Discussion in 'Events & Challenges' started by HiddenWarrior, Apr 2, 2019.

Have you beaten your record or improved your average noPMO since joining this?

  1. Yes

    281 vote(s)
  2. No

    90 vote(s)
  1. I'll try to give a good reply to this later :) Keep fighting!
  2. CoolBuddy7, prince san and Alex_Al like this.
  3. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Nice Idea, Thanks brother !

    Sure thing brother.
    CoolBuddy7 likes this.
  5. Captain Anurag

    Captain Anurag Fapstronaut

    Day 90 The most beautiful feeling in this world is when you fulfill a promise made to yourself. 25 January 2019 the day I fell in love with myself and My Nofap journey started.

    When love happens first stage is Appreciation, physical and mental. You start caring about yourself. Working out & meditation becomes a daily habit, much of your plate is fruits and vegetables, beautiful thoughts wrap your mind and use of positive affirmations becomes the way of life.

    Second is Attraction. Every morning you see that radiant face in mirror, your body strengthening and blush. You feel life's energy flowing in your veins. You like the way you can focus your mind on one thing for a long period of time and start learning new skills at a faster pace. You enjoy the company of this confident man.

    Third is conviction. If you see it in your mind, you can hold it in your hand. You take pride in your actions your beliefs your thoughts your opinions. From now onwards whatever life throws at you, you endure it. You are a problem solver, you are a warrior, Born to live life to your full potential.

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2019
  6. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Wow, it's cool.
  7. Jag Hyde

    Jag Hyde Fapstronaut

    Hey guys, just checking in. Headed toward the end of Day 9!
    primordial-saiyan and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  8. AllenJT

    AllenJT Fapstronaut

    I think it might just be because I'm very tired right now, but the feeling of loneliness that is often present is magnified right now. I can't sleep during the day as finals require every bit of my time, so I'm not quite sure how to deal with this. I'm afraid that I might do something stupid to try and ease this hole inside me. Like I said, most of the time I can easily ignore it, but I'm feeling pretty moody today. I woke up angry, meditated to try and get over it, and now I'm feeling a mixture of sadness, exhaustion, and loneliness. I don't really know what to do.
    primordial-saiyan and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  9. Jag Hyde

    Jag Hyde Fapstronaut

    Stick with it. Day 4 can be a struggle. Sorry to say, this is the battle! If you can get through today, you can get through tomorrow & the next day.
  10. I mean I can only take this from the perspective of myself last summer because I did exactly what you don't want to do. I had so much free time and nearly everyday I PMO'd. At the start of the holiday I did do something beneficial though, I wrote down all my hobbies and interests and the plan was to expand on each one, I didn't do anything at all. A lot could be do to with the question beastboy put out there this week but that was my choice and I regretted it so much. I felt so down and depressed. One thing I'd recommend is reading books, find your interest look into it. Learn skills like programming. Go for walks, keep yourself busy outside. Keep going with journal. There's no definitive answer in what to do but anything but nothing is the answer apart from PMO obviously. Ease yourself into gym and get consistent, my body is like yours. If there's anything I learnt travelling it's that too much time is spent on smartphones and not enough time appreciating our existence. This wasn't the best answer I could give but I hope it benefits you.
    control your life and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  11. thanks for sharing that, and many congratulations on 90 days.
  12. prince san

    prince san Fapstronaut

    Day 5 complete Alhamdulillah
  13. All praise and thanks is to God. Keep fighting!
    prince san and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  14. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Appreciate the time you took to write this ! Thank you for this brother. May not be the best answer according to you, but, sure it is so good. I will try them out. I will be busy next week, so, mostly I won't be coming online. That doesn't matter though, as I'm not in a duel as of now..

    Thank you so much brother. When I see people like you, trying to help me out like this, I feel like doing them. I will give my everything, and try them all out. I will keep the Journal going, sure; and I will keep working out still; and I will learn programming and will read some books too. I will keep myself occupied, I can't thank you enough brother.
  15. Will miss your constant inspiration over the next week but it's good you'll keep yourself busy. Trust me when i say bro, whatever you say is not all talk, I'm a lazy fuck still yet I'm trying and forcing myself so I'm moulded into a productive and beneficial human. No one can achieve perfection but we can sure strive towards it, I don't want you to make the same mistakes I've done in the previous year where I constantly say I'll do something and I either don't do it at all or do it last minute to a shit standard. I want you to reach the potential you have and that is a limitless potential. Learn from my mistakes and better yourself like I'm trying to better myself now, this is no game it's a war declared against ourselves to better ourselves. Write out your goals, whatever they are, be mindful and grateful for everything to the creator of such an intricate world even though it is heaven to some and hell to others and never stop fighting with every amount of power we have been given.
    Alex_Al and CoolBuddy7 like this.
  16. Coolbuddy7

    Coolbuddy7 Fapstronaut

    Wow, it felt so good brother. I wanted to tell you, that I will learn from experiences of your's and mine as well, but, instead, I will try to do it, and then speak about it. I will still come here, whenever I can within the next week. Yeah, I sure have to acknowledge the fact you told me not to fail, or do it last minute at a shit-standard. It pretty much sums up everything. Glad to know I have many people here to look up to. I will write all of my goals, work towards achieving them, and thanks for reassuring me that it's just not talking that I do. I will try my best to prove that is correct.
    Last edited: May 3, 2019
    Alex_Al and primordial-saiyan like this.
  17. control your life

    control your life Distinguished Fapstronaut

    check in friday !
    stay strong brothers and sisters!
  18. Checking in, my Amazonian sister @Freedom_lover has beaten her personal record, congrats!! So the girl team is fierce, juicy and feminine, how about you @010010010100000101001101 ?
    I have come across a few articles on self yoni massage as a means of releasing past pain and traumas and they say its goal is not pleasure but rather releasing tension from muscles and the body in general, kind of self exploration I'd say. So I wondered whether it equals masturbation or edging. It probably borders on the edging I guess.