in control but, at the same time, he's keeping himself convinced that he's working on recovery since he's staying away from P. But, that's not recovery at all. What a shitshow it is to watch him lie to and fool himself...
  14. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    Hi Lilla_my... YES, you are sane. Don’t doubt yourself. They will do anything and everything to keep their addiction going and growing. It’s just the way it is. It’s a horrible situation to be in, as well as extremely sad.
    My PA has always put his needs, wants and desires ahead of everyone else’s in the family. We are at a point right now, where I feel he is doing the minimum to get by. He’s not remorseful and he keeps trying to justify.
    Yes I am frustrated, angry, hurt , betrayed...BUT...I am stronger in setting boundaries. This isn’t about him any longer, it’s about me protecting me.
    I don’t trust his words...I look for actions
    I don’t trust his, “oh sorry.” ...I look for remorse
    I watch and see if he sits in his uncomfortable emotions and provides feedback in terms of understanding, listening and acknowledging with the annoying behaviour stopping.
    This is a long freakin road...
    Learn as much as you can about betrayal trauma, sexual addiction,and emotional abuse.
    You have to take care of you...
    I think I speak for every spouse of a sex addict when I say , WE ARE HERE FOR YOU...
  15. de severn

    de severn Moderator Assistant

    Considering that I’m a recovering addict, I want to give you some inside details to how our addict brains/bodies work. I’ll admit that psubs are accidental most of the time and it does offer a “less guilty” bandaid for relapsing even though it’s bullshit logic. If a person is seriously trying to quit porn, I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say they won’t start searching for subs until they come across a trigger.

    In other words, let’s say a PA is not horny and not intending to get off but is casually surfing the internet then they get a random erection or a perverted curiosity after reading/seeing a small reminder of what gets them aroused... That’s all it takes for their brain to start lighting up. Before they know it, they’re edging away until they fall over.

    When I first quit PMO, I never intended to relapse but there are triggers all over the place. It depends on what turns you on (obviously). Triggers pop up in images, written text, or even flashback memories of fantasies/past events. When an addict is alone, their mind is vulnerable. It takes a lot of exercise in self-control for the urges to become less intense. It all depends on whether the addict sees the importance and urgency of quitting.

    I get triggered occasionally but I don’t entertain those moments. THERE WAS A TIME WHERE I DID. I felt like a horny monster that had no self-control. It took years of guilt, self-loathing, and insecurity for me to put a nofap plan in motion.

    For what it’s worth, consider that I love my bf and I think he’s gorgeous. My addiction is not determined by how much I value him. My addiction is 100% based on objective sexual release. My relapses did not make me love my bf less and I had no desire to cheat. I had a compulsion to have orgasms in private because it was a lifelong habit that I never outgrew. Some people play golf, some people watch porn and play with themselves... Not all addicts are the same. Some people do cheat and find their partners repulsive. I can’t say what your partner feels.

    You can choose to empathize with his addiction and forgive his slip ups if you can but what’s equally important is his attitude toward your feelings. He owes you respect, partnership, disclosure, and compassion. As long as you make him feel safe, he should open up to you. Sometimes we coil up and lie by omission because we feel misunderstood. At the same time, it’s our responsibility as addicts to understand the hurt we caused.

    What’s most important is how YOU feel about taking the role as a partner of an addict. It’s not a life worth living for a lot of people. There is a lot of work caring for an invalid and excusing them again and again for disappointments. Over time, partners of addicts often build resentment and they negatively affect the addict in a way that fuels the addiction. There are a lot of caveats to this.

    I absolutely sympathize with you and I think you need to air yourself out and reflect on what kind of relationship you want and whether you think you can have it here. If he shows potential and genuine commitment, ask yourself if it is enough for you. Don’t feel trapped or guilty if it’s not. Don’t lie to yourself! You deserve to be happy.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
  16. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    The support really means the world to me, thanks. Like You, I have started to look for action. I thought his words meant something, but obviously no... It's day 4 now after latest discovery and there is no progress. He still refuses to talk to me and he doesn't even come home (where was he last night? With miss Palm, no doubt). I will never take him back unless he does everything to kick this habit this time. Loving him, supporting him, explaining to him the damage he is inflicting hasn't helped ONE bit. I'm as fooled and deluded as they come for thinking he would change out of love and respect. Now I'm protecting me. I've read somewhere that you have to keep the zipper on the inside, meaning no one should be able to access you and unravel you from the outside. I'm sure it resonates with so many SOs.
    fadedfidelity and Susannah like this.
  17. Lostneverland

    Lostneverland Fapstronaut

    Hello, so how are you doing emotionally? You’re doing the right thing by looking for actions. I’m proud of you for protecting you.
    You are correct...loving, supporting, being kind and respectful, often has very little effect. Tough love..action, consequences seem to work a bit better.
    You are going to come out the other side of this circus...stronger, empowered and wiser. Just make sure to ALWAYS take care of you first and foremost.
    My thoughts and prayers are will you.
    Lilla_My likes this.
  18. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    Sorry for my delayed reply and thanks for posting. It has been such a horrendous week, maybe the worst. After days of not speaking, my husband came to me and wanted to "make peace". He still denies having relapsed, although he has, and there is not even the slightest possibility this time that he is telling the truth. I expressed my disappointment and sadness over his choice, and before I knew it we were having a discussion about my mental health and the need to put me on medication (I'm not ill, and if it wasn't for this I would have been the happiest person in the world). When I refused to admit that I'm sick, he wanted to divorce me and leave the house.

    Oh, how embarrassed I'm to admit it, but I basically begged him to stay with me and he agreed. I hate myself for being such a doormat. I can't sleep out of anger with him and myself. If he just admitted, if he said "you know what, it was a moment of weakness and I'm ashamed" I would have of course forgiven him! But now, oh god, it feels like something heavy, slimey and suffocating is growing in my chest, like the burden of this will never goes away and send me to an early grave. He has manipulated me for years, no other person has been capable of doing this over and over again to me. The things he have done besides this would make any person just get up and leave but I can't. We had so many fantastic perfect years, he was the love of my life, I can't wrap my head around the fact that he is capable of hurting me so immensely.

    I'm sorry for the ran't and I hope all is going better for you. We are all in this together I guess, but boy do I sometimes just wanna curl up and die.
    need4realchg and Susannah like this.
  19. Lilla_My

    Lilla_My Fapstronaut

    It's always good to hear from people "from the other side", thanks for posting.

    I resent the fact that he did a deliberate search for p subs. If he had "came across" something, it would have been easier, but to really go in to try to find a website with those women... I have a hard time digesting it, to say the least.

    He admits to nothing, apologize for nothing. It kills me. I try to have compassion, to be understanding, to hopefully build enough trust for him to come to me OR consult a professional. It has not happened yet. I don't know what else to do with a man that refuse to talk and question my sanity as soon as he betrays me.

    I'm happy to hear that you still are able to love your boyfriend and this is essential. The true problem for the spouse comes when they know the PA has infiltrated the body and soul of the man or woman they once fell in love with. It's excruciating to see the person you wanted to devote your life to being snatched away. It's like dealing with a death, but there is no closure, not even a scar, just a wound that keeps getting ripped open all the time. I'm at loss here on all counts.

    Have you been able to discuss your problem with your boyfriend openly? Is there anything he says or does that makes you feel safe to share?
  20. UK Lad

    UK Lad Fapstronaut

    Hi babes, I know how much we all love reading success stories, I am on 365 days of Nofap today and I have been reading soaring eagles book, on rebooting as the best remedy to PMO. I am grateful to @HMHU for providing The material for me to download to my kindle to read in my own comfort zone and spare time. I hope all brothers and sisters on this website can benefit from rebooting material and articles written by other forum users and authors. I would like to share with you an excerpt from the book slightly reworded, hoping that it will help you grow stronger and move forward. I found it to be very mentally beneficial, motivating, uplifting.

    Here goes,

    Increasing brainpower, avoiding wet dreams, cultivating health, regular reading and studying.

    Due to PMO and or wet dreams the brain Decreases in power. PMO or wet dreams Injures brain power. in traditional Chinese medicine pmo injures the kidneys and damages brainpower. The main areas that are affected are our memory, comprehension, concentration, and thinking abilities. All these are significantly affected. They all take a downturn in varying degrees. Producing the following symptoms in a person , Stupid, slow to react, lacking impatience, restlessness, easily angered and agitated.

    When the brain power is low, chores and tasks become difficult. The reduction of brainpower is especially disastrous for students involved with PMO.

    Under normal circumstances, recovering from PMO is relatively difficult. It would appear that it requires half a year of rebooting and health cultivation. It’s a gradual process which requires the following, controlling wet dreams, stop sexual fantasies, actively exercising, silent meditation, brain nourishing food moderate intake and maintenance.

    When these points have been thoroughly applied, brainpower will enjoy a substantial recovery. When brainpower is increased, a person will refresh. Difficult topics will become easier to understand, meaning easier comprehension and determination , Concentration, memory and comprehension will increase.

    Rebooting Has the ability to raise the level of wisdom in a person. Once the brain power has been recovered a change in destiny can be a achieved. One brain power is good things you did previously which were poor, in all becomes easier. Your destiny will change accordingly. Brainpower is important, cut out PMO.

    Improve on the speed on advancement of your realisation.

    The thought process. First step is to reform the thoughts, increase the awareness of Rebooting t through studying . To reboot, the thoughts must be transformed. Through study rebooting Will become easier. Through understanding other peoples experiences your own awareness will increase and when confronting various issues you will then have a reliable answer. If you don’t study you will have a hard time rebooting. A little each day is making progress. thoughts must be transformed. Once study mentality kicks in, awareness will increase by leaps and bounds. The more regular and thorough your thoughts rewire, the easier it is to reboot .

    On a final note it is important to maintain daily vigilance. After thoughts have been rewired you will notice you are out of tune with the people around you. Because you have fully understood the truth of PMO. You have seen it for what it really is. most people are on the road to self-destruction completely oblivious to the approaching symptoms.

    Your husband must study the book posted by HMHU in the forum written by soaring eagle who has dedicated 7+ years to the researched causes and effects of pmo.

    Society today has been polluted by pornography ideology and sexual debauchery. In addition to the harmlessness theories promoted by doctors and Alike, therefore the vast majority of people are bound to not see the truth clearly.

    This precisely confirms the saying, truth is controlled by a few people.

    We are bound to be a minority who knows the truth and what we need to do is find the proper timing and method to help our brothers and sisters, help our former selves, and in the process help ourselves.

    The end.
    Please copy this in to your life journal and hope it helps.
    romlel likes this.